
时间:2021-12-17 00:36:43

I'm making an application that should display PDFs with password. This is my code:


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            string filePath = Request.QueryString["filePath"];
            if (filePath.ToUpper().EndsWith("PDF"))
            string message = "<script language='Javascript'>alert('File Not Found! Call Records Department for verification. ')</script>";
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), message, message, false);
public void copyPDF(string filePath)
    iTextSharp.text.pdf.RandomAccessFileOrArray ra = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.RandomAccessFileOrArray(Server.MapPath(ResolveUrl(filePath)));
    if (ra != null)
        System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
        byte[] password = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Secretinfo");
        iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfReader thepdfReader = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfReader(ra, password);
        int pages = thepdfReader.NumberOfPages;
        iTextSharp.text.Document pdfDoc = new iTextSharp.text.Document();
        iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfCopy pdfCopy = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfCopy(pdfDoc, ms);

        int i = 0;
        while (i < pages)
            pdfCopy.AddPage(pdfCopy.GetImportedPage(thepdfReader, i + 1));
            i += 1;
        Byte[] byteInfo = ms.ToArray();
        Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
        Response.AddHeader("content-length", byteInfo.Length.ToString());

My code has no problem opening pdf files without password but it can't open pdfs with password even though the password is supplied. The application executes the catch instead. What seems to be wrong with my code?


EDIT: I removed the Catch to see the exception thrown.


Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: PdfReader not opened with owner password


It says the source of the error is Line 51.


Line 49:    while (i < pages)
Line 50:    {
Line 51:         pdfCopy.AddPage(pdfCopy.GetImportedPage(thepdfReader, i + 1));
Line 52:         i += 1;
Line 53:    }

2 个解决方案



For certain operations on encrypted documents iText(Sharp) requires that the document not merely is opened with the user password but instead with the owner password. This corresponds to the definition of these passwords in the PDF specification:


Whether additional operations shall be allowed on a decrypted document depends on which password (if any) was supplied when the document was opened and on any access restrictions that were specified when the document was created:


  • Opening the document with the correct owner password should allow full (owner) access to the document. This unlimited access includes the ability to change the document’s passwords and access permissions.
  • 使用正确的所有者密码打开文档应该允许完全(所有者)访问文档。这种无限制访问包括更改文档密码和访问权限的功能。
  • Opening the document with the correct user password (or opening a document with the default password) should allow additional operations to be performed according to the user access permissions specified in the document’s encryption dictionary.
  • 使用正确的用户密码打开文档(或使用默认密码打开文档)应允许根据文档加密字典中指定的用户访问权限执行其他操作。

(section in ISO 32000-1)

(ISO 32000-1中的第7.6.3.1节)

iText(Sharp) currently does not check in detail the user access permissions specified in the document’s encryption dictionary but instead always requires the owner password for operations requiring certain permissions, and copying whole pages from a document definitively is one of them.


This been said, the iText(Sharp) developers are very much aware (due to many such questions asked)


  • that iText(Sharp) users may be entitled to execute such operations even without the owner password on account of the before mentioned user access permissions specified in the document’s encryption dictionary,
  • iText(夏普)用户可能有权在没有所有者密码的情况下执行此类操作,因为前面提到的文档加密字典中指定的用户访问权限,
  • that there are myriad PDFs to which their respective owners applied an owner password (to prevent misuse by others) and then forgot it (or by using a randomly generated one never knew it to start with), and
  • 有无数的PDF,他们各自的所有者应用了所有者密码(以防止被他人滥用),然后忘记它(或通过使用随机生成的一个从来不知道它开始),和
  • that iText(Sharp) (being open source) can easily be patched by anyone not to respect the differences between user and owner password.
  • iText(夏普)(开源)可以很容易地被任何人修补,不要尊重用户和所有者密码之间的差异。

To allow users to do what they are entitled to and to prevent the spreading of patched copies of the library, iText(Sharp) contains an override for this test in the PdfReader class:


 * The iText developers are not responsible if you decide to change the
 * value of this static parameter.
 * @since 5.0.2
public static bool unethicalreading = false;

Thus, by setting


PdfReader.unethicalreading = true;

you globally override this permission checking mechanism.


Please respect the rights of PDF authors and only use this override if you indeed are entitled to execute the operations in question.




I applied this workaround and it works:


private void fixIssue(PdfReader pdfReader) throws Exception {
        Field f = pdfReader.getClass().getDeclaredField("ownerPasswordUsed");
        f.setBoolean(pdfReader, true);




For certain operations on encrypted documents iText(Sharp) requires that the document not merely is opened with the user password but instead with the owner password. This corresponds to the definition of these passwords in the PDF specification:


Whether additional operations shall be allowed on a decrypted document depends on which password (if any) was supplied when the document was opened and on any access restrictions that were specified when the document was created:


  • Opening the document with the correct owner password should allow full (owner) access to the document. This unlimited access includes the ability to change the document’s passwords and access permissions.
  • 使用正确的所有者密码打开文档应该允许完全(所有者)访问文档。这种无限制访问包括更改文档密码和访问权限的功能。
  • Opening the document with the correct user password (or opening a document with the default password) should allow additional operations to be performed according to the user access permissions specified in the document’s encryption dictionary.
  • 使用正确的用户密码打开文档(或使用默认密码打开文档)应允许根据文档加密字典中指定的用户访问权限执行其他操作。

(section in ISO 32000-1)

(ISO 32000-1中的第7.6.3.1节)

iText(Sharp) currently does not check in detail the user access permissions specified in the document’s encryption dictionary but instead always requires the owner password for operations requiring certain permissions, and copying whole pages from a document definitively is one of them.


This been said, the iText(Sharp) developers are very much aware (due to many such questions asked)


  • that iText(Sharp) users may be entitled to execute such operations even without the owner password on account of the before mentioned user access permissions specified in the document’s encryption dictionary,
  • iText(夏普)用户可能有权在没有所有者密码的情况下执行此类操作,因为前面提到的文档加密字典中指定的用户访问权限,
  • that there are myriad PDFs to which their respective owners applied an owner password (to prevent misuse by others) and then forgot it (or by using a randomly generated one never knew it to start with), and
  • 有无数的PDF,他们各自的所有者应用了所有者密码(以防止被他人滥用),然后忘记它(或通过使用随机生成的一个从来不知道它开始),和
  • that iText(Sharp) (being open source) can easily be patched by anyone not to respect the differences between user and owner password.
  • iText(夏普)(开源)可以很容易地被任何人修补,不要尊重用户和所有者密码之间的差异。

To allow users to do what they are entitled to and to prevent the spreading of patched copies of the library, iText(Sharp) contains an override for this test in the PdfReader class:


 * The iText developers are not responsible if you decide to change the
 * value of this static parameter.
 * @since 5.0.2
public static bool unethicalreading = false;

Thus, by setting


PdfReader.unethicalreading = true;

you globally override this permission checking mechanism.


Please respect the rights of PDF authors and only use this override if you indeed are entitled to execute the operations in question.




I applied this workaround and it works:


private void fixIssue(PdfReader pdfReader) throws Exception {
        Field f = pdfReader.getClass().getDeclaredField("ownerPasswordUsed");
        f.setBoolean(pdfReader, true);
