检查MVC.net是从Web Setup Project安装的

时间:2022-12-19 15:58:54

Does anyone know of an elegant way to check form a web setup project (as a pre condition maybe?) that MVC.net is installed on the target machine? Is the registry the best way? Or a windows installer search?


Many Thanks,

1 个解决方案


1) MVC doesn't technically require installation. If you have .NET 3.5 (without SP1), it can be bin deployed.

1)MVC技术上不需要安装。如果您有.NET 3.5(没有SP1),则可以进行bin部署。

2) However, to see if it's already installed, test for .NET 3.5 SP1.

2)但是,要查看它是否已安装,请测试.NET 3.5 SP1。


1) MVC doesn't technically require installation. If you have .NET 3.5 (without SP1), it can be bin deployed.

1)MVC技术上不需要安装。如果您有.NET 3.5(没有SP1),则可以进行bin部署。

2) However, to see if it's already installed, test for .NET 3.5 SP1.

2)但是,要查看它是否已安装,请测试.NET 3.5 SP1。