语法错误ruby on rails意外':',在调用render json时期待'}':

时间:2022-08-04 23:06:23


SyntaxError in UsersController#index
 /home/ubuntu/ruby/users/app/controllers/users_controller.rb:7: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting '}'
      format.json{render json: UsersDatatable.new(view_context)}

I am trying to get dataTables plugin to work with my rails application (railcast #340). I have poured over and over and have no clue where this error might be coming from. It does not look like it's any different from the code listed in http://railscasts.com/episodes/340-datatables?view=asciicast (except that I changed the name from Products to Users everywhere. I have completely hit a wall. My code seems to be identical in all but the name, and yet it doesn't work! (it worked before I tried to start setting up the AJAX part)


EDIT: Originally I used 1.8.7 and rails (3.2.7), but then upgraded to ruby 1.9.3, so not sure why I am still getting that error

编辑:最初我使用1.8.7和rails(3.2.7),但后来升级到ruby 1.9.3,所以不知道为什么我仍然得到那个错误

1 个解决方案



If you're using ruby 1.8.7 then the syntax json: ... will not work.

如果您使用的是ruby 1.8.7,则语法json:...将无效。

This should work instead (as @Jérôme Boé pointed out)


format.json { render :json => UsersDatatable.new(view_context) }



If you're using ruby 1.8.7 then the syntax json: ... will not work.

如果您使用的是ruby 1.8.7,则语法json:...将无效。

This should work instead (as @Jérôme Boé pointed out)


format.json { render :json => UsersDatatable.new(view_context) }