什么是X-REQUEST-ID http头?

时间:2022-08-11 13:42:50

I have already googled a lot this subject, read various articles about this header , its use on Heroku or projects based on Django too.


However, it's still all confused in my head.


  • What is the purpose of this header?
  • 这个标题的目的是什么?
  • Does it violate user privacy?
  • 它是否侵犯了用户的隐私?
  • Can it help tracking a user?
  • 它能帮助跟踪用户吗?

3 个解决方案



When you're operating a webservice that is accessed by clients, it might be difficult to correlate requests (that a client can see) with server logs (that the server can see).


The idea of the X-Request-ID is that a client can create some random ID and pass it to the server. The server then include that ID in every log statement that it creates. If a client receives an error it can include the ID in a bug report, allowing the server operator to look up the corresponding log statements (without having to rely on timestamps, IPs, etc).


As this ID is generated (randomly) by the client it does not contain any sensitive information, and should thus not violate the user's privacy. As a unique ID is created per request it does also not help with tracking users.




Explanation by analogy/story

Your internet is playing up (as usual), so you call up Crapstra and you're waiting on the phone for like ever....20 minutes..60 minutes.........your call is really important to Craptus so finally you give up and slam the phone down in frustration.

你的互联网是玩(像往常一样),所以你打电话给Crapstra和你在电话里等待像....20分钟. .60分钟.........你的电话对Craptus非常重要,所以最后你放弃了,在沮丧的时候把手机放下。

"That's it, I'm writing to the Ombudsman!"


Dear Ombudsman, I called the Crapstra and ....


But the Obmudsman has thousands of call records to go through (all the failed queries of Craptus): how will they know which one is yours?


That's where the X-Request-ID comes in: everytime you dial a call centre, you give them a random number (the X-Request-ID) and they will log it in their records. That way, the ombudsman (having access to all records) will be able to find your incoming call to find out what went wrong.




This request header can be used for syncrhonization. Let's say you've built a ToDo list that offers offline capability. Your user creates 3 items and each of them are given a unique UUID on the offline application. When network connectivity is available, the records are POSTed to the server and the corresponding IDs auto-generated from the database are returned. You can then replace the IDs in your app (e.g. "id" attribute of HTML "li" element).




When you're operating a webservice that is accessed by clients, it might be difficult to correlate requests (that a client can see) with server logs (that the server can see).


The idea of the X-Request-ID is that a client can create some random ID and pass it to the server. The server then include that ID in every log statement that it creates. If a client receives an error it can include the ID in a bug report, allowing the server operator to look up the corresponding log statements (without having to rely on timestamps, IPs, etc).


As this ID is generated (randomly) by the client it does not contain any sensitive information, and should thus not violate the user's privacy. As a unique ID is created per request it does also not help with tracking users.




Explanation by analogy/story

Your internet is playing up (as usual), so you call up Crapstra and you're waiting on the phone for like ever....20 minutes..60 minutes.........your call is really important to Craptus so finally you give up and slam the phone down in frustration.

你的互联网是玩(像往常一样),所以你打电话给Crapstra和你在电话里等待像....20分钟. .60分钟.........你的电话对Craptus非常重要,所以最后你放弃了,在沮丧的时候把手机放下。

"That's it, I'm writing to the Ombudsman!"


Dear Ombudsman, I called the Crapstra and ....


But the Obmudsman has thousands of call records to go through (all the failed queries of Craptus): how will they know which one is yours?


That's where the X-Request-ID comes in: everytime you dial a call centre, you give them a random number (the X-Request-ID) and they will log it in their records. That way, the ombudsman (having access to all records) will be able to find your incoming call to find out what went wrong.




This request header can be used for syncrhonization. Let's say you've built a ToDo list that offers offline capability. Your user creates 3 items and each of them are given a unique UUID on the offline application. When network connectivity is available, the records are POSTed to the server and the corresponding IDs auto-generated from the database are returned. You can then replace the IDs in your app (e.g. "id" attribute of HTML "li" element).
