
时间:2022-06-27 03:40:41

最近都没怎么接触WPF了,闲来无事为以前做的WPF DEMO添加托盘管理。 



using  System;
using  System.Collections.Generic;
using  System.ComponentModel;
using  System.Windows;
using  System.Windows.Input;
using  System.Windows.Markup;
using  System.Windows.Media;
using  System.Windows.Threading;
using  Drawing  =  System.Drawing;
using  Forms  =  System.Windows.Forms;

namespace  WpfApplication1
///   <summary>
///  Represents a thin wrapper for  <see cref="Forms.NotifyIcon"/>
///   </summary>
    [ContentProperty( " Text " )]
" MouseDoubleClick " )]
public   class  NotificationAreaIcon : FrameworkElement
        Forms.NotifyIcon notifyIcon;

public   static   readonly  RoutedEvent MouseClickEvent  =  EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent(
" MouseClick " , RoutingStrategy.Bubble,  typeof (MouseButtonEventHandler),  typeof (NotificationAreaIcon));

public   static   readonly  RoutedEvent MouseDoubleClickEvent  =  EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent(
" MouseDoubleClick " , RoutingStrategy.Bubble,  typeof (MouseButtonEventHandler),  typeof (NotificationAreaIcon));

public   static   readonly  DependencyProperty IconProperty  =
" Icon " typeof (ImageSource),  typeof (NotificationAreaIcon));

public   static   readonly  DependencyProperty TextProperty  =
" Text " typeof ( string ),  typeof (NotificationAreaIcon));

public   static   readonly  DependencyProperty FormsContextMenuProperty  =
" MenuItems " typeof (List < Forms.MenuItem > ),  typeof (NotificationAreaIcon),  new  PropertyMetadata( new  List < Forms.MenuItem > ()));

protected   override   void  OnInitialized(EventArgs e)
base .OnInitialized(e);

//  Create and initialize the window forms notify icon based
            notifyIcon  =   new  Forms.NotifyIcon();
=  Text;
if  ( ! DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode( this ))
=  FromImageSource(Icon);
=  FromVisibility(Visibility);

if  ( this .MenuItems  !=   null   &&   this .MenuItems.Count  >   0 )
=   new  System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu( this .MenuItems.ToArray());

+=  OnMouseDown;
+=  OnMouseUp;
+=  OnMouseClick;
+=  OnMouseDoubleClick;

+=  OnDispatcherShutdownStarted;

private   void  OnDispatcherShutdownStarted( object  sender, EventArgs e)

private   void  OnMouseDown( object  sender, Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
new  MouseButtonEventArgs(
0 , ToMouseButton(e.Button)));

private   void  OnMouseUp( object  sender, Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
new  MouseButtonEventArgs(
0 , ToMouseButton(e.Button)));

private   void  OnMouseDoubleClick( object  sender, Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
new  MouseButtonEventArgs(
0 , ToMouseButton(e.Button)));

private   void  OnMouseClick( object  sender, Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
new  MouseButtonEventArgs(
0 , ToMouseButton(e.Button)));

private   void  OnRaiseEvent(RoutedEvent handler, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
=  handler;

public  List < Forms.MenuItem >  MenuItems
get  {  return  (List < Forms.MenuItem > )GetValue(FormsContextMenuProperty); }
set  { SetValue(FormsContextMenuProperty, value); }

public  ImageSource Icon
get  {  return  (ImageSource)GetValue(IconProperty); }
set  { SetValue(IconProperty, value); }

public   string  Text
get  {  return  ( string )GetValue(TextProperty); }
set  { SetValue(TextProperty, value); }

public   event  MouseButtonEventHandler MouseClick
            add { AddHandler(MouseClickEvent, value); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(MouseClickEvent, value); }

public   event  MouseButtonEventHandler MouseDoubleClick
            add { AddHandler(MouseDoubleClickEvent, value); }
            remove { RemoveHandler(MouseDoubleClickEvent, value); }

#region  Conversion members

private   static  Drawing.Icon FromImageSource(ImageSource icon)
if  (icon  ==   null )
return   null ;
            Uri iconUri 
=   new  Uri(icon.ToString());
return   new  Drawing.Icon(Application.GetResourceStream(iconUri).Stream);

private   static   bool  FromVisibility(Visibility visibility)
return  visibility  ==  Visibility.Visible;

private  MouseButton ToMouseButton(Forms.MouseButtons button)
switch  (button)
case  Forms.MouseButtons.Left:
return  MouseButton.Left;
case  Forms.MouseButtons.Right:
return  MouseButton.Right;
case  Forms.MouseButtons.Middle:
return  MouseButton.Middle;
case  Forms.MouseButtons.XButton1:
return  MouseButton.XButton1;
case  Forms.MouseButtons.XButton2:
return  MouseButton.XButton2;
throw   new  InvalidOperationException();

#endregion  Conversion members



在主窗口上引用该命名控件 xmlns:l="clr-namespace:WpfApplication1"


         < l:NotificationAreaIcon
= " NotificationAreaApplication1 "
= " Resources\NotificationAreaIcon.ico "
= " OnNotificationAreaIconDoubleClick "  Grid.ColumnSpan = " 2 " >
< l:NotificationAreaIcon.MenuItems >
< forms:MenuItem Text = " 关于作者 "  Click = " OnMenuItemAboutClick " />
< forms:MenuItem Text = " - "   />
< forms:MenuItem Text = " Open "  Click = " OnMenuItemOpenClick "  DefaultItem = " True "   />
< forms:MenuItem Text = " - "   />
< forms:MenuItem Text = " Exit "  Click = " OnMenuItemExitClick "   />
</ l:NotificationAreaIcon.MenuItems >



        WindowState lastWindowState;
bool  shouldClose;

public  MainWindow()
this .Loaded  +=   new  RoutedEventHandler(MainWindow_Loaded);

private   void  MainWindow_Loaded( object  sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

protected   override   void  OnStateChanged(EventArgs e)
=  WindowState;

protected   override   void  OnClosing(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
if  ( ! shouldClose)
=   true ;


         protected   void  OnMenuItemAboutClick( object  sender, EventArgs e)
new  Window1().Show();

private   void  OnNotificationAreaIconDoubleClick( object  sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if  (e.ChangedButton  ==  MouseButton.Left)

private   void  OnMenuItemOpenClick( object  sender, EventArgs e)

private   void  Open()
=  lastWindowState;

private   void  OnMenuItemExitClick( object  sender, EventArgs e)
=   true ;


