
时间:2022-05-05 23:41:38

Step 1: Download R-studio from

步骤1:下载R-studio from。


Step 2: Open terminal and use this command


sudo dpkg -i rstudio-1.0.136-amd64.deb 

Step 3: Launch R Studio from terminal:

第三步:从终端启动R Studio:


This throws an error:


Unable to find an installation of R on the system (which R didn't return valid output); Unable to locate R binary by scanning standard locations

What's wrong here?


1 个解决方案



It tells you exactly what the problem is. You didn't install R. RStudio is a very nice IDE for R but you don't automatically get R installed just by installing RStudio. Follow the instructions here https://cran.r-project.org or use your package manager to install R.

它确切地告诉你问题是什么。您没有安装R. RStudio是R的一个非常好的IDE,但是您不会仅仅通过安装RStudio就自动安装R。按照这里的说明,https://cran.r-project.org或者使用您的包管理器来安装R。



It tells you exactly what the problem is. You didn't install R. RStudio is a very nice IDE for R but you don't automatically get R installed just by installing RStudio. Follow the instructions here https://cran.r-project.org or use your package manager to install R.

它确切地告诉你问题是什么。您没有安装R. RStudio是R的一个非常好的IDE,但是您不会仅仅通过安装RStudio就自动安装R。按照这里的说明,https://cran.r-project.org或者使用您的包管理器来安装R。