
时间:2022-06-01 19:51:13




// single list node define
typedef struct __ListNode
	int val;
	struct __ListNode *next;




// Init single list without head node
ListNode *list_init(int arr[], int n)
	ListNode *h;
	for(h=NULL; n--; list_append(&h,arr[n]));
	return h;


// Using Virtual Head which stored in stack memory not in heap memory
ListNode *listhead=list_init(arr,n);
ListNode H;		// stored in stack memory not in heap memory
H.next = listhead;
list_dosome(&H);// do some operator by using &H which contains head node


/* Single list append and erase node sketch
 * ListNode *h=0x0010;
 * List:  15->20->10->15->NULL
 * addr:  0x0010   +-> 0x2010   +-> 0x1014   +-> 0x0200
 * val:   15       |   20       |   10       |   15
 * next:  0x2010  -+   0x1014  -+   0x0200  -+   0x0000 -->NULL
 * List:  15->20->10->15->NULL
 * append:7
 * addr:  0x3014   +-> 0x0010   +-> 0x2010   +-> 0x1014   +-> 0x0200
 * val:   7        |   15       |   20       |   10       |   15
 * next:  0x0010  -+   0x2010  -+   0x1014  -+   0x020-  -+   0x0000 -->NULL
 * ListNode *h=0x3014; h->next = 0x0010;
 * List:  7->15->20->10->15->NULL
 * List:  15->20->10->15->NULL
 * erase: 15
 * addr:  0x2010   +-> 0x1014
 * val:   20       |   10
 * next:  0x1014  -+   0x0000 -->NULL
 * ListNode *h=0x2010;
 * List:  20->10->NULL
 * */



// list append, using head insertion
void list_append(ListNode **head, int val)
	ListNode *ln = (ListNode*)malloc(sizeof(ListNode));
	ln->val = val;
	ln->next = *head;
	*head = ln;



// list erase, may erase first node
int list_erase(ListNode **head, int val)
	int c = 0;
	ListNode *t, *h, H;
	for(H.next=*head, h=&H, t=h->next; t; t=h->next){
		if (t->val == val){
			h->next = t->next;
			++c;			// may have several node value equal to val
		else h=t;
	*head = H.next;
	return c;				// return erase count





// recyle queue struct to storage information
typedef struct __QueueInfo{
	int *date;
	unsigned int front, rear;
	unsigned int capacity;

// recyle queue initializatio
QueueInfo *queue_init(unsigned int size)
	if (size < 1) return NULL;
	QueueInfo *q = (QueueInfo*)malloc(sizeof(QueueInfo));
	q->data = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*size);
	q->capacity = size;
	q->front = q->rear = 0;
	return q;


/* Recyle Queue Operator Push and Pop Sketch
 * Queue Size: 4
 * Capacity  : 7
 * front       rear          front       rear       rear   front
 *   |          |              |          |          |       |
 *   1  2  3  4[ ][ ][ ]    [ ]1  2  3  4[ ][ ]    4[ ][ ][ ]1  2  3
 *          (1)                    (2)                   (3)
 * PUSH : 5
 * front          rear       front          rear      rear front
 *   |             |           |             |          |    |
 *   1  2  3  4  5[ ][ ]    [ ]1  2  3  4  5[ ]    4  5[ ][ ]1  2  3
 *          (1+)                   (2+)                  (3+)
 * POP  :
 *    front    rear             front    rear       rear      front
 *      |       |                 |       |          |          |
 *   [ ]2  3  4[ ][ ][ ]    [ ][ ]2  3  4[ ][ ]    4[ ][ ][ ][ ]2  3
 *          (1-)                    (2-)                  (3-)
 * */



// recyle queue push
int queue_push(QueueInfo *q, int val)
	if (q==NULL) return -1;		// need queue
	if ((q->rear+1)%q->capacity == q->front) return 0;
	q->data[q->rear] = val;
	q->rear = (q->rear+1)%q->capacity;
	return 1;					// return push count

// recyle queue pop
int queue_pop(QueueInfo *q)
	if (q==NULL || q->front==q->rear) return 0;
	q->front = (q->front+1)%q->capacity;
	return 1;					// return pop count


// get queue front
int queue_front(QueueInfo *q)
	if (q==NULL || q->front==q->rear) return 0;
	return q->data[q->front];
// get queue size
unsigned int queue_size(QueueInfo *q)
	if (q==NULL) return 0;
	if (q->front <= q->rear) return q->rear - q->front;
	else return q->capacity - q->front + q->rear - 1;
// get queue capacity
unsigned int queue_capacity(QueueInfo *q)
	if (q==NULL) return 0;
	return q->capacity;



// easy stack struct to storage stack information
typedef struct __StackInfo
	int *data;
	unsigned int size;
	unsigned int capacity;

// stack init, size=0
StackInfo *stack_init(unsigned int capacity)
	if (capacity < 1) return NULL;
	StackInfo *s = (StackInfo*)malloc(sizeof(StackInfo));
	s->data = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*capacity);
	s->capacity = capacity;
	s->size = 0;
	return s;


/* easy stack push and pop sketch
 *     initialize           push:4          pop
 * Capacity: 7                7              7
 *   Size  : 3                4              2
 * Top<---- [ ]              [ ]            [ ]
 *          [ ]              [ ]            [ ]
 *          [ ]     size<--- [ ]            [ ]
 * size<--- [ ]               4             [ ]
 *           3                3    size<--- [ ]
 *           2                2              2
 * Bottom<-- 1                1              1
 * */


// stack push
int stack_push(StackInfo *s, int val)
	if (s==NULL) return -1;		// need stack
	if (s->size >= s->capacity) return 0;
	s->data[s->size++] = val;
	return 1;					// return push count

// stack pop
int stack_pop(StackInfo *s)
	if (s==NULL || s->size<1) return 0;
	return 1;					// return pop count


// get stack top
int stack_top(StackInfo *s)
	if (s==NULL || s->size<1) return 0;
	return s->data[s->size-1];

// get stack size
unsigned int stack_size(StackInfo *s)
	if (s==NULL) return 0;
	return s->size;

// get stack capacity
unsigned int stack_capacity(StackInfo *s)
	if (s==NULL) return 0;
	return s->capaccity;


注:本文涉及的源码:single list : https://git.oschina.net/eudiwffe/codingstudy/blob/master/src/list/singlelist.c

                       recyle  queue : https://git.oschina.net/eudiwffe/codingstudy/blob/master/src/queue/recylequeue.c

                           esay stack : https://git.oschina.net/eudiwffe/codingstudy/blob/master/src/stack/easystack.c