
时间:2022-09-19 06:05:56

This question already has an answer here:


I have been pondering on this over the last couple of days. I'm currently writing a web application (actually adding a screen to an existing, extensive application). I know that using "tables" for layout is a big no-no. But in this app, all of the pages use tables for layout. I decided to do my new page using divs instead. But I came across 2 hurdles.


  1. A lot of the layout stuff that I need to do were already done on the other pages and if I use divs instead, I cant reuse any of that (CSS's and JS and that kinda stuff). That leads to more work and pushes out my completion date.


  2. Some of the more complex parts of the layout are really difficult to do using divs and are really easy to do using tables. Maybe its just me being "old-school"y as I am not much of a web/html kinda guy (I get by).

    布局的一些更复杂的部分使用div很难做到,并且使用表格很容易。也许它只是我“老派”,因为我不是一个web / html有点人(我过去了)。

So, why can't I use tables? I'm not trying to be argumentative, just want to see if there are any compelling arguments beyond the "Its the right thing to do" type stuff. I know it is the right thing to do. I'd like to know why?


16 个解决方案


Implementing your layout with divs, spans, etc, offers a ton more flexibility over tables. Consider floating, auto wrapping of block content vs. horizontal scrolling, specifying where an element should exist on a page, etc. Content is just plain easier to manipulate via CSS when not using tables.


When using tables you're pretty locked in to a strict structure.


Now that doesn't mean it's absolutely the wrong thing to do. From your information I'd likely stick with the theme of the application for consistency sake and implement using tables. Make the best choice for the situation vs. following "the rules" on what's popular right now.


Hope that helps! Ian



Doing css layouts make it easier to change the layout of your page later on. Tables also make your html harder to read and edit.


According to this page..


  • make your redesigns more efficient and less expensive
  • 让您的重新设计更高效,更便宜

  • help you maintain visual consistency throughout your sites
  • 帮助您保持整个站点的视觉一致性

  • get you better search engine results when you minimize your markup and use header tags properly. This reduces ratio of code to content.
  • 在最小化标记并正确使用标题标记时,可以获得更好的搜索引擎结果。这降低了代码与内容的比率。

  • make your sites more accessible to all viewers and user agents.
  • 使您的网站更易于所有查看者和用户代理访问。

  • your pages load faster, file sizes will be smaller because table information isn't needed in every page.
  • 您的页面加载速度更快,文件大小会更小,因为每个页面都不需要表格信息。

  • and give you a competitive edge (that is, job security) as more of the world moves to using Web standards.
  • 随着世界越来越多地使用Web标准,您将获得竞争优势(即工作安全性)。


I'm going to post a contrarian view, just so you have some ammo. I realize this doesn't answer your question (why not use tables) but it does address the other responses you will see.


So be practical.


That said, most of my designs use pure CSS. Nearly everything can be done in CSS just as easily as with tables (or even easier.) Start with the assumption that DIVs can do it, and maybe fall back on 1 table for a tricky multi-column layout. Even then, someone has probably found a solution for your layout so search first.



They are also bad for accessibility reasons i.e. screen readers don't read them correctly, but this is only if the data you are representing is not tabular data.


Saying that, due to deadlines etc. (the real world) I've resorted to using them for form layout because it's just so much easier.



Because the tag <table> implies it should contain tabular data.



Like Peter said, the universe won't implode if you do create table-based layout, but semantically, this should be avoided.


Semantics become increasingly important, since web pages are not always shown in a desktop browser anymore. Web standards are developing in a way that HTML describes the semantic structure of the document, not the markup; and as said: using <table> tags for tabular data is semantically correct.

语义变得越来越重要,因为网页不再总是在桌面浏览器中显示。 Web标准的发展方式是HTML描述文档的语义结构,而不是标记;并且如上所述:使用表格数据的


Interesting related reads:



First, you can usually convert a table layout to divs without too much trouble once you know the necessary CSS.


