
时间:2023-02-01 22:39:39

Win 10. Installer for application created with Installshield PE 2015.

Win 10.使用Installshield PE 2015创建的应用程序的安装程序。

When I call uninstall by link at Start menu or from Programs and Features control panel started uninstallation. Unistall call custom script and call some application by cmd call with lower permissions then expected.

当我通过开始菜单中的链接调用卸载或从程序和功能控制面板启动卸载时调用卸载。 Unistall调用自定义脚本并通过cmd调用调用某些应用程序,然后使用较低的权限。

Process explorer shows: started msiexec.exe with full permissions and it is call msiexec.exe with lower permitions, that's not enough for called by csutom action applications.


If uninstaller link run as Administrator from start menu - permissions enough.

如果卸载程序链接从开始菜单以管理员身份运行 - 权限就足够了。

question: Is this a new bug or feature? What is the meaning of the restriction of rights if uninstallation is already called with maximum permissions on behalf of the administrator?


note: application run during uninstallation is strongly requirement for my uninstallation, and for Installshield and uninstaller it is normal to call some custom scripts for this.


1 个解决方案



This typically indicates you have a bug in your custom action's definition. If it needs elevated permissions, it needs to be scheduled as Deferred in System Context, Commit in System Context, or Rollback in System Context. If you did not do this, and instead relied on the launcher elevating the initial installation context, it can lead to problems like you describe. Try to fix this first by not elevating at the launcher (to reveal the partially latent problems) and then fixing your custom action scheduling.


Occasionally (and I do mean rarely) there is no great alternative to elevating in the launcher. For that case, you may wish to suppress the normal entry in Programs and Features, and create your own that runs an elevating launcher. You may need to manually cache such a launcher on the system, however, as it sounds like you are using a Basic MSI project, and that will cache only the .msi file.




This typically indicates you have a bug in your custom action's definition. If it needs elevated permissions, it needs to be scheduled as Deferred in System Context, Commit in System Context, or Rollback in System Context. If you did not do this, and instead relied on the launcher elevating the initial installation context, it can lead to problems like you describe. Try to fix this first by not elevating at the launcher (to reveal the partially latent problems) and then fixing your custom action scheduling.


Occasionally (and I do mean rarely) there is no great alternative to elevating in the launcher. For that case, you may wish to suppress the normal entry in Programs and Features, and create your own that runs an elevating launcher. You may need to manually cache such a launcher on the system, however, as it sounds like you are using a Basic MSI project, and that will cache only the .msi file.
