
时间:2022-05-02 23:21:47

How can you tell AWS-EB the desired AppPool identity for an ASP.NET web app running in IIS? In the AWS Beanstalk Deploy wizard I don't see this option like you would if deploying straight to IIS or when changing it manually in IIS. Obviously once deployed you can change it in the EC2 instance, but that doesn't help the "xcopy deploy" story of using EB.

如何告诉AWS-EB在IIS中运行的ASP.NET Web应用程序所需的AppPool标识?在AWS Beanstalk部署向导中,我没有看到此选项,就像直接部署到IIS或在IIS中手动更改它一样。显然,一旦部署,您可以在EC2实例中更改它,但这无助于使用EB的“xcopy部署”故事。

1 个解决方案



You want to use Elastic Beanstalk ebextensions for this. Ebextensions allow you to run custom scripts when deploying code.

您想为此使用Elastic Beanstalk ebextensions。 Ebextensions允许您在部署代码时运行自定义脚本。

The process is pretty simple:


  1. You create a folder in your project (at root level) called ".ebextensions".
  2. 您在项目中创建一个名为“.ebextensions”的文件夹(在根级别)。
  3. Create a configuration file in the yaml format. That file will be executed when you deploy your code and is the place where you can change the application pool identity.
  4. 以yaml格式创建配置文件。部署代码时将执行该文件,并且您可以在其中更改应用程序池标识。
  5. Deploy your code.
  6. 部署代码。

This article has an example configuration file to change the application pool identity and more details on how to add ebextensions in your project.


Hope this helps!




You want to use Elastic Beanstalk ebextensions for this. Ebextensions allow you to run custom scripts when deploying code.

您想为此使用Elastic Beanstalk ebextensions。 Ebextensions允许您在部署代码时运行自定义脚本。

The process is pretty simple:


  1. You create a folder in your project (at root level) called ".ebextensions".
  2. 您在项目中创建一个名为“.ebextensions”的文件夹(在根级别)。
  3. Create a configuration file in the yaml format. That file will be executed when you deploy your code and is the place where you can change the application pool identity.
  4. 以yaml格式创建配置文件。部署代码时将执行该文件,并且您可以在其中更改应用程序池标识。
  5. Deploy your code.
  6. 部署代码。

This article has an example configuration file to change the application pool identity and more details on how to add ebextensions in your project.


Hope this helps!
