Gemfile中的“require: false”是什么意思?

时间:2022-11-13 00:15:17

Does this:


gem 'whenever', require: false

mean that the gem needs to be installed, or does it mean it is not required?


5 个解决方案



This means install the gem, but do not call require when you start Bundler. So you will need to manually call


require "whenever"

if you want to use the library.


If you were to do


gem "whenever", require: "whereever"

then bundler would download the gem named whenever, but would call


require "whereever"

This is often used if the name of library to require is different than the name of the gem.




You use :require => false when you want the gem to be installed but not "required".

当您希望安装gem而不是“required”时,您可以使用:require => false。

So in the example you gave: gem 'whenever', :require => false when someone runs bundle install the whenever gem would be installed as with gem install whenever. Whenever is used to create cron jobs by running a rake task but isn't usually used from within the rails (or other framework if not rails) application.

因此,在您给出的示例中:gem ' anywhere ',:require => false,当有人运行bundle安装时,每当gem安装时,就像gem安装时一样。无论何时,通过运行rake任务来创建cron作业,但是通常不在rails(或者其他框架,如果不是rails)应用程序中使用。

So you can use :require => false for anything that you need to run from the command line but don't need within your code.

因此,您可以使用:require => false,用于任何需要从命令行运行但在代码中不需要的内容。



require: false tells Bundler.require not to require that specific gem: the gem must be required explicitly via require 'gem'.


This option does not affect:


  • bundle install: the gem will get installed regardless


  • the require search path setup by bundler.


    Bundler adds things to the path when you do either of:


    • Bundle.setup
    • Bundle.setup
    • which is called by require bundler/setup
    • 需要bundler/setup调用哪个
    • which is called by bundle exec
    • 哪个被bundle exec调用




source ''
gem 'haml'
gem 'faker', require: false



# Fail because we haven't done Bundler.require yet.
# bundle exec does not automatically require anything for us,
# it only puts them in the require path.
begin Haml; rescue NameError; else raise; end
begin Faker; rescue NameError; else raise; end

# The Bundler object is automatically required on `bundle exec`.

# Not required because of the require: false on the Gemfile.
# THIS is what `require: false` does.
begin Faker; rescue NameError; else raise; end

# Faker is in the path because Bundle.setup is done automatically
# when we use `bundle exec`. This is not affected by `require: false`.
require 'faker'

Then the following won't raise exceptions:


bundle install --path=.bundle
bundle exec ruby main.rb

On GitHub for you to play with it.


Rails usage

As explained in the initialization tutorial, the default Rails template runs on startup:


  • config/boot.rb
  • 配置/ boot.rb
  • config/application.rb
  • 配置/ application.rb

config/boot.rb contains:

配置/ boot。rb包含:

ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('../../Gemfile', __FILE__)
require 'bundler/setup' if File.exists?(ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'])

which does the require 'bundler/setup' and sets up the require path.


config/application.rb does:


Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env)

which actually requires the gems.




Whenever you specify a Gem in your Gemfile and run bundle install, bundler will go and install specified gem and load code for that Gem in you app by putting require 'whenever' ,this way bundler will load code for all of your Gems in your Rails app, and you can call any method from any Gem without any pain,like you do most of the time.


but Gems like whenever,faker or capistrano are something which you do not need in your app code you need whenever code in your schedule.rb file to manage crons and capistrano code in deploy.rb file to customize deployment recipe so you need not to load code for these gems in your app code and wherever you want to call any method from these Gems you can manually require thsese gems by yourself by putting require "whenever" . so you put :require => false in your Gemfile for these Gems, this way bundler will install that Gem but not load code for that Gem itself, you can do it whenever you want by simply putting like require 'whenever' in your case.

但是像“随时”、“伪造”或“capistrano”这样的珍宝是你在你的应用程序代码中不需要的东西。用于管理部署中的crons和capistrano代码的rb文件。rb文件来定制部署配方,所以您不需要在应用程序代码中加载这些gems的代码,而且无论您想要调用这些gems中的任何方法,您都可以通过在“随时”中输入require来手动要求thsese gems。所以你把:require => false在你的Gemfile中为这些宝石,这样bundler将安装这个Gem但不是装载代码,你可以在你想要的时候,只要你想要,只要你想要。



In order to require gems in your Gemfile, you will need to call Bundler.require.


You can prevent bundler from requiring the gem with require: false, but it will still install and maintain the gem. Check this out for a more detailed explanation.

