
时间:2022-08-19 13:18:33

I'm hosting my web application on an azure VM. I