But more to the point, some of the reasons why tables are bad:


  • Not all your users are going to see the page using the browser's rendering engine. Some are going to use a screen reader, which may assume that when it encounters a table, it should actually read the contents out as tabular data. Essentially, you should think of it as a coincidence that tables have a certain layout "look" in a browser.
  • 并非所有用户都会使用浏览器的渲染引擎查看该页面。有些人会使用屏幕阅读器,它可能会假设当遇到表格时,它实际上应该将内容读取为表格数据。从本质上讲,您应该认为表格在浏览器中具有某种“外观”的巧合。

  • tables can't be rendered until the table and all its children have been parsed. A div can be rendered independently of its children, so you avoid the page contents jumping up and down on the page as the page is parsed, and get to show contents sooner.
  • 在解析表及其所有子项之前,无法呈现表。 div可以独立于子节点呈现,因此您可以避免页面内容在页面解析时在页面上上下跳动,并且可以更快地显示内容。

There are good and valid reasons to prefer tables, but when you're used to tables, there's also a certain learning curve, so if you're pressed for time, this might not be the time to make that switch.



If you have the kind of constraints you mentioned, deadline looming, large existing code base, then use tables, the universe won't implode, but in the long term using css and welformed markup will allow you to create a nicer, cleaner, more maintainable website.



Tables are pretty ugly if you want to support text to speech readers (if you've got any kind of accessibility requirements, you pretty much have to use tables for tables and nothing else).


There is an SEO aspect of this as well. For SEO, it's better to have your content at the top of the page than at the bottom. (Sadly, studies suggest appears that putting a menu first is actually a good idea for accessibility, so the two imperatives *.)

这也有SEO方面。对于SEO,最好将您的内容放在页面顶部而不是底部。 (可悲的是,研究表明,首先放置菜单实际上是可访问性的一个好主意,因此两个命令会发生冲突。)

If you are having trouble with cross-browser support, I can suggest that you develop using Firefox. Its support for CSS development is much better than other browsers, and it's more standards-compliant (and hence more predictable). Later on, you can patch up for down-level browsers.


And, as Peter says, the universe won't implode. But using CSS for layout is cleaner in the long term. Redesigning something with the layout hard-coded can be a real pain. Check out the CSS Zen Garden for examples of what you can do. Of course, in the future, we'll have CSS table layouts, the best of both worlds.

并且,正如彼得所说,宇宙不会崩溃。但从长远来看,使用CSS进行布局更加清晰。重新设计具有硬编码布局的东西可能是一个真正的痛苦。查看CSS Zen Garden,了解您可以做些什么。当然,在未来,我们将拥有CSS表格布局,两全其美。


Tables also affect the behaviour of search engines. Using CSS instead of tables is actually an SEO technique as well. The reason I heard for this is that search engines stop indexing after a certain level of tags, and layout using tables can become very deeply nested.



Using CSS for layout, rather than HTML tables provides a level of separation between your page content and the layout of that content.


With tables, your HTML markup has both your content and layout intermingled within the HTML code. This means is you ever want to have a different layout for the same content, you'll need to edit the intermingled code heavily.


By using a CSS stylesheet over your HTML markup you separate the code that provides the content (HTML) from the code that provides the layout (CSS). This makes it far easier to completely change the layout aspect of a web page without having to edit the content code.


The best example of this is the CSS Zen Garden website.

最好的例子是CSS Zen Garden网站。

All that said, it's still far easier to do some layout techniques in tables rather than CSS, so there's definitely a "balancing act" there. (For example, even Google uses tables in it's page layouts!)

总而言之,在表格而不是CSS中进行一些布局技术仍然要容易得多,因此肯定存在“平衡行为”。 (例如,即使Google在其页面布局中使用表格!)


By using tables for layout you tie the content to the formatting, this is the main point that most of the disadvantages come from. It messes up the source, complicates site-wide formatting updates that could be easily done with CSS, etc. Using tables for layout also often means slicing images on weird places just to fit them in the cells, yuck.



you can use tables, but divs have more advantages. but it's all in perspective. Like you say, you are precious for time, so probably (on short notice) tables will be the choice to make. However, if you manage to make it div-wise, you will have a more maintable page, which you can use to refactor the other pages as well.



Jeffrey Zeldman wrote a great book on this topic: Designing With Web Standards. This book should be mandatory reading for every web designer.