你可以用require: false来阻止bundler对宝石的要求,但是它仍然会安装和维护宝石。看看这个,有更详细的解释。



This means install the gem, but do not call require when you start Bundler. So you will need to manually call


require "whenever"

if you want to use the library.


If you were to do


gem "whenever", require: "whereever"

then bundler would download the gem named whenever, but would call


require "whereever"

This is often used if the name of library to require is different than the name of the gem.




You use :require => false when you want the gem to be installed but not "required".

当您希望安装gem而不是“required”时,您可以使用:require => false。

So in the example you gave: gem 'whenever', :require => false when someone runs bundle install the whenever gem would be installed as with gem install whenever. Whenever is used to create cron jobs by running a rake task but isn't usually used from within the rails (or other framework if not rails) application.

因此,在您给出的示例中:gem ' anywhere ',:require => false,当有人运行bundle安装时,每当gem安装时,就像gem安装时一样。无论何时,通过运行rake任务来创建cron作业,但是通常不在rails(或者其他框架,如果不是rails)应用程序中使用。

So you can use :require => false for anything that you need to run from the command line but don't need within your code.

因此,您可以使用:require => false,用于任何需要从命令行运行但在代码中不需要的内容。



require: false tells Bundler.require not to require that specific gem: the gem must be required explicitly via require 'gem'.


This option does not affect:


  • bundle install: the gem will get installed regardless


  • the require search path setup by bundler.


    Bundler adds things to the path when you do either of:


    • Bundle.setup
    • Bundle.setup
    • which is called by require bundler/setup
    • 需要bundler/setup调用哪个
    • which is called by bundle exec
    • 哪个被bundle exec调用




source ''
gem 'haml'
gem 'faker', require: false



# Fail because we haven't done Bundler.require yet.
# bundle exec does not automatically require anything for us,
# it only puts them in the require path.
begin Haml; rescue NameError; else raise; end
begin Faker; rescue NameError; else raise; end

# The Bundler object is automatically required on `bundle exec`.

# Not required because of the require: false on the Gemfile.
# THIS is what `require: false` does.
begin Faker; rescue NameError; else raise; end

# Faker is in the path because Bundle.setup is done automatically
# when we use `bundle exec`. This is not affected by `require: false`.
require 'faker'

Then the following won't raise exceptions:


bundle install --path=.bundle
bundle exec ruby main.rb

On GitHub for you to play with it.


Rails usage

As explained in the initialization tutorial, the default Rails template runs on startup:


  • config/boot.rb
  • 配置/ boot.rb
  • config/application.rb
  • 配置/ application.rb

config/boot.rb contains:

配置/ boot。rb包含:

ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('../../Gemfile', __FILE__)
require 'bundler/setup' if File.exists?(ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'])

which does the require 'bundler/setup' and sets up the require path.


config/application.rb does:


Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env)

which actually requires the gems.




Whenever you specify a Gem in your Gemfile and run bundle install, bundler will go and install specified gem and load code for that Gem in you app by putting require 'whenever' ,this way bundler will load code for all of your Gems in your Rails app, and you can call any method from any Gem without any pain,like you do most of the time.


but Gems like whenever,faker or capistrano are something which you do not need in your app code you need whenever code in your schedule.rb file to manage crons and capistrano code in deploy.rb file to customize deployment recipe so you need not to load code for these gems in your app code and wherever you want to call any method from these Gems you can manually require thsese gems by yourself by putting require "whenever" . so you put :require => false in your Gemfile for these Gems, this way bundler will install that Gem but not load code for that Gem itself, you can do it whenever you want by simply putting like require 'whenever' in your case.

但是像“随时”、“伪造”或“capistrano”这样的珍宝是你在你的应用程序代码中不需要的东西。用于管理部署中的crons和capistrano代码的rb文件。rb文件来定制部署配方,所以您不需要在应用程序代码中加载这些gems的代码,而且无论您想要调用这些gems中的任何方法,您都可以通过在“随时”中输入require来手动要求thsese gems。所以你把:require => false在你的Gemfile中为这些宝石,这样bundler将安装这个Gem但不是装载代码,你可以在你想要的时候,只要你想要,只要你想要。



In order to require gems in your Gemfile, you will need to call Bundler.require.


You can prevent bundler from requiring the gem with require: false, but it will still install and maintain the gem. Check this out for a more detailed explanation.

你可以用require: false来阻止bundler对宝石的要求,但是它仍然会安装和维护宝石。看看这个,有更详细的解释。