如何使用Install shield应用程序将合并模块(.msm)添加到安装脚本?

时间:2023-01-03 22:38:11

I am using Install Shield and I know that we can add the merge modules using the Redistributables menu item if it was a Basic MSI Project.

我正在使用Install Shield,我知道如果它是基本MSI项目,我们可以使用Redistributables菜单项添加合并模块。

But I do not see the Redistributables menu item if it was InstallScript Project

但是,如果它是InstallScript Project,我没有看到Redistributables菜单项

Can some one help me out in figuring how to add merge modules if to an InstallScript Project using Install Shield ?

有人可以帮我解决如何使用Install Shield添加合并模块到InstallScript项目吗?

1 个解决方案



See the help topic: Adding Merge Modules and Objects to InstallScript Projects


AFAIK, InstallShield creates an MSI it calls the "merge module holder object". So basically a dummy MSI is created to contain the merge module's components and then it gets called by the InstallScript project.


IOW, I wouldn't want to do this. :)

我,我不想这样做。 :)



See the help topic: Adding Merge Modules and Objects to InstallScript Projects


AFAIK, InstallShield creates an MSI it calls the "merge module holder object". So basically a dummy MSI is created to contain the merge module's components and then it gets called by the InstallScript project.


IOW, I wouldn't want to do this. :)

我,我不想这样做。 :)