Jeffrey Zeldman写了一本关于这个主题的好书:使用Web标准进行设计。这本书应该是每个网页设计师的必读书。

Here are some reasons why tables for design are bad


  • Tables generate more markup -> More bandwidth usage
  • 表生成更多标记 - >更多带宽使用

  • Tables makes it harder for search engines to index your pages -> Your site becomes less "searchable"
  • 表格使搜索引擎难以为您的网页编制索引 - >您的网站变得不那么“可搜索”

  • Tables makes it harder to change and tweak the visible appearance of your site -> More costly redesigns
  • 表格更难以改变和调整网站的可见外观 - >更昂贵的重新设计

  • ...But most importantly: using tables for design adds presentation logic to your markup
  • ...但最重要的是:使用表格进行设计会为您的标记添加表示逻辑

That is bad because you want to separate your presentation from your content! HTML should only define WHAT your content is, not HOW it should look.

这很糟糕,因为您想要将您的演示文稿与您的内容分开! HTML应该只定义您的内容是什么,而不是它应该如何。

If you obtain this level of separation your site will...


  • ...be more accessible by different kinds of browsers and other kinds of user agents.
  • ...更容易被不同类型的浏览器和其他类型的用户代理访问。

  • ...make redesigns much easier
  • ...使重新设计更容易


The best you do not listen to the fanatics of CSS. These purists live in some imaginary world and will feed you the arguments of some abstract purity, semantics and the rest. You would not want to have this kind of people in your team. For now I've only seen yellow-mouth students to run around with "pure CSS design" ideas. They'll show you examples of very primitive CSS-designed sites, ignoring you whenever you ask them how you can accomplish some complex enterprise software design with it. Experienced developers already know this perfection is not possible.


What should you do? Follow the KISS principle. If CSS can help you implement your particular design idea, fine, the problem is solved. If you need to resort to some relatively uncomplex hack, it may be okay. But when it comes to some huge piece of code with dozens of rules to make a basic thing, which you easily and naturally achieve with tables, drop it.


It serves no purpose to create an incredibly complex and sophisticated tricky CSS design that noone else (and yourself after a couple of months) will be able to understand and support.


As for the "easy redesign", unless you only want to change colors and fonts, you will enevitably have to restructure your markup whether it is done with tables or without them. In the latter case, a high portion of your markup will serve no purpose except implement CSS trickery which will be useless for you new redesign idea.


Honestly, it's not your fault that the people responsible for further development of HTML/CSS don't do their job properly. You should not waste your and other people's time trying to find workarounds for something that should have been there ages ago.

老实说,负责进一步开发HTML / CSS的人员不能正常工作,这不是你的错。你不应该浪费你和其他人的时间来寻找应该在很久以前就已存在的东西的变通办法。

HTML/CSS is a good example of how poorly some committee could do their job and brake the development of technology as compared to a single company with resources and commitment.

与具有资源和承诺的单一公司相比,HTML / CSS是一个很好的例子,说明一些委员会如何能够完成工作并制止技术发展。


"The right thing to do" depends on your situation.


Yes, divs offer more flexibility, but at the end of the day, do you really need it? As far as the number of lines of code goes, I have found that a simple table is often quite a bit smaller that an equivalent div design.


It's faster to put together, and it works as reliably as possible in pretty much all browsers, which means you don't have to write a zillion hacks to make it work consistently AND it doesn't break down when a new display engine comes out.


Using tables for display is technically a hack, but it does the job, is easy to understand and maintain and is to a large degree future proof, so for a simple layout, considering that the rest of the website already uses tables for layout, I would keep using tables.


Besides, turning a Table into a "div" table which uses the new "display=table" attributes can easily be done with a few regexes (if you rack your brains, you can probably even do it with a single pass). If you know your regexes, you can replace a table with divs through an entire website in a matter of minutes, so the whole issue of flexibility is really not that big: when (if) you actually need to use divs and CSS positioning, just run a few regex, and you are set. And if you need more control than what you can handle from regex, you can spend a couple hours to write a quick & dirty parser that will convert your tables to div exactly as you want them.

此外,将表格转换为使用新“display = table”属性的“div”表可以通过几个正则表达式轻松完成(如果你绞尽脑汁,你甚至可以通过一次通过来完成它)。如果你知道你的正则表达式,你可以在几分钟内通过一个整个网站替换一个表格,所以整个灵活性问题真的不是那么大:当(如果)你真的需要使用div和CSS定位时,运行一些正则表达式,你就定了。如果你需要比正则表达式更多的控制,你可以花几个小时来编写一个快速和脏的解析器,它将你的表格完全转换为div。

Bottom line is that despite the stigma, for simple layouts, tables still do the job, they do it fast and are reliable, and if you don't have to contend with CSS purists, you can save yourself a lot of work.



