单个刻度线中的C ++模板字符作为参数

时间:2022-02-06 07:19:17

I make it short. The code:


typedef int NAME;

template <NAME, typename T>
class MyTemplate

    MyTemplate(T value)
        value_type = value;

    T value_type;

    operator T& const ()
        return value_type;

And in in main:


MyTemplate<'val', int> number1(1);

I tumbled across this kind of code a while ago and I just rebuilt it by memorizing. What is confusing to me is the val as the first template argument. Also, if I pass more than 4 characters the compiler will complain. So what could be the purpose of the NAME in the template and why can I pass a string in single ticks? I'm also not sure if the code I saw a while ago had the typedef in it but without it it won't compile.


1 个解决方案



'val' is a multi-character literal. Its type is int (rather than char, as ordinary character literals use in C++). its numeric value is implementation-defined. It is distinct from a string literal.

'val'是一个多字符文字。它的类型是int(而不是char,就像普通字符文字在C ++中使用的那样)。它的数值是实现定义的。它与字符串文字不同。



'val' is a multi-character literal. Its type is int (rather than char, as ordinary character literals use in C++). its numeric value is implementation-defined. It is distinct from a string literal.

'val'是一个多字符文字。它的类型是int(而不是char,就像普通字符文字在C ++中使用的那样)。它的数值是实现定义的。它与字符串文字不同。