
时间:2022-01-22 23:40:41

I have installed mysql-server and mysql-workbench on my local machine having Ubuntu 16.04 as OS. I am able to connect to mysql-server through CLI, but not through mysql-workbench.

我在我的本地机器上安装了mysql-server和mysql-workbench,其中Ubuntu 16.04作为操作系统。我可以通过CLI连接mysql-server,但不能通过mysql-workbench连接。

  mysql --version
  mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.12, for Linux (x86_64) using  EditLine wrapper

mysql-workbench --version
MySQL Workbench CE (GPL) 6.3.6 CE build 511

I am consistently getting this error from mysql-workbench when i try to connect to mysql-server.


Unsupported option provided to mysql_options()

please help me to understand what i am doing wrong to fix this issue i.e. to get connected to mysql-server through mysql-workbench.


3 个解决方案



The server variable mysql_old_password protocol is no longer supported by Workbench, as its support was removed in MySQL Server 5.7. This affects the former "Use old authentication protocol" SSH connection option in the MySQL Workbench which causes the error

Workbench不再支持服务器变量mysql_old_password协议,因为它的支持已在MySQL Server 5.7中删除。这会影响MySQL Workbench中的前“使用旧身份验证协议”SSH连接选项,从而导致错误

Unsupported option provided to mysql_options()


while you have attempted to establish the connection via workbench. So upgrade MySQL-Workbench to any newer version to avoid this error.


Please check this URL for reference :

请查看此URL以供参考: = 78947



To fix that issue. What you can do is to downgrade the MySQL Workbench CE (GPL) 6.3.6 to version 6.3.4

解决这个问题。你可以做的是将MySQL Workbench CE(GPL)6.3.6降级到6.3.4版



Here are all the details - it is shame I cannot connect to older systems (actually it is database running on Centos 7...)

以下是所有细节 - 很遗憾我无法连接到旧系统(实际上它是在Centos 7上运行的数据库...)

Update: On my Gentoo system I got it working locally with versions:


  • mysql-workbench - 6.3.10
  • mysql-workbench - 6.3.10

  • mariadb - 10.1.31-r1 (I found note about latest mariadb version doesn't work as well here:
  • mariadb - 10.1.31-r1(我发现有关最新mariadb版本的说明在这里不起作用:

But it didn't work straightforward, I had to delete folder ~/.mysql/workbench first, otherwise this error still occured, now I have setup where this issue is fixed.

但它没有直接工作,我不得不首先删除文件夹〜/ .mysql / workbench,否则此错误仍然发生,现在我已经设置了修复此问题的地方。



The server variable mysql_old_password protocol is no longer supported by Workbench, as its support was removed in MySQL Server 5.7. This affects the former "Use old authentication protocol" SSH connection option in the MySQL Workbench which causes the error

Workbench不再支持服务器变量mysql_old_password协议,因为它的支持已在MySQL Server 5.7中删除。这会影响MySQL Workbench中的前“使用旧身份验证协议”SSH连接选项,从而导致错误

Unsupported option provided to mysql_options()


while you have attempted to establish the connection via workbench. So upgrade MySQL-Workbench to any newer version to avoid this error.


Please check this URL for reference :

请查看此URL以供参考: = 78947



To fix that issue. What you can do is to downgrade the MySQL Workbench CE (GPL) 6.3.6 to version 6.3.4

解决这个问题。你可以做的是将MySQL Workbench CE(GPL)6.3.6降级到6.3.4版



Here are all the details - it is shame I cannot connect to older systems (actually it is database running on Centos 7...)

以下是所有细节 - 很遗憾我无法连接到旧系统(实际上它是在Centos 7上运行的数据库...)

Update: On my Gentoo system I got it working locally with versions:


  • mysql-workbench - 6.3.10
  • mysql-workbench - 6.3.10

  • mariadb - 10.1.31-r1 (I found note about latest mariadb version doesn't work as well here:
  • mariadb - 10.1.31-r1(我发现有关最新mariadb版本的说明在这里不起作用:

But it didn't work straightforward, I had to delete folder ~/.mysql/workbench first, otherwise this error still occured, now I have setup where this issue is fixed.

但它没有直接工作,我不得不首先删除文件夹〜/ .mysql / workbench,否则此错误仍然发生,现在我已经设置了修复此问题的地方。