如何使用PowerShell在IIS 5.0中创建应用程序?

时间:2022-07-14 07:15:03

I've worked out how to interact with IIS 6.0, but I can't find anything on the net about how to talk to IIS 5.0 - if indeed it's even possible?

我已经研究了如何与IIS 6.0进行交互,但我在网上找不到关于如何与IIS 5.0交谈的任何内容 - 如果确实甚至可能的话?

I would like to write a script to create a temporary application, so I can copy some ASP.NET files there, build them, and then remove the temporary application.


If needs be I am happy to call a third-party VBScript instead.


2 个解决方案



There use to be some installers on the ASP.NET downloads that would setup a project in IIS 5.0. I think it was the old ASP.NET Forums software. I know this wasn't an answer to your question.

ASP.NET下载中有一些安装程序可以在IIS 5.0中设置项目。我认为这是旧的ASP.NET论坛软件。我知道这不是你问题的答案。

If I was a betting man I would say they probably created a batch file that used the VBScripts. Because I remember a black window popping up to compile and deploy.


As far as PowerShell goes, I don't think there is any solution for integration with IIS 5.

就PowerShell而言,我认为没有任何与IIS 5集成的解决方案。



Can I automate creating a .NET web application / virtual directory in IIS 5?

我可以在IIS 5中自动创建.NET Web应用程序/虚拟目录吗?



There use to be some installers on the ASP.NET downloads that would setup a project in IIS 5.0. I think it was the old ASP.NET Forums software. I know this wasn't an answer to your question.

ASP.NET下载中有一些安装程序可以在IIS 5.0中设置项目。我认为这是旧的ASP.NET论坛软件。我知道这不是你问题的答案。

If I was a betting man I would say they probably created a batch file that used the VBScripts. Because I remember a black window popping up to compile and deploy.


As far as PowerShell goes, I don't think there is any solution for integration with IIS 5.

就PowerShell而言,我认为没有任何与IIS 5集成的解决方案。



Can I automate creating a .NET web application / virtual directory in IIS 5?

我可以在IIS 5中自动创建.NET Web应用程序/虚拟目录吗?