动态分配双向链接循环列表类实例segfault C ++

时间:2022-05-19 07:18:23

Using this template class works perfectly fine when main operates with constructed variables of type dlring, yet my goal is to allow dynamic allocation, so I can handle a non-predefined number of doubly linked circular lists to allow usage of such functions as:


  • Splitting a list into two by either using a node position (via
    iteration) or value entry.
  • 通过使用节点位置(通过迭代)或值输入将列表拆分为两个。

  • Same goes for linking two lists into one with a single head/tail pair.
  • 将两个列表链接到一个具有单个头/尾对的列表也是如此。

  • Node exporting from one list (instance) to another.
  • 节点从一个列表(实例)导出到另一个列表。

  • Etc.

I'm pretty much sure there is an elegant workaround which is simply not known by me yet, but I don't think it's nice to come up with a question for the community if you didn't struggle enough to resolve. (checked google

我非常确定有一个优雅的解决方法,但我还不知道,但如果你没有足够的解决方法,我认为为社区提出一个问题并不好。 (检查谷歌

So with that goals I'm supposed to dynamically allocate memory (via constructor calls) using some kind of pointer-to-pointer, AFAIK. If there is a smarter way to implement these, please let me know. My solution attempt is given in the end of this snippet. Feel free to criticize all of the below.


Doubly linked circular list class header (simplified)

template <typename T>
class dlring
    struct node
        T data;
        node* prev;
        node* next;
        node(T t, node* p, node* n) : data(t), prev(p), next(n) {}
    node* head;
    node* tail;
    dlring():head(nullptr), tail(nullptr){}
    bool empty() const { return ( !head || !tail ); }
//operator bool() const { return !empty(); }
    void Push(T);
    T pop_back();
            node* temp(head);
            delete temp;

Should I use the commented out operator bool overload?


pop_back and Push methods:

template <typename T>
void dlring<T>::Push(T data)
    head = new node(data, tail, head); 
    if( head->next )
        head->next->prev = head;
        tail->next = head;
    if( empty() )
        tail = head;
template<typename T>
T dlring<T>::pop_back()
    if( empty() )
        std::cout<<"List empty";
    node* temp(tail);
    T data( tail->data );
    tail = tail->prev ;
    if (tail != temp)
        tail->next->next = head; 
        head->prev = tail;
        head = nullptr;
        tail = nullptr;
    delete temp;
    temp = nullptr;
    return data;

My attempt doesn't have the right behaviour: When I'm trying to show all the lists via a iteration the code fails, segfaulting on head->data access attempt of dlist[0], where 0 is an iteration of k. Here is the snippet:

我的尝试没有正确的行为:当我试图通过迭代显示所有列表时,代码失败,在头部上进行分区 - > dlist [0]的数据访问尝试,其中0是k的迭代。这是片段:

   int main()
    int k;
      std::cout<<"Rings count?"<<std::endl;
        dlring<int>* dlist = new dlring<int>[k]; //I suppose I'm allocating *k*
     //dlring<int> elements. this line is not confirmed to call the constructor.
    std::cout<<(dlist[0]).pop_back()<<" ";
    std::cout<<(dlist[1]).pop_back()<<" ";
    //this section works perfectly fine, while this
      for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
        std::cout<<(dlist[k]).pop_back()<<" ";
    //is causing a segmentation fault while attempting to access dlist[*0*].tail->data.
    //line was checked and is confirmed to be functional, 
    //I suppose dlist[variable] has some trick I don't know yet.
    //what I wish to look like an instance call would be *
    return 0;

Best regards. Again, feel free to criticize any of my code/logics.


1 个解决方案


  for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
    std::cout<<(dlist[k]).pop_back()<<" ";

Is not using the iterator i. It should be:


  for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
    std::cout<<(dlist[i]).pop_back()<<" ";

Since dlist is an array of size k, the original code produces an out-of-bounds access.


Since the aforementioned loop makes every list in the dlist array empty, the head of all of them will be a null pointer. Note that you shouldn't be able to access it at all, since it is a private member. If you do, you'll get an segfault when dereferencing it:



If this compiles, at this point in the program, dlist[0].head == nullptr, therefore segfault.

如果这个编译,在程序的这一点,dlist [0] .head == nullptr,因此segfault。

Also note that you're leaking memory since you're not releasing the dynamically allocated dlist. Append to the end of you program:


delete[] dlist;

With those changes, I don't get any segfaults, or issues, or reports from clang's address sanitizer.


Another issue (that doesn't manifest in your main) is the set-up of tail in pop_back. I'll try to use some ASCII art for illustration. A box


   D ->
<- D

denotes a node with Data, a next pointer and a prev pointer. All arrows are pointers.


