从GCD dispatch_async块中调用super:是否安全?

时间:2021-03-19 05:18:56

I'm in a bit of a pickle. I know that calling [self methodName] from within a block will lead to a retain cycle.

我有点麻烦。我知道从一个块中调用[self methodName]将会导致一个retain cycle。

However in this class due to multithreading I cannot allow execution of the method that the block is accessing from anywhere else other than the block, as it would potentially lead to serious problems.


Current code:


 if (_getRunning==NO){
        __weak SyncArrayMT *_weak_self = self;
        _get_t = ^void (void){
            _weak_self->_getRunning = YES;
            NSArray *objects = [_weak_self get:getQuery 
            if (_weak_self.getBlockCb)
            _weak_self->_getRunning = NO;

Does exactly that, it calls [self getmethod]. While its ok for the dispatched block to run this method, I do not want anything outside this class calling this method. So, would it be ok to override this inherited method as such:

它会调用[self getmethod]。虽然调度块可以运行这个方法,但是我不想在这个类之外调用这个方法。因此,是否可以重写这个继承的方法,如:

- (NSArray *) get:(NSString *)getQuery usingClassCtor:(initBlock)initCb withAuthBlock:(authenticate)authBlock
    NSLog(@"Direct call to get is not allowed - use the threaded method");
    return nil;

And then change the block to this:


        _get_t = ^void (void){
            _weak_self->_getRunning = YES;
            NSArray *objects = [super get:getQuery 
            if (_weak_self.getBlockCb)
            _weak_self->_getRunning = NO;

I have tried it and it works without doing a call to the [self getMethod], but will super be retained, properly released, etc? Yes I am using ARC. Would calling super within a block lead to any problem ? Is there a hack to get a __weak to super instead ?

我已经尝试过了,它可以在不调用[self getMethod]的情况下工作,但是super会被保留、被适当释放等等吗?是的,我在用弧线。在一个块中调用super会导致任何问题吗?有没有办法让弱队变成超级?

Alternatively, how can I disallow direct calls to [self getMethod] (which is inherited) and only use it internally ? I know that Objective-C doesn't exactly implement this, but I know there are tricks, such as declaring and implementing a method in the implementation file only.

另外,我如何才能不允许直接调用[self getMethod](它是继承的)而只在内部使用它呢?我知道Objective-C没有实现这个,但是我知道有一些技巧,比如只在实现文件中声明和实现一个方法。


编辑# 1:

I have tried with SEL & IMP and function pointers. Problem is that IMP and function pointers require as a parameter an instance, and this renders the hole point mute:

我试过SEL & IMP和函数指针。问题是IMP和函数指针需要作为一个参数实例,这使得空穴点静音:

NSString * (*getFuncPtr)(id,SEL,id,id) = (NSString * (*)(id,SEL,id,id))[super methodForSelector:@selector(sendObjectsPassingTest:withAuthBlock:)];
NSString *reply = getFuncPtr(_weak_self,@selector(sendObjectsPassingTest:withAuthBlock:),predicate,authBlock);

This simply calls the inherited method. Trying to use it with super simply gives an error. At this point I will go ahead and simply use super within the block, and try and profile to see if it leads to any retain cycle.



编辑# 2:

Based on newacct's answer, this is what I ended up doing:


typedef NSArray * (* getFuncPtr)(id,SEL,id,id,id);
__weak SyncArrayMT *_weak_self = self;
_getMethod = (NSArray * (*)(id,SEL,id,id,id))[[[self class] superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:@selector(get:usingClassCtor:withAuthBlock:)];
_get_t = ^void (void){
   NSArray *objects = _weak_self->_getMethod(_weak_self,@selector(get:usingClassCtor:withAuthBlock:),getQuery,ctor,authBlock);

I am hoping this should avoid any retain cycles, although I haven't actually profiled it yet.


1 个解决方案



I know that calling [self methodName] from within a block will lead to a retain cycle.

我知道从一个块中调用[self methodName]将会导致一个retain cycle。

That is not true in general. The block will retain self, yes. But there will only be a "retain cycle" if self somehow retains the block. In this case, it does.

这在一般情况下是不正确的。block将保留self,是的。但是只有当self以某种方式保留了block时,才会有一个“retain cycle”。在这种情况下,确实如此。

but will super be retained


Yes, self will be retained (super is a call on self with a different method lookup pathway).


I have tried with SEL & IMP and function pointers. Problem is that IMP and function pointers require as a parameter an instance, and this renders the hole point mute:

我试过SEL & IMP和函数指针。问题是IMP和函数指针需要作为一个参数实例,这使得空穴点静音:

NSString * (*getFuncPtr)(id,SEL,id,id) = (NSString * (*)(id,SEL,id,id))[super methodForSelector:@selector(sendObjectsPassingTest:withAuthBlock:)]; 
NSString *reply = getFuncPtr(_weak_self,@selector(sendObjectsPassingTest:withAuthBlock:),predicate,authBlock); 

This simply calls the inherited method. Trying to use it with super simply gives an error. At this point I will go ahead and simply use super within the block, and try and profile to see if it leads to any retain cycle.


There are many wrong points here. First, as said above, super is a call on self (there is no such thing as a super object), so it would be sufficient to get the IMP for the method in the superclass, and call it on self.


BUT, [super methodForSelector:... does not get the method in the superclass. It actually gets the method in this class. The super in [super methodForSelector:... affects which methodForSelector: method is called. However, no class ever overrides methodForSelector:, so there is actually no difference between [super methodForSelector:... and [self methodForSelector:.... As said above, super calls the method on self, so it still finds the method based on the class of the current object.

但是,[超级methodForSelector:…不获取超类中的方法。它会得到这个类中的方法。super in [super methodForSelector:…影响调用哪个methodForSelector: method。然而,从来没有类覆盖methodForSelector:,因此[super methodForSelector:…]之间实际上没有区别。和[自我methodForSelector:....如上所述,super对self调用方法,因此它仍然基于当前对象的类查找方法。

You can get the right IMP by using the class method +instanceMethodForSelector::


NSString *(*getFuncPtr)(id,SEL,id,id) = (NSString * (*)(id,SEL,id,id))[[[self class] superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:@selector(sendObjectsPassingTest:withAuthBlock:)];

However, using the above will not work correctly if the current object is an instance of a subclass, because then [self class] will be the subclass. So to make sure it does what we want, we need to hard-code the name of our current class, or the superclass:

但是,如果当前对象是子类的实例,则不能正确地使用上面的方法,因为[self class]将是子类。因此,为了确保它实现我们想要的功能,我们需要硬编码当前类或超类的名称:

NSString *(*getFuncPtr)(id,SEL,id,id) = (NSString * (*)(id,SEL,id,id))[[SyncArrayMT superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:@selector(sendObjectsPassingTest:withAuthBlock:)];
NSString *reply = getFuncPtr(_weak_self,@selector(sendObjectsPassingTest:withAuthBlock:),predicate,authBlock);

It is also possible to do it using objc_msgSendSuper directly, but that function is not really that easy to use either. So I think you should stick with the IMP approach above.




I know that calling [self methodName] from within a block will lead to a retain cycle.

我知道从一个块中调用[self methodName]将会导致一个retain cycle。

That is not true in general. The block will retain self, yes. But there will only be a "retain cycle" if self somehow retains the block. In this case, it does.

这在一般情况下是不正确的。block将保留self,是的。但是只有当self以某种方式保留了block时,才会有一个“retain cycle”。在这种情况下,确实如此。

but will super be retained


Yes, self will be retained (super is a call on self with a different method lookup pathway).


I have tried with SEL & IMP and function pointers. Problem is that IMP and function pointers require as a parameter an instance, and this renders the hole point mute:

我试过SEL & IMP和函数指针。问题是IMP和函数指针需要作为一个参数实例,这使得空穴点静音:

NSString * (*getFuncPtr)(id,SEL,id,id) = (NSString * (*)(id,SEL,id,id))[super methodForSelector:@selector(sendObjectsPassingTest:withAuthBlock:)]; 
NSString *reply = getFuncPtr(_weak_self,@selector(sendObjectsPassingTest:withAuthBlock:),predicate,authBlock); 

This simply calls the inherited method. Trying to use it with super simply gives an error. At this point I will go ahead and simply use super within the block, and try and profile to see if it leads to any retain cycle.


There are many wrong points here. First, as said above, super is a call on self (there is no such thing as a super object), so it would be sufficient to get the IMP for the method in the superclass, and call it on self.


BUT, [super methodForSelector:... does not get the method in the superclass. It actually gets the method in this class. The super in [super methodForSelector:... affects which methodForSelector: method is called. However, no class ever overrides methodForSelector:, so there is actually no difference between [super methodForSelector:... and [self methodForSelector:.... As said above, super calls the method on self, so it still finds the method based on the class of the current object.

但是,[超级methodForSelector:…不获取超类中的方法。它会得到这个类中的方法。super in [super methodForSelector:…影响调用哪个methodForSelector: method。然而,从来没有类覆盖methodForSelector:,因此[super methodForSelector:…]之间实际上没有区别。和[自我methodForSelector:....如上所述,super对self调用方法,因此它仍然基于当前对象的类查找方法。

You can get the right IMP by using the class method +instanceMethodForSelector::


NSString *(*getFuncPtr)(id,SEL,id,id) = (NSString * (*)(id,SEL,id,id))[[[self class] superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:@selector(sendObjectsPassingTest:withAuthBlock:)];

However, using the above will not work correctly if the current object is an instance of a subclass, because then [self class] will be the subclass. So to make sure it does what we want, we need to hard-code the name of our current class, or the superclass:

但是,如果当前对象是子类的实例,则不能正确地使用上面的方法,因为[self class]将是子类。因此,为了确保它实现我们想要的功能,我们需要硬编码当前类或超类的名称:

NSString *(*getFuncPtr)(id,SEL,id,id) = (NSString * (*)(id,SEL,id,id))[[SyncArrayMT superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:@selector(sendObjectsPassingTest:withAuthBlock:)];
NSString *reply = getFuncPtr(_weak_self,@selector(sendObjectsPassingTest:withAuthBlock:),predicate,authBlock);

It is also possible to do it using objc_msgSendSuper directly, but that function is not really that easy to use either. So I think you should stick with the IMP approach above.
