C ++中是否有链接列表预定义库?

时间:2021-07-30 07:21:51

Is there a linked list in C++ that I could just #include? Or do I need to create my own if I want to use one?

C ++中是否有链接列表,我可以#include?或者,如果我想使用它,我是否需要创建自己的?

5 个解决方案



As daniel notes, yes, std::list. Usage would be:

正如daniel所说,是的,std :: list。用法是:

#include <list>
// ...
std::list<int> listOfInts;
// ...

And so on.


You can find a complete list of STL classes here. The section you're after is 3.2, Container classes. Another useful reference of the C++ Standard Library is here.

您可以在此处找到完整的STL课程列表。您所追求的部分是3.2,容器类。这里是C ++标准库的另一个有用的参考。



#include <list>



In c++ we have the STL, Standard Template Libraries which do contain a a lot of implemantations of popular data structures and algorithms like stacks, queues, linked lists and popular searching and sorting algorithms even.....

在c ++中,我们有STL标准模板库,它们包含大量流行数据结构和算法的实现,如堆栈,队列,链表和流行的搜索和排序算法甚至......

As already told by daniel you can include it by #include< list>

正如daniel所说,你可以通过#include 包含它



STL List



If you are open to looking into Qt, you might want to try out their containers (like QList, QMap, and the very cool QString). QList supports the C++ iterator pattern, as well as the arguably easier "Java-style iterators"...which look more like this:

如果您愿意查看Qt,您可能想要尝试他们的容器(如QList,QMap和非常酷的QString)。 QList支持C ++迭代器模式,以及可以说更容易的“Java风格迭代器”......看起来更像是这样:

QList<QString> list;
list << "A" << "B" << "C" << "D";

QListIterator<QString> i(list);
while (i.hasNext())
    qDebug() << i.next();

The idea that C++ programmers should always use the standard library should be taken with a grain of salt. For lists, maps, strings, and almost everything else...you will find that high-profile projects often use something else. The source code to Mozilla has 9 of its own different concrete classes for strings, because std::string just didn't meet their needs for internationalization/etc.

C ++程序员应该始终使用标准库的想法应该采取一些措施。对于列表,地图,字符串以及几乎所有其他内容......您会发现高调项目经常使用其他内容。 Mozilla的源代码有9个不同的字符串具体类,因为std :: string只是不能满足国际化/等的需要。

While you shouldn't always use the C++ standard library in every kind of project, you should definitely know HOW to use it. It contains classes that are extremely general, well-tested, well-documented, and available on every installation. This makes it a good baseline for communicating with other C++ programmers about algorithms / etc.

虽然你不应该总是在各种项目中使用C ++标准库,但你应该知道如何使用它。它包含非常通用,经过良好测试,文档齐全且每次安装都可用的类。这使它成为与其他C ++程序员就算法/等进行通信的良好基线。



As daniel notes, yes, std::list. Usage would be:

正如daniel所说,是的,std :: list。用法是:

#include <list>
// ...
std::list<int> listOfInts;
// ...

And so on.


You can find a complete list of STL classes here. The section you're after is 3.2, Container classes. Another useful reference of the C++ Standard Library is here.

您可以在此处找到完整的STL课程列表。您所追求的部分是3.2,容器类。这里是C ++标准库的另一个有用的参考。



#include <list>



In c++ we have the STL, Standard Template Libraries which do contain a a lot of implemantations of popular data structures and algorithms like stacks, queues, linked lists and popular searching and sorting algorithms even.....

在c ++中,我们有STL标准模板库,它们包含大量流行数据结构和算法的实现,如堆栈,队列,链表和流行的搜索和排序算法甚至......

As already told by daniel you can include it by #include< list>

正如daniel所说,你可以通过#include 包含它



STL List



If you are open to looking into Qt, you might want to try out their containers (like QList, QMap, and the very cool QString). QList supports the C++ iterator pattern, as well as the arguably easier "Java-style iterators"...which look more like this:

如果您愿意查看Qt,您可能想要尝试他们的容器(如QList,QMap和非常酷的QString)。 QList支持C ++迭代器模式,以及可以说更容易的“Java风格迭代器”......看起来更像是这样:

QList<QString> list;
list << "A" << "B" << "C" << "D";

QListIterator<QString> i(list);
while (i.hasNext())
    qDebug() << i.next();

The idea that C++ programmers should always use the standard library should be taken with a grain of salt. For lists, maps, strings, and almost everything else...you will find that high-profile projects often use something else. The source code to Mozilla has 9 of its own different concrete classes for strings, because std::string just didn't meet their needs for internationalization/etc.

C ++程序员应该始终使用标准库的想法应该采取一些措施。对于列表,地图,字符串以及几乎所有其他内容......您会发现高调项目经常使用其他内容。 Mozilla的源代码有9个不同的字符串具体类,因为std :: string只是不能满足国际化/等的需要。

While you shouldn't always use the C++ standard library in every kind of project, you should definitely know HOW to use it. It contains classes that are extremely general, well-tested, well-documented, and available on every installation. This makes it a good baseline for communicating with other C++ programmers about algorithms / etc.

虽然你不应该总是在各种项目中使用C ++标准库,但你应该知道如何使用它。它包含非常通用,经过良好测试,文档齐全且每次安装都可用的类。这使它成为与其他C ++程序员就算法/等进行通信的良好基线。