A nonempty list:


   v                             |
   D ->    D -> ..    D ->    D -+
+- D    <- D    .. <- D    <- D
|                             ^
   ^                          ^
   |head                      |tail

head->prev points to the same object as tail, and similarly, tail->next points to the same object as head.

head-> prev指向与tail相同的对象,类似地,tail-> next指向与head相同的对象。

Now, an "animation" of the pop_back function.


template<typename T>
T dlring<T>::pop_back()
    if( empty() )
        std::cout<<"List empty";
    node* temp(tail);

       v                             |
       D ->    D -> ..    D ->    D -+
    +- D    <- D    .. <- D    <- D
    |                             ^
       ^                          ^
       |head                      |tail

    T data( tail->data );
    tail = tail->prev ;

       v                             |
       D ->    D -> ..    D ->    D -+
    +- D    <- D    .. <- D    <- D
    |                             ^
       ^                  ^       ^
       |head              |tail   |temp

    if (tail != temp)
        tail->next->next = head; 

           v                             |
           D ->    D -> ..    D ->    D -+  (A)
        +- D    <- D    .. <- D    <- D
        |                             ^
           ^                  ^       ^
           |head              |tail   |temp

        The pointer (A) is what is changed when writing to tail->next->next.
        Yes, nothing has actually changed in the list!

        head->prev = tail;

           v                             |
           D ->    D -> ..    D ->    D -+
        +- D    <- D    .. <- D    <- D
        |                     ^
           ^                  ^       ^
           |head              |tail   |temp

        head = nullptr;
        tail = nullptr;
    delete temp;

       D ->    D -> ..    D ->
    +- D    <- D    .. <- D
    |                     ^
       ^                  ^       ^
       |head              |tail   |temp

    temp = nullptr;
    return data;

Note that in the last "picture", tail->next is an invalid pointer.

请注意,在最后一个“图片”中,tail-> next是无效指针。

Instead, it should be:


    if (tail != temp)
        tail->next = head; 

           v                     |       |
           D ->    D -> ..    D -+    D -+
        +- D    <- D    .. <- D    <- D
        |                             ^
           ^                  ^       ^
           |head              |tail   |temp

After deletion of temp (no further changes), it will look like this:


           v                     |
           D ->    D -> ..    D -+
        +- D    <- D    .. <- D
        |                     ^
           ^                  ^       ^
           |head              |tail   |temp

Last but not least, please be aware that you're violating the Rule of Three.



  for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
    std::cout<<(dlist[k]).pop_back()<<" ";

Is not using the iterator i. It should be:


  for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
    std::cout<<(dlist[i]).pop_back()<<" ";

Since dlist is an array of size k, the original code produces an out-of-bounds access.


Since the aforementioned loop makes every list in the dlist array empty, the head of all of them will be a null pointer. Note that you shouldn't be able to access it at all, since it is a private member. If you do, you'll get an segfault when dereferencing it:



If this compiles, at this point in the program, dlist[0].head == nullptr, therefore segfault.

如果这个编译,在程序的这一点,dlist [0] .head == nullptr,因此segfault。

Also note that you're leaking memory since you're not releasing the dynamically allocated dlist. Append to the end of you program:


delete[] dlist;

With those changes, I don't get any segfaults, or issues, or reports from clang's address sanitizer.


Another issue (that doesn't manifest in your main) is the set-up of tail in pop_back. I'll try to use some ASCII art for illustration. A box


   D ->
<- D

denotes a node with Data, a next pointer and a prev pointer. All arrows are pointers.


A nonempty list:


   v                             |
   D ->    D -> ..    D ->    D -+
+- D    <- D    .. <- D    <- D
|                             ^
   ^                          ^
   |head                      |tail

head->prev points to the same object as tail, and similarly, tail->next points to the same object as head.

head-> prev指向与tail相同的对象,类似地,tail-> next指向与head相同的对象。

Now, an "animation" of the pop_back function.


template<typename T>
T dlring<T>::pop_back()
    if( empty() )
        std::cout<<"List empty";
    node* temp(tail);

       v                             |
       D ->    D -> ..    D ->    D -+
    +- D    <- D    .. <- D    <- D
    |                             ^
       ^                          ^
       |head                      |tail

    T data( tail->data );
    tail = tail->prev ;

       v                             |
       D ->    D -> ..    D ->    D -+
    +- D    <- D    .. <- D    <- D
    |                             ^
       ^                  ^       ^
       |head              |tail   |temp

    if (tail != temp)
        tail->next->next = head; 

           v                             |
           D ->    D -> ..    D ->    D -+  (A)
        +- D    <- D    .. <- D    <- D
        |                             ^
           ^                  ^       ^
           |head              |tail   |temp

        The pointer (A) is what is changed when writing to tail->next->next.
        Yes, nothing has actually changed in the list!

        head->prev = tail;

           v                             |
           D ->    D -> ..    D ->    D -+
        +- D    <- D    .. <- D    <- D
        |                     ^
           ^                  ^       ^
           |head              |tail   |temp

        head = nullptr;
        tail = nullptr;
    delete temp;

       D ->    D -> ..    D ->
    +- D    <- D    .. <- D
    |                     ^
       ^                  ^       ^
       |head              |tail   |temp

    temp = nullptr;
    return data;

Note that in the last "picture", tail->next is an invalid pointer.

请注意,在最后一个“图片”中,tail-> next是无效指针。

Instead, it should be:


    if (tail != temp)
        tail->next = head; 

           v                     |       |
           D ->    D -> ..    D -+    D -+
        +- D    <- D    .. <- D    <- D
        |                             ^
           ^                  ^       ^
           |head              |tail   |temp

After deletion of temp (no further changes), it will look like this:


           v                     |
           D ->    D -> ..    D -+
        +- D    <- D    .. <- D
        |                     ^
           ^                  ^       ^
           |head              |tail   |temp

Last but not least, please be aware that you're violating the Rule of Three.
