
时间:2021-11-03 22:23:07

I have to send a msg to a plurality of users who perform a specific process: How can I find a list of usernames, performing, for example the image "chrome.exe", and then send msg to these users. All the activities described above, must be in a bat-file Thank you in advance!


3 个解决方案



Based on the comments to xmcp's answer, I expanded the code a bit:


@echo off 
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 
for /f "delims=" %%x in ('tasklist /fi "imagename eq firefox.exe" /fo csv /nh /v') do ( 
  set line=%%x 
  set line=!line:","="@"! 
  for /f "tokens=7 delims=@" %%a in (!line!) do echo %%~a 

It replaces the field separators (","), without touching the comma within the numbers (in some localizations) and parses the resulting string with a different separator. Donwside: it slows things down (theroetical, I don't think anyone will notice it)

它替换字段分隔符(“,”),而不触及数字中的逗号(在某些本地化中),并使用不同的分隔符分析结果字符串。 Donwside:它减慢了事情(理论上,我认为没有人会注意到它)



Try this:

@echo off
for /f "tokens=8" %%i in ('tasklist /fi "imagename eq chrome.exe" /fo table /nh /v') do echo %%i

Please be aware that the code might be buggy if the image name contains spaces, but I can't find a perfect solution in plain batch-file.






xmcp's answer shows the perfect command to retrieve processes and the names of their owning users. However, their solution fails in case of additional white-spaces appearing within the data.


To make it more safe, use the output format of the tasklist command, capture its output by a for /F loop in full lines/rows and extract the single column/cell items by a standard for loop:

为了使其更安全,使用tasklist命令的csv输出格式,通过完整行/行中的for / F循环捕获其输出,并通过标准for循环提取单个列/单元项:

@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion

rem /* Capture CSV-formatted output without header; `tasklist` returns these columns:
rem    `"Image Name","PID","Session Name","Session#","Mem Usage","Status","User Name","CPU Time","Window Title"`: */
for /F "delims=" %%L in ('
    tasklist /FI "ImageName eq Chrome.exe" /FI "Status eq Running" /V /NH /FO CSV
') do (
    rem // Initialise column counter:
    set /A "CNT=0"
    rem /* Use standard `for` loop to enumerate columns, as this regards quoting;
    rem    note that the comma `,` is a standard delimiter in `cmd`: */
    for %%I in (%%L) do (
        rem // Store item with surrounding quotes removed:
        set "ITEM=%%~I"
        rem /* Store item with surrounding quotes preserved, needed for later
        rem    filtering out of (unquoted) message in case of no match: */
        set "TEST=%%I"
        rem // Increment column counter:
        set /A CNT+=1
        rem // Toggle delayed expansion not to lose exclamation marks:
        setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
        rem /* in case no match is found, this message appears:
        rem    `INFO: No tasks are running which match the specified criteria.`;
        rem    since this contains no quotes, the following condition fails: */
        if not "!ITEM!"=="!TEST!" (
            rem // The 7th column holds the user name:
            if !CNT! EQU 7 echo(!ITEM!

exit /B

This simply echoes the name of every user that is currently running a process named Chrome.exe. To send messages to them, you might use the net send command instead of echo.

这简单地回应了当前运行名为Chrome.exe的进程的每个用户的名称。要向它们发送消息,您可以使用net send命令而不是echo。

This approach does not work in case the CSV data contains global wild-card characters * and ?; such characters should not occur in image, session and names; they may appear in window titles though, but these appear after the user names in the tasklist output anyway.




Based on the comments to xmcp's answer, I expanded the code a bit:


@echo off 
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 
for /f "delims=" %%x in ('tasklist /fi "imagename eq firefox.exe" /fo csv /nh /v') do ( 
  set line=%%x 
  set line=!line:","="@"! 
  for /f "tokens=7 delims=@" %%a in (!line!) do echo %%~a 

It replaces the field separators (","), without touching the comma within the numbers (in some localizations) and parses the resulting string with a different separator. Donwside: it slows things down (theroetical, I don't think anyone will notice it)

它替换字段分隔符(“,”),而不触及数字中的逗号(在某些本地化中),并使用不同的分隔符分析结果字符串。 Donwside:它减慢了事情(理论上,我认为没有人会注意到它)



Try this:

@echo off
for /f "tokens=8" %%i in ('tasklist /fi "imagename eq chrome.exe" /fo table /nh /v') do echo %%i

Please be aware that the code might be buggy if the image name contains spaces, but I can't find a perfect solution in plain batch-file.






xmcp's answer shows the perfect command to retrieve processes and the names of their owning users. However, their solution fails in case of additional white-spaces appearing within the data.


To make it more safe, use the output format of the tasklist command, capture its output by a for /F loop in full lines/rows and extract the single column/cell items by a standard for loop:

为了使其更安全,使用tasklist命令的csv输出格式,通过完整行/行中的for / F循环捕获其输出,并通过标准for循环提取单个列/单元项:

@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion

rem /* Capture CSV-formatted output without header; `tasklist` returns these columns:
rem    `"Image Name","PID","Session Name","Session#","Mem Usage","Status","User Name","CPU Time","Window Title"`: */
for /F "delims=" %%L in ('
    tasklist /FI "ImageName eq Chrome.exe" /FI "Status eq Running" /V /NH /FO CSV
') do (
    rem // Initialise column counter:
    set /A "CNT=0"
    rem /* Use standard `for` loop to enumerate columns, as this regards quoting;
    rem    note that the comma `,` is a standard delimiter in `cmd`: */
    for %%I in (%%L) do (
        rem // Store item with surrounding quotes removed:
        set "ITEM=%%~I"
        rem /* Store item with surrounding quotes preserved, needed for later
        rem    filtering out of (unquoted) message in case of no match: */
        set "TEST=%%I"
        rem // Increment column counter:
        set /A CNT+=1
        rem // Toggle delayed expansion not to lose exclamation marks:
        setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
        rem /* in case no match is found, this message appears:
        rem    `INFO: No tasks are running which match the specified criteria.`;
        rem    since this contains no quotes, the following condition fails: */
        if not "!ITEM!"=="!TEST!" (
            rem // The 7th column holds the user name:
            if !CNT! EQU 7 echo(!ITEM!

exit /B

This simply echoes the name of every user that is currently running a process named Chrome.exe. To send messages to them, you might use the net send command instead of echo.

这简单地回应了当前运行名为Chrome.exe的进程的每个用户的名称。要向它们发送消息,您可以使用net send命令而不是echo。

This approach does not work in case the CSV data contains global wild-card characters * and ?; such characters should not occur in image, session and names; they may appear in window titles though, but these appear after the user names in the tasklist output anyway.
