
时间:2022-01-22 06:53:48

I want to setup a Win7 virtual machine to develop using Visual Studio 2008 and ASP.Net 3.5.

我想设置一个Win7虚拟机来使用Visual Studio 2008和ASP.Net 3.5进行开发。

I don't know what the best order to install what I need. I will need to install:


a) Visual Studio 2008 b) IIS c) Service Packs for Visual Studio and/or .Net Framework

a)Visual Studio 2008 b)IIS c)Visual Studio和/或.Net Framework的Service Pack

My last try was bad, I cannot do my old ASP.Net 3.5 web app to work on Win7 (works fine on Win2003).

我的最后一次尝试很糟糕,我不能用我的旧ASP.Net 3.5网络应用程序在Win7上工作(在Win2003上运行正常)。

Another questions are, if I choose to use Visual Studio 2010 (to develop ASP.Net 3.5), it's recommended? And the installation order will change?

另外一个问题是,如果我选择使用Visual Studio 2010(开发ASP.Net 3.5),建议使用吗?安装顺序会改变吗?

Thanks for all


2 个解决方案


Your best bet is to actually use the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. This tool will walk you through installing ALL of the components you need to host a web application. Pick your platform (PHP, ASP.NET, etc), an optional application (DasBlog, etc), and even choose to download Visual Studio 2008 Web Developer + SQL Express. It will install everything for you seamlessly. I've used it and I highly recommend it for a "clean" install.

最好的办法是实际使用Microsoft Web Platform Installer。该工具将指导您安装托管Web应用程序所需的所有组件。选择您的平台(PHP,ASP.NET等),可选应用程序(DasBlog等),甚至选择下载Visual Studio 2008 Web Developer + SQL Express。它将无缝地为您安装一切。我已经使用过了,我强烈推荐它用于“干净”的安装。


I'd install IIS first, then Visual Studio 2008. The framework will come with VS.NET 2008. If all goes wrong learn to use aspnet_regiis.exe

我首先安装IIS,然后安装Visual Studio 2008.该框架将随VS.NET 2008一起提供。如果一切都出错,请学习使用aspnet_regiis.exe


Your best bet is to actually use the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. This tool will walk you through installing ALL of the components you need to host a web application. Pick your platform (PHP, ASP.NET, etc), an optional application (DasBlog, etc), and even choose to download Visual Studio 2008 Web Developer + SQL Express. It will install everything for you seamlessly. I've used it and I highly recommend it for a "clean" install.

最好的办法是实际使用Microsoft Web Platform Installer。该工具将指导您安装托管Web应用程序所需的所有组件。选择您的平台(PHP,ASP.NET等),可选应用程序(DasBlog等),甚至选择下载Visual Studio 2008 Web Developer + SQL Express。它将无缝地为您安装一切。我已经使用过了,我强烈推荐它用于“干净”的安装。


I'd install IIS first, then Visual Studio 2008. The framework will come with VS.NET 2008. If all goes wrong learn to use aspnet_regiis.exe

我首先安装IIS,然后安装Visual Studio 2008.该框架将随VS.NET 2008一起提供。如果一切都出错,请学习使用aspnet_regiis.exe