InstallShield,Virtual Studio,Visual Basic(ADD MYSQL INTOALLALLATION)

时间:2022-10-31 22:37:58

I am working with window application and want to create full setup of this application. I am using MySql to save/retrieve data. What I want, I want to install MySql on system if it doesn't exist on that system before installation of this application.


Simply I want my application to follow following steps before install:-

我希望我的应用程序在安装之前遵循以下步骤: -

Check if MySql is exist on system or not. Install MySql if it is not installed on system. Finally after install required softwares to run this application the application should be install. For this purpose i am using "InstallShield 2013". But when I am trying to make setup with this it doesn't allow MySql to appear in "Installation Requirements" section.

检查系统上是否存在MySql。如果系统上未安装MySql,请安装它。最后,在安装运行此应用程序所需的软件之后,应该安装应用程序。为此,我正在使用“InstallShield 2013”​​。但是当我尝试使用它进行设置时,它不允许MySql出现在“安装要求”部分中。

Please help me to resolve this that how InstallShield 2013 can allow MySql to appear in Installation requirements.

请帮我解决这个问题,即InstallShield 2013如何允许MySql出现在安装要求中。

1 个解决方案



Check to see if the MySQL install creates any registry keys. If it does, then get the installer to check for a value in that path (using the registry search functionality) and store one of the values (the install directory for instance).


Then you check for that value you stored in the "installation requirements" section.




Check to see if the MySQL install creates any registry keys. If it does, then get the installer to check for a value in that path (using the registry search functionality) and store one of the values (the install directory for instance).


Then you check for that value you stored in the "installation requirements" section.
