
时间:2022-10-15 22:35:25

To start off, I've never used TFS (or any source control) before. Since Microsoft announced free Team Foundation Service on visualstudio.com, I thought I'd try it, for both the version control and using it as another backup. So here's what I have going on...

首先,我从未使用过TFS(或任何源代码控制)。由于微软在visualstudio.com上宣布了免费的Team Foundation Service,我想我会尝试使用它来进行版本控制并将其用作另一个备份。所以这就是我的目标......

I have a solution that I've got checked in at xxxxx.visualstudio.com, and I wanted to make a copy of the solution, with some minor changes, and save it as a different solution on vs.com as well. I copied the local version of the solution to a new directory, deleted the .vsssc file (through experimentation, I was thinking this was how it tracked changes - maybe I'm wrong), created a new solution on vs.com, made my local changes, and tried to check in. Nope.

我有一个解决方案,我已经在xxxxx.visualstudio.com上查了一下,我想制作一个解决方案的副本,稍作修改,并将其保存为vs.com上的不同解决方案。我将解决方案的本地版本复制到一个新目录,删除了.vsssc文件(通过实验,我认为这是跟踪更改的方式 - 也许我错了),在vs.com上创建了一个新的解决方案,让我的当地的变化,并试图检查。不。

I've done lots of unbinding, rebinding, tried add to source control, and a bunch of other stuff - so much that I'm sure I wouldn't be able to tell you all of it. I used tfsdeleteproject to delete and start over, all to no avail.

我做了很多解绑,重新绑定,尝试添加源代码控制,以及其他一些东西 - 以至于我确信我无法告诉你所有这些。我使用tfsdeleteproject删除并重新开始,一切都无济于事。

What I get is "One or moreof the pending changes no longer exists or was modified. The list of pending changes has been refreshed and is now current. Please inspect the list of pending changes and try your operation again." But I don't know what I'm supposed to look for in inspecting the changes, and when I try again, I get the same message.


I'm thinking that the best thing to do is to make my project forget that it was ever a part of TFS, delete the project on VS.com, create a new project on vs.com, and add the now-suffering-from-amnesia project to source control on vs.com. But I can't seem to figure out how to make a solution forget that it was part of source control. Is there a way?


1 个解决方案



If you want the project to forget about the Team Foundation Server, edit your solution file and remove the section starting with "GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl)."

如果您希望项目忘记Team Foundation Server,请编辑解决方案文件并删除以“GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl)”开头的部分。

If I understand you right, your need is to to keep the original version of the solution and do some changes in a copy so that your original code base is still stable. The way to do it in TFS is to branch your solution to separate branch.


Here is a good link about branching http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms181425.aspx.


Microsoft Visual Studio ALM Rangers have written a very good guide about branching to cover different scenarios. http://vsarbranchingguide.codeplex.com/

Microsoft Visual Studio ALM Rangers编写了一篇关于分支以涵盖不同场景的非常好的指南。 http://vsarbranchingguide.codeplex.com/



If you want the project to forget about the Team Foundation Server, edit your solution file and remove the section starting with "GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl)."

如果您希望项目忘记Team Foundation Server,请编辑解决方案文件并删除以“GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl)”开头的部分。

If I understand you right, your need is to to keep the original version of the solution and do some changes in a copy so that your original code base is still stable. The way to do it in TFS is to branch your solution to separate branch.


Here is a good link about branching http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms181425.aspx.


Microsoft Visual Studio ALM Rangers have written a very good guide about branching to cover different scenarios. http://vsarbranchingguide.codeplex.com/

Microsoft Visual Studio ALM Rangers编写了一篇关于分支以涵盖不同场景的非常好的指南。 http://vsarbranchingguide.codeplex.com/