为什么PHP PEAR报告它在Windows上找不到某些DLL?

时间:2022-11-28 07:13:58

I'm trying to do a system wide install of PEAR on my web server. When I execute go-pear.bat in the PHP installation folder from the command line I get the following error windows popping up:


php.exe - Unable To Locate Component
This application has failed to start because php_mbstring.dll was not found. 
Re-installing the application may fix this problem. 

php.exe - Unable To Locate Component
This application has failed to start because php_pdo.dll was not found. 
Re-installing the application may fix this problem. 

I also see the following warnings emitted in the command line window by the script:


PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library './ext/php_exif.dll' - The specified modul
e could not be found.
 in Unknown on line 0

All of these modules are configured in the php.ini file (which resides in the php install folder c:\php).

所有这些模块都在php.ini文件中配置(它位于php安装文件夹c:\ php中)。

They are also reported correctly by php_info().


I'm running PHP 5.2.6 Windows Non thread safe build on FastCGI on IIS6.

我在IIS6上运行PHP 5.2.6 Windows非线程安全版本的FastCGI。


I've also tried (as suggested by acrosman) setting extension_dir=c:\php and extension_dir=c:\php\ext but without success.

我也试过(按照acrosman的建议)设置extension_dir = c:\ php和extension_dir = c:\ php \ ext但没有成功。

I'm also remembering to kill the php-cgi.exe process (FastCGI keeps it alive) after each php.ini modification to force a re-read.


Update 2:

This looks like a PHP issue and not an issue with PEAR, running php.exe from the command line generates the same errors.


2 个解决方案


Solved. It turns out that php.exe needs to see the PHP extensions (c:\php\ext) folder in the system PATH.

解决了。事实证明,php.exe需要在系统PATH中看到PHP扩展(c:\ php \ ext)文件夹。


Check to make you that the extension directory is properly set in you php.ini file. I suspect that it's set as being a relative path, and that setting is causing problems when running from the command line:


extension_dir ="C:\PHP\ext"


Solved. It turns out that php.exe needs to see the PHP extensions (c:\php\ext) folder in the system PATH.

解决了。事实证明,php.exe需要在系统PATH中看到PHP扩展(c:\ php \ ext)文件夹。


Check to make you that the extension directory is properly set in you php.ini file. I suspect that it's set as being a relative path, and that setting is causing problems when running from the command line:


extension_dir ="C:\PHP\ext"