CSS layouts make it easier to alter the layout through stylesheets (separation of data from display).


Also, browsers often can't render a table until the </table> tag has been parsed. This can be a problem if you are using a table with a large amount of content. CSS layouts can often be rendered as they go.

此外,在解析 标记之前,浏览器通常无法呈现表。如果您使用的是包含大量内容的表,则可能会出现问题。 CSS布局通常可以随时进行渲染。


Implementing your layout with divs, spans, etc, offers a ton more flexibility over tables. Consider floating, auto wrapping of block content vs. horizontal scrolling, specifying where an element should exist on a page, etc. Content is just plain easier to manipulate via CSS when not using tables.


When using tables you're pretty locked in to a strict structure.


Now that doesn't mean it's absolutely the wrong thing to do. From your information I'd likely stick with the theme of the application for consistency sake and implement using tables. Make the best choice for the situation vs. following "the rules" on what's popular right now.


Hope that helps! Ian



Doing css layouts make it easier to change the layout of your page later on. Tables also make your html harder to read and edit.


According to this page..


  • make your redesigns more efficient and less expensive
  • 让您的重新设计更高效,更便宜

  • help you maintain visual consistency throughout your sites
  • 帮助您保持整个站点的视觉一致性

  • get you better search engine results when you minimize your markup and use header tags properly. This reduces ratio of code to content.
  • 在最小化标记并正确使用标题标记时,可以获得更好的搜索引擎结果。这降低了代码与内容的比率。

  • make your sites more accessible to all viewers and user agents.
  • 使您的网站更易于所有查看者和用户代理访问。

  • your pages load faster, file sizes will be smaller because table information isn't needed in every page.
  • 您的页面加载速度更快,文件大小会更小,因为每个页面都不需要表格信息。

  • and give you a competitive edge (that is, job security) as more of the world moves to using Web standards.
  • 随着世界越来越多地使用Web标准,您将获得竞争优势(即工作安全性)。


I'm going to post a contrarian view, just so you have some ammo. I realize this doesn't answer your question (why not use tables) but it does address the other responses you will see.


So be practical.


That said, most of my designs use pure CSS. Nearly everything can be done in CSS just as easily as with tables (or even easier.) Start with the assumption that DIVs can do it, and maybe fall back on 1 table for a tricky multi-column layout. Even then, someone has probably found a solution for your layout so search first.



They are also bad for accessibility reasons i.e. screen readers don't read them correctly, but this is only if the data you are representing is not tabular data.


Saying that, due to deadlines etc. (the real world) I've resorted to using them for form layout because it's just so much easier.



Because the tag <table> implies it should contain tabular data.



Like Peter said, the universe won't implode if you do create table-based layout, but semantically, this should be avoided.


Semantics become increasingly important, since web pages are not always shown in a desktop browser anymore. Web standards are developing in a way that HTML describes the semantic structure of the document, not the markup; and as said: using <table> tags for tabular data is semantically correct.

语义变得越来越重要,因为网页不再总是在桌面浏览器中显示。 Web标准的发展方式是HTML描述文档的语义结构,而不是标记;并且如上所述:使用表格数据的


Interesting related reads:



First, you can usually convert a table layout to divs without too much trouble once you know the necessary CSS.


But more to the point, some of the reasons why tables are bad:


  • Not all your users are going to see the page using the browser's rendering engine. Some are going to use a screen reader, which may assume that when it encounters a table, it should actually read the contents out as tabular data. Essentially, you should think of it as a coincidence that tables have a certain layout "look" in a browser.
  • 并非所有用户都会使用浏览器的渲染引擎查看该页面。有些人会使用屏幕阅读器,它可能会假设当遇到表格时,它实际上应该将内容读取为表格数据。从本质上讲,您应该认为表格在浏览器中具有某种“外观”的巧合。

  • tables can't be rendered until the table and all its children have been parsed. A div can be rendered independently of its children, so you avoid the page contents jumping up and down on the page as the page is parsed, and get to show contents sooner.
  • 在解析表及其所有子项之前,无法呈现表。 div可以独立于子节点呈现,因此您可以避免页面内容在页面解析时在页面上上下跳动,并且可以更快地显示内容。

There are good and valid reasons to prefer tables, but when you're used to tables, there's also a certain learning curve, so if you're pressed for time, this might not be the time to make that switch.



