如何在visual studio express 2010中创建安装程序(msi)?

时间:2022-05-01 07:01:37

I have just finished creating a wpf application in visual studio express C# and need to create an installer file. This is going on just a couple of machines because it is a personal program for me. I have looked into Advanced Installer using the simple method but cannot figure out how to do that or if it can even create a wpf installer. I have also tried WIX with the same results.

我刚刚在visual studio express C#中创建了一个wpf应用程序,需要创建一个安装程序文件。这只是几台机器,因为它对我来说是个人程序。我已经使用简单的方法查看了Advanced Installer,但无法弄清楚如何做到这一点,或者它是否甚至可以创建一个wpf安装程序。我也尝试过WIX,结果相同。

Any tips for doing this?


1 个解决方案



Before I start using WiX I worked with NSIS and HM NIS Edit which has a wizard to create simple installers.

在我开始使用WiX之前,我使用过NSIS和HM NIS Edit,它有一个向导来创建简单的安装程序。

Perhaps it can help you for your purposes.




Before I start using WiX I worked with NSIS and HM NIS Edit which has a wizard to create simple installers.

在我开始使用WiX之前,我使用过NSIS和HM NIS Edit,它有一个向导来创建简单的安装程序。

Perhaps it can help you for your purposes.
