
时间:2021-10-06 07:16:47

Pretty simple question here. I just want a SQL database on my version of Kali linux so I can practice SQL.

非常简单的问题。我只是想在我的Kali linux版本上有一个SQL数据库,这样我就可以练习SQL了。

I opened the command line and entered tried to start mysql and get an error.


> mysql -u root
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'

I also made sure it was already installed using apt-get.


What are the steps I need to take to be able to make a database with tables and data that I can query?


2 个解决方案



I don't know about Kali, but on Ubuntu it would be


$ sudo service mysql start

Once that command returns, the mysqld service has started, so you can use the mysql client to connect to it.


Of course, you also have to make sure you have the mysql-server package installed, not just mysql-client and mysql-common, and that you've initialized the database instance. Complete post-installation instructions can be found in the official documentation, but the short version is


  1. Make sure the installer has created the mysql user account. This is the account that will "own" the server process once it starts.
  2. 确保安装程序已经创建了mysql用户帐户。一旦服务器进程启动,这个帐户将“拥有”它。
  3. Change to your data directory. (I used the installer's default of /var/lib/mysql; you can change this by editing my.cnf.)
  4. 更改为您的数据目录。(我使用了安装程序默认的/var/lib/mysql;您可以通过编辑my.cnf来更改它。
  5. As root, execute the server daemon with the --initialize switch. Check whereis to determine the correct path, then


    $ sudo /path/to/mysqld --initialize --user=mysql
  6. This command will twiddle itself for a while, then display an automatically-generated password and exit. Once the command returns, the database instance has been initialized and the system tables created. You can now start the database instance normally (using service start), then log in as the database user root (which is not the same as the system user root) using the password from above, then change your password, create a new database user, log in as that user, create a user database, and start creating tables.


Again, the official documentation is the place to look for this; if any of the instructions in the official documentation differ from my instructions, you should ignore me and follow the official documentation's instructions.




If sudo service mysql start doesn't work for you, please try running mysqld_safe and don't kill the process. Use another tab to check the status of mysql service. This should solve your mysqld.sock issue.

如果sudo服务mysql start对您不起作用,请尝试运行mysqld_safe,不要终止进程。使用另一个选项卡检查mysql服务的状态。这应该可以解决mysqld。袜子的问题。

If it doesn't work out, then please edit your my.cnf file and add the following:



And the permissions,


sudo chmod -R 755 /var/lib/mysql/

Hopefully, this should do it.




I don't know about Kali, but on Ubuntu it would be


$ sudo service mysql start

Once that command returns, the mysqld service has started, so you can use the mysql client to connect to it.


Of course, you also have to make sure you have the mysql-server package installed, not just mysql-client and mysql-common, and that you've initialized the database instance. Complete post-installation instructions can be found in the official documentation, but the short version is


  1. Make sure the installer has created the mysql user account. This is the account that will "own" the server process once it starts.
  2. 确保安装程序已经创建了mysql用户帐户。一旦服务器进程启动,这个帐户将“拥有”它。
  3. Change to your data directory. (I used the installer's default of /var/lib/mysql; you can change this by editing my.cnf.)
  4. 更改为您的数据目录。(我使用了安装程序默认的/var/lib/mysql;您可以通过编辑my.cnf来更改它。
  5. As root, execute the server daemon with the --initialize switch. Check whereis to determine the correct path, then


    $ sudo /path/to/mysqld --initialize --user=mysql
  6. This command will twiddle itself for a while, then display an automatically-generated password and exit. Once the command returns, the database instance has been initialized and the system tables created. You can now start the database instance normally (using service start), then log in as the database user root (which is not the same as the system user root) using the password from above, then change your password, create a new database user, log in as that user, create a user database, and start creating tables.


Again, the official documentation is the place to look for this; if any of the instructions in the official documentation differ from my instructions, you should ignore me and follow the official documentation's instructions.




If sudo service mysql start doesn't work for you, please try running mysqld_safe and don't kill the process. Use another tab to check the status of mysql service. This should solve your mysqld.sock issue.

如果sudo服务mysql start对您不起作用,请尝试运行mysqld_safe,不要终止进程。使用另一个选项卡检查mysql服务的状态。这应该可以解决mysqld。袜子的问题。

If it doesn't work out, then please edit your my.cnf file and add the following:



And the permissions,


sudo chmod -R 755 /var/lib/mysql/

Hopefully, this should do it.
