
时间:2022-06-07 07:13:54

I just downloaded GNU emacs23.4, and I already have python3.2 installed in Windows7.

我刚下载了GNU emacs23.4,我已经在Windows7中安装了python3.2。

I have been using Python IDLE to edit python files.

我一直在使用Python IDLE来编辑python文件。

The problem is that I can edit python files with Emacs but I do not know how to run python interpreter in Emacs. When i click on "switch to interpreter", then it says "Searching for program: no such file or directory, python"


Someone says i need to make some change on .emacs file, but i do not know where to look for.


And I am very unexperienced and just started to learn programming. I am not familiar with commonly used terminologies. I have been searching for solutions but most of the articles i find on the Internet only confuse me.


so the questions are:


  1. how do i run python interpreter in Emacs?
  2. 我如何在Emacs中运行python解释器?

  3. are there different kind of python interpreter? if so, why do they have different interpreters for one language?
  4. 有不同类型的python解释器?如果是这样,为什么他们为一种语言有不同的口译员?

8 个解决方案



Place this in your .emacs to let emacs know where is your python interpretor


 (setq python-shell-interpreter "path\to\your\python3.2")

To learn about.emacs you can read about it in Emacs itself.(Emacs comes with good info manuals and info mode to help to read that manual).


press the following in emacs


M-: (info "(Emacs)Init file") RET.

M- :( info“(Emacs)Init文件”)RET。



C-c C-z can do this. It is the key-binding for the command python-switch-to-python

C-c C-z可以做到这一点。它是命令python-switch-to-python的键绑定



IF you have python installed, try M-x python-shell (press and hold ALT while pressing x, then type python-shell, then press enter)

如果安装了python,请尝试使用M-x python-shell(在按x的同时按住ALT,然后键入python-shell,然后按回车键)

There are different language implementations if that is what you are asking (see a list of them here).




In emacs 24.5.1 with spacemacs 105 (develop branch) and the Python layer enabled ("layer" is a spacemacs concept; see their documentation), I find python-shell-switch-to-shell opens an IPython buffer. I tested macropy.console in such a buffer and it works great.

在emacs 24.5.1中使用spacemacs 105(开发分支)并启用Python层(“layer”是一个spacemacs概念;请参阅他们的文档),我发现python-shell-switch-to-shell打开了一个IPython缓冲区。我在这样的缓冲区中测试了macropy.console,效果很好。



You probably need to have Python in your windows PATH environment variable. Can you start the interpreter just by typing python in the command window?

您可能需要在Windows PATH环境变量中使用Python。你能在命令窗口输入python来启动解释器吗?

I don't have anything special in my emacs.el, but the start interpreter command works just fine.

我的emacs.el中没有任何特殊内容,但start interpreter命令工作得很好。

Also, I recommend reading this blog post, as it contains many useful tips and packages worth installing if using Emacs as a Python IDE.

此外,我建议阅读此博客文章,因为它包含许多有用的提示和包,如果使用Emacs作为Python IDE,值得安装。



In emacs 25.3.1 I use this to open up a python shell:

在emacs 25.3.1中我用它来打开一个python shell:

M-x run-python

After first adding this to my .emacs file:


(setq python-shell-interpreter "/usr/local/bin/python3")



To simply open an interpreter, you can also use M-x python. If that does not work, try M-x python and hit TAB, which will list more options via auto-completion. One of them should work k if you have python installed.

要简单地打开一个解释器,你也可以使用M-x python。如果这不起作用,请尝试M-x python并点击TAB,它将通过自动完成列出更多选项。如果你安装了python,其中一个应该工作。

If you are inclined, it may be worthwhile to check out the Emacs python modes as well - http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/?action=browse;oldid=PythonMode;id=PythonProgrammingInEmacs

如果你有倾向,那么查看Emacs python模式也许是值得的 - http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/?action=browse;oldid=PythonMode;id=PythonProgrammingInEmacs



In emacs 24.2 there is python-switch-to-python

在emacs 24.2中有python-switch-to-python



Place this in your .emacs to let emacs know where is your python interpretor


 (setq python-shell-interpreter "path\to\your\python3.2")

To learn about.emacs you can read about it in Emacs itself.(Emacs comes with good info manuals and info mode to help to read that manual).


press the following in emacs


M-: (info "(Emacs)Init file") RET.

M- :( info“(Emacs)Init文件”)RET。



C-c C-z can do this. It is the key-binding for the command python-switch-to-python

C-c C-z可以做到这一点。它是命令python-switch-to-python的键绑定



IF you have python installed, try M-x python-shell (press and hold ALT while pressing x, then type python-shell, then press enter)

如果安装了python,请尝试使用M-x python-shell(在按x的同时按住ALT,然后键入python-shell,然后按回车键)

There are different language implementations if that is what you are asking (see a list of them here).




In emacs 24.5.1 with spacemacs 105 (develop branch) and the Python layer enabled ("layer" is a spacemacs concept; see their documentation), I find python-shell-switch-to-shell opens an IPython buffer. I tested macropy.console in such a buffer and it works great.

在emacs 24.5.1中使用spacemacs 105(开发分支)并启用Python层(“layer”是一个spacemacs概念;请参阅他们的文档),我发现python-shell-switch-to-shell打开了一个IPython缓冲区。我在这样的缓冲区中测试了macropy.console,效果很好。



You probably need to have Python in your windows PATH environment variable. Can you start the interpreter just by typing python in the command window?

您可能需要在Windows PATH环境变量中使用Python。你能在命令窗口输入python来启动解释器吗?

I don't have anything special in my emacs.el, but the start interpreter command works just fine.

我的emacs.el中没有任何特殊内容,但start interpreter命令工作得很好。

Also, I recommend reading this blog post, as it contains many useful tips and packages worth installing if using Emacs as a Python IDE.

此外,我建议阅读此博客文章,因为它包含许多有用的提示和包,如果使用Emacs作为Python IDE,值得安装。



In emacs 25.3.1 I use this to open up a python shell:

在emacs 25.3.1中我用它来打开一个python shell:

M-x run-python

After first adding this to my .emacs file:


(setq python-shell-interpreter "/usr/local/bin/python3")



To simply open an interpreter, you can also use M-x python. If that does not work, try M-x python and hit TAB, which will list more options via auto-completion. One of them should work k if you have python installed.

要简单地打开一个解释器,你也可以使用M-x python。如果这不起作用,请尝试M-x python并点击TAB,它将通过自动完成列出更多选项。如果你安装了python,其中一个应该工作。

If you are inclined, it may be worthwhile to check out the Emacs python modes as well - http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/?action=browse;oldid=PythonMode;id=PythonProgrammingInEmacs

如果你有倾向,那么查看Emacs python模式也许是值得的 - http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/?action=browse;oldid=PythonMode;id=PythonProgrammingInEmacs



In emacs 24.2 there is python-switch-to-python

在emacs 24.2中有python-switch-to-python