ERROR: Could not extract package's data directory. Are you sure that your installed application is debuggable?

时间:2022-03-12 23:16:49

ndk-gdb,调试native code,出现以下错误:

ERROR: Could not extract package's data directory. Are you sure that your installed application is debuggable?

ndk-gdb --verbose,查看信息:

    Print verbose information about the native debugging session setup.
    Only needed to debug problems when you can't connect and that the
    error messages printed by ndk-gdb are not enough.

调试手机:HTC Desire Android 2.2

ERROR: Could not extract package's data directory. Are you sure that your installed application is debuggable?


Are you sure that your install application is debuggable?

I'm sure!

1、已修改AndroidManifest.xml,为标签<application />添加属性:android:debuggable="true"

2、ndk-build -NDK_DEBUG=1生成调试版.so库,查看<PROJECT_HOME>/libs/armeabi/目录:

ERROR: Could not extract package's data directory. Are you sure that your installed application is debuggable?




adb shell run-as <PACKAGE_NAME> /system/bin/sh -c pwd

run-as: Package '<PACKAGE_NAME>' has corrupt installation



1、adb shell


3、ls -l /data,/data权限信息如下:

ERROR: Could not extract package's data directory. Are you sure that your installed application is debuggable?


# chmod 771 /data/data
# chown system.system /data/data

5、再次执行ls -l /data

ERROR: Could not extract package's data directory. Are you sure that your installed application is debuggable?



ERROR: Could not extract package's data directory. Are you sure that your installed application is debuggable?