If you have the kind of constraints you mentioned, deadline looming, large existing code base, then use tables, the universe won't implode, but in the long term using css and welformed markup will allow you to create a nicer, cleaner, more maintainable website.



Tables are pretty ugly if you want to support text to speech readers (if you've got any kind of accessibility requirements, you pretty much have to use tables for tables and nothing else).


There is an SEO aspect of this as well. For SEO, it's better to have your content at the top of the page than at the bottom. (Sadly, studies suggest appears that putting a menu first is actually a good idea for accessibility, so the two imperatives *.)

这也有SEO方面。对于SEO,最好将您的内容放在页面顶部而不是底部。 (可悲的是,研究表明,首先放置菜单实际上是可访问性的一个好主意,因此两个命令会发生冲突。)

If you are having trouble with cross-browser support, I can suggest that you develop using Firefox. Its support for CSS development is much better than other browsers, and it's more standards-compliant (and hence more predictable). Later on, you can patch up for down-level browsers.


And, as Peter says, the universe won't implode. But using CSS for layout is cleaner in the long term. Redesigning something with the layout hard-coded can be a real pain. Check out the CSS Zen Garden for examples of what you can do. Of course, in the future, we'll have CSS table layouts, the best of both worlds.

并且,正如彼得所说,宇宙不会崩溃。但从长远来看,使用CSS进行布局更加清晰。重新设计具有硬编码布局的东西可能是一个真正的痛苦。查看CSS Zen Garden,了解您可以做些什么。当然,在未来,我们将拥有CSS表格布局,两全其美。


Tables also affect the behaviour of search engines. Using CSS instead of tables is actually an SEO technique as well. The reason I heard for this is that search engines stop indexing after a certain level of tags, and layout using tables can become very deeply nested.



Using CSS for layout, rather than HTML tables provides a level of separation between your page content and the layout of that content.


With tables, your HTML markup has both your content and layout intermingled within the HTML code. This means is you ever want to have a different layout for the same content, you'll need to edit the intermingled code heavily.


By using a CSS stylesheet over your HTML markup you separate the code that provides the content (HTML) from the code that provides the layout (CSS). This makes it far easier to completely change the layout aspect of a web page without having to edit the content code.


The best example of this is the CSS Zen Garden website.

最好的例子是CSS Zen Garden网站。

All that said, it's still far easier to do some layout techniques in tables rather than CSS, so there's definitely a "balancing act" there. (For example, even Google uses tables in it's page layouts!)

总而言之,在表格而不是CSS中进行一些布局技术仍然要容易得多,因此肯定存在“平衡行为”。 (例如,即使Google在其页面布局中使用表格!)


By using tables for layout you tie the content to the formatting, this is the main point that most of the disadvantages come from. It messes up the source, complicates site-wide formatting updates that could be easily done with CSS, etc. Using tables for layout also often means slicing images on weird places just to fit them in the cells, yuck.



you can use tables, but divs have more advantages. but it's all in perspective. Like you say, you are precious for time, so probably (on short notice) tables will be the choice to make. However, if you manage to make it div-wise, you will have a more maintable page, which you can use to refactor the other pages as well.



Jeffrey Zeldman wrote a great book on this topic: Designing With Web Standards. This book should be mandatory reading for every web designer.

Jeffrey Zeldman写了一本关于这个主题的好书:使用Web标准进行设计。这本书应该是每个网页设计师的必读书。

Here are some reasons why tables for design are bad


  • Tables generate more markup -> More bandwidth usage
  • 表生成更多标记 - >更多带宽使用

  • Tables makes it harder for search engines to index your pages -> Your site becomes less "searchable"
  • 表格使搜索引擎难以为您的网页编制索引 - >您的网站变得不那么“可搜索”

  • Tables makes it harder to change and tweak the visible appearance of your site -> More costly redesigns
  • 表格更难以改变和调整网站的可见外观 - >更昂贵的重新设计

  • ...But most importantly: using tables for design adds presentation logic to your markup
  • ...但最重要的是:使用表格进行设计会为您的标记添加表示逻辑

That is bad because you want to separate your presentation from your content! HTML should only define WHAT your content is, not HOW it should look.

这很糟糕,因为您想要将您的演示文稿与您的内容分开! HTML应该只定义您的内容是什么,而不是它应该如何。

If you obtain this level of separation your site will...


  • ...be more accessible by different kinds of browsers and other kinds of user agents.
  • ...更容易被不同类型的浏览器和其他类型的用户代理访问。

  • ...make redesigns much easier
  • ...使重新设计更容易


The best you do not listen to the fanatics of CSS. These purists live in some imaginary world and will feed you the arguments of some abstract purity, semantics and the rest. You would not want to have this kind of people in your team. For now I've only seen yellow-mouth students to run around with "pure CSS design" ideas. They'll show you examples of very primitive CSS-designed sites, ignoring you whenever you ask them how you can accomplish some complex enterprise software design with it. Experienced developers already know this perfection is not possible.


What should you do? Follow the KISS principle. If CSS can help you implement your particular design idea, fine, the problem is solved. If you need to resort to some relatively uncomplex hack, it may be okay. But when it comes to some huge piece of code with dozens of rules to make a basic thing, which you easily and naturally achieve with tables, drop it.


It serves no purpose to create an incredibly complex and sophisticated tricky CSS design that noone else (and yourself after a couple of months) will be able to understand and support.


As for the "easy redesign", unless you only want to change colors and fonts, you will enevitably have to restructure your markup whether it is done with tables or without them. In the latter case, a high portion of your markup will serve no purpose except implement CSS trickery which will be useless for you new redesign idea.


Honestly, it's not your fault that the people responsible for further development of HTML/CSS don't do their job properly. You should not waste your and other people's time trying to find workarounds for something that should have been there ages ago.

老实说,负责进一步开发HTML / CSS的人员不能正常工作,这不是你的错。你不应该浪费你和其他人的时间来寻找应该在很久以前就已存在的东西的变通办法。

HTML/CSS is a good example of how poorly some committee could do their job and brake the development of technology as compared to a single company with resources and commitment.

与具有资源和承诺的单一公司相比,HTML / CSS是一个很好的例子,说明一些委员会如何能够完成工作并制止技术发展。


"The right thing to do" depends on your situation.


Yes, divs offer more flexibility, but at the end of the day, do you really need it? As far as the number of lines of code goes, I have found that a simple table is often quite a bit smaller that an equivalent div design.


It's faster to put together, and it works as reliably as possible in pretty much all browsers, which means you don't have to write a zillion hacks to make it work consistently AND it doesn't break down when a new display engine comes out.


Using tables for display is technically a hack, but it does the job, is easy to understand and maintain and is to a large degree future proof, so for a simple layout, considering that the rest of the website already uses tables for layout, I would keep using tables.


Besides, turning a Table into a "div" table which uses the new "display=table" attributes can easily be done with a few regexes (if you rack your brains, you can probably even do it with a single pass). If you know your regexes, you can replace a table with divs through an entire website in a matter of minutes, so the whole issue of flexibility is really not that big: when (if) you actually need to use divs and CSS positioning, just run a few regex, and you are set. And if you need more control than what you can handle from regex, you can spend a couple hours to write a quick & dirty parser that will convert your tables to div exactly as you want them.

此外,将表格转换为使用新“display = table”属性的“div”表可以通过几个正则表达式轻松完成(如果你绞尽脑汁,你甚至可以通过一次通过来完成它)。如果你知道你的正则表达式,你可以在几分钟内通过一个整个网站替换一个表格,所以整个灵活性问题真的不是那么大:当(如果)你真的需要使用div和CSS定位时,运行一些正则表达式,你就定了。如果你需要比正则表达式更多的控制,你可以花几个小时来编写一个快速和脏的解析器,它将你的表格完全转换为div。

Bottom line is that despite the stigma, for simple layouts, tables still do the job, they do it fast and are reliable, and if you don't have to contend with CSS purists, you can save yourself a lot of work.



CSS layouts make it easier to alter the layout through stylesheets (separation of data from display).


Also, browsers often can't render a table until the </table> tag has been parsed. This can be a problem if you are using a table with a large amount of content. CSS layouts can often be rendered as they go.

此外,在解析 标记之前,浏览器通常无法呈现表。如果您使用的是包含大量内容的表,则可能会出现问题。 CSS布局通常可以随时进行渲染。