
时间:2021-07-23 05:00:10

got a question regarding serializing classes that I've defined. I have some classes like


class Foo:
     def __init__(self, x, y):
          self.x = x, self.y = y

     def toDict(self):
          return dict(Foo = dict(x = self.x, y = self.y))

then a class that can contain multiple Foos, such as:


class Bar:
     def __init__(self):
          self.foos = [Foo(a, b), Foo(1, 2)]

While that's a gross oversimplification of the real structure (it gets much, much more nested than that), that's a pretty decent overview. The actual data for this is coming from a pseudo-XML file without any actual structure, so I wrote a parser according to the spec given to me, so I now have all the data in a series of classes I've defined, with actual structure.


What I'm wanting to do is take this data I have and spit it out into JSON, but I really don't see a good way (I'm new to Python, this is my first real project with it).


I've defined a method in Foo, toDict(), that creates a dictionary out of the information, but that obviously isn't going to work out like I hope when I try to serialize Bar, with the multiple Foos.


Does anyone have a great way of doing this? This has been a pretty much non-stop learning/codefest the past few days and I'm out of ideas for this, which is the last part of the project. I know about the JSON module for Python, but that doesn't help me with this particular problem of getting my data into a dictionary (or something similar) that I can pass to json.dump().


Let me know if I can clarify in any way.


Thanks, T.J.


3 个解决方案



Several comments. First:


  • xml.dom.minidom is a built-in Python DOM implementation. Obviously if the file isn't actually XML you won't be able to use it's builtin parsing functions, but it looks like you're building a tree-like structure out of the file anyway, in which case you might as well use a minidom.
  • xml.dom.minidom是一个内置的Python DOM实现。显然,如果文件实际上不是XML,你将无法使用它的内置解析函数,但看起来你无论如何都要从文件中构建一个树状结构,在这种情况下你也可以使用minidom命名。

OK, henceforth I'll assume that you have a good reason for writing your own tree-style structure instead of using the builtins.


  • Are you sure the nodes should be classes? That seems like an awful lot of structure when all you really seem to need is a bunch of nested dicts:


    root = {
        "foo1": { "bar1": "spam", "bar2": "ham"},
        "foo2": { "baz1": "spam", "baz2": "ham"},

    You get the idea.


OK, maybe you're sure that you need the individual nodes to be classes. In that case, they should all inherit from some BaseNode class, right? After all, they are fundamentally similar things.


  • In that case, define a BaseNode.serialise method which effectively prints some information about itself and then calls serialise on all of its children. This is a recursive problem; you might as well use a recursive solution unless your tree is really really really nested.


    The json library allows you to subclass the JSONEncoder to do this.


    >>> import json
    >>> class ComplexEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    ...     def default(self, obj):
    ...         if isinstance(obj, complex):
    ...             return [obj.real, obj.imag]
    ...         return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
    >>> dumps(2 + 1j, cls=ComplexEncoder)
    '[2.0, 1.0]'
    >>> ComplexEncoder().encode(2 + 1j)
    '[2.0, 1.0]'
    >>> list(ComplexEncoder().iterencode(2 + 1j))
    ['[', '2.0', ', ', '1.0', ']']



Can't suggest anything with JSON, but you can use the Pickle module to serialize your objects in binary format.




You might consider using jsonpickle package --- it basically allows you to convert most picklable objects to json.




Several comments. First:


  • xml.dom.minidom is a built-in Python DOM implementation. Obviously if the file isn't actually XML you won't be able to use it's builtin parsing functions, but it looks like you're building a tree-like structure out of the file anyway, in which case you might as well use a minidom.
  • xml.dom.minidom是一个内置的Python DOM实现。显然,如果文件实际上不是XML,你将无法使用它的内置解析函数,但看起来你无论如何都要从文件中构建一个树状结构,在这种情况下你也可以使用minidom命名。

OK, henceforth I'll assume that you have a good reason for writing your own tree-style structure instead of using the builtins.


  • Are you sure the nodes should be classes? That seems like an awful lot of structure when all you really seem to need is a bunch of nested dicts:


    root = {
        "foo1": { "bar1": "spam", "bar2": "ham"},
        "foo2": { "baz1": "spam", "baz2": "ham"},

    You get the idea.


OK, maybe you're sure that you need the individual nodes to be classes. In that case, they should all inherit from some BaseNode class, right? After all, they are fundamentally similar things.


  • In that case, define a BaseNode.serialise method which effectively prints some information about itself and then calls serialise on all of its children. This is a recursive problem; you might as well use a recursive solution unless your tree is really really really nested.


    The json library allows you to subclass the JSONEncoder to do this.


    >>> import json
    >>> class ComplexEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    ...     def default(self, obj):
    ...         if isinstance(obj, complex):
    ...             return [obj.real, obj.imag]
    ...         return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
    >>> dumps(2 + 1j, cls=ComplexEncoder)
    '[2.0, 1.0]'
    >>> ComplexEncoder().encode(2 + 1j)
    '[2.0, 1.0]'
    >>> list(ComplexEncoder().iterencode(2 + 1j))
    ['[', '2.0', ', ', '1.0', ']']



Can't suggest anything with JSON, but you can use the Pickle module to serialize your objects in binary format.




You might consider using jsonpickle package --- it basically allows you to convert most picklable objects to json.
