
时间:2022-02-22 07:08:17

I have searched the web but cannot find a specific answer to the following.


What I do know: (1) a txt file of a list of files in S:\Rally can be created from cmd at the S:\Rally prompt:



(2) A new Excel file can be opened by saving the following as .vbs:


Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible = True


Then run it in cmd (say the .vbs file is saved as C:\Scripts\openex1.vbs):


cscript C:\Scripts\openex1.vbs

What I don't know is (1) how to put these together so that an Excel file (instead of a txt file) is created with the resulting list of files from S:\Rally and (2) how to automate this, preferably to run at the end of each month, but I would be fine to just double click something or go into cmd and run it myself at the end of each month.


2 个解决方案



Would a csv file suit your purpose? To get a list of files in S:\Rally, you could save a batch file in S:\Rally with one line in it:


dir /b > myCsv.csv

That would open in Excel.




(1) how to put these together so that an Excel file (instead of a txt file) is created with the resulting list of files from S:\Rally


This is a script that will copy standard input into a blank Excel file and save it using the first argument as a filename.


Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xl.Visible = True
Set wb = xl.Workbooks.Add
xldata = Split(WScript.StdIn.ReadAll, vbCrLf)
Set a1 = xl.Evaluate("Sheet1!A1")
For i = 0 To UBound(xldata)
    a1.Offset(i).Value = xldata(i)
wb.SaveAs WScript.Arguments(0)

So to run it, save it as xldump.vbs and use this command line, piping the output of the dir /b into the script.

运行它,将它保存为xldump。vbs并使用此命令行,将dir /b的输出导入脚本。

dir /b S:\Rally | cscript xldump.vbs file-list.xlsx

(2) how to automate this, preferably to run at the end of each month, but I would be fine to just double click something or go into cmd and run it myself at the end of each month.


Put the previous command in a batch file and use the Task Scheduler in the Administrative Tools control panel to run it.




Would a csv file suit your purpose? To get a list of files in S:\Rally, you could save a batch file in S:\Rally with one line in it:


dir /b > myCsv.csv

That would open in Excel.




(1) how to put these together so that an Excel file (instead of a txt file) is created with the resulting list of files from S:\Rally


This is a script that will copy standard input into a blank Excel file and save it using the first argument as a filename.


Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xl.Visible = True
Set wb = xl.Workbooks.Add
xldata = Split(WScript.StdIn.ReadAll, vbCrLf)
Set a1 = xl.Evaluate("Sheet1!A1")
For i = 0 To UBound(xldata)
    a1.Offset(i).Value = xldata(i)
wb.SaveAs WScript.Arguments(0)

So to run it, save it as xldump.vbs and use this command line, piping the output of the dir /b into the script.

运行它,将它保存为xldump。vbs并使用此命令行,将dir /b的输出导入脚本。

dir /b S:\Rally | cscript xldump.vbs file-list.xlsx

(2) how to automate this, preferably to run at the end of each month, but I would be fine to just double click something or go into cmd and run it myself at the end of each month.


Put the previous command in a batch file and use the Task Scheduler in the Administrative Tools control panel to run it.
