
时间:2023-02-07 04:29:19


Plugin list

A full list of available Redmine plugins can be found at the Plugin Directory.

More plugins (some in very early development), which are not listed at the Plugin Directory but are publicly available on GitHub, can be found using a search like this.

Installing a plugin

1. Copy your plugin directory into #{RAILS_ROOT}/plugins (Redmine 2.x) or #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins (Redmine 1.x). If you are downloading the plugin directly from GitHub, you can do so by changing into your plugin directory and issuing a command like git clone git://

2. If the plugin requires a migration, run the following command in #{RAILS_ROOT} to upgrade your database (make a db backup before).

2.1. For Redmine 1.x:

rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production

2.2. For Redmine 2.x:

rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

3. Restart Redmine

You should now be able to see the plugin list in Administration -> Plugins and configure the newly installed plugin (if the plugin requires to be configured).


Uninstalling a plugin

1. If the plugin required a migration, run the following command to downgrade your database (make a db backup before):

1.1. For Redmine 1.x:

rake db:migrate:plugin NAME=plugin_name VERSION=0 RAILS_ENV=production

1.2. For Redmine 2.x:

rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=plugin_name VERSION=0 RAILS_ENV=production

1.3 For Redmine 3.x
Redmine提供了比较丰富的插件,介绍几个插件的安装。RM.2.3是目前最新版本,使用的是bitnami redmine一键安装

D:\Bitnami\redmine-3.0.3-0\apps\redmine\htdocs>bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:
migrate RAILS_ENV=production

D:\Bitnami\redmine-3.0.3-0\apps\redmine\htdocs>bundle exec rake redmine:plugins RAILS_ENV=production --trace

转到管理-插件(redmine backlogs )-配置,进行配置

1. 下载压缩包


3. 下载压缩包



6.cd到htdocs目录下,执行 rake redmine:plugins RAILS_ENV=production 命令



安装gem in windows:

1. 下载;

2. 解压;

3. cd 解压目录;

4. C:\Users\win7\Desktop\climate_control-0.0.3>gem build climate_control.gemspec

5. 生成:climate_control-0.0.3.gem文件;

6. C:\Users\win7\Desktop\climate_control-0.0.3>gem install climate_control-0.0.3.gem




cd redmine
cd /apps\redmine\htdocs\pluginsgit clone
bundle install
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
service nginx restart


To start/stop/restart application on Linux you can use the included utility, as shown below:
./ (start|stop|restart)
./ (start|stop|restart) mysql
./ (start|stop|restart) apache
./ (start|stop|restart) redmine
./ (start|stop|restart) subversion

1、进入plugins目录:cd plugins
git clone git://   (git已经在前面安装railinstaller的过程中安装过了)
这会创建一个redmine_backlogs的目录 2、cd redmine_backlogs执行git tag命令查看各种可用的版本 3、选择最新的一个执行 git checkout v0.9.26 4、cd redmine根目录配置backlogs,执行命令: bundle exec rake redmine:backlogs:install 

2. Remove your plugin from the plugins folder: #{RAILS_ROOT}/plugins (Redmine 2.x) or #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins (Redmine 1.x)..

3. Restart Redmine

Writing plugins

There is a step-by-step tutorial about writing a plugin. Some more (detailed) information is collected and stored in the "plugin internals" page.
More (general) developer information can be found in the Redmine Developer Guide.

Migrating Plugins

There are changes in Plugins API or new Rails requirements which need to be considered if you want to use plugin from prior version of redmine.
In any case it's proposed to update and migrate redmine core system first without plugins and then if stable try to drop in one by one, to know where problems come from if any.

Consideration towards plugins which overwrite views completly because of bad coding style or there is no "hook" available shall be made in any case. Maybe you can collect and write down plugin references here which are of this type.

Let's start with..

Redmine 1.3 > 1.4

  • routes.rb which defines url to controller (parameter, action) mapping must be created in <plugin>/config/routes.rb
  • ARCondition is gone with no replacement
  • TabularFormBuilder is now Redmine::Views::LabelledFormBuilder
  • defining your own context menus now requires helper :context_menus in the respective controller
  • of course, returning is deprecated in favor of tap
  • if you're doing anything with repos check it twice, because there can be multiple repos now per project
  • Project#visible_by is deprecated and replaced by Project#visible_condition

Redmine 1.4 > 2.x

Writing Redmine 2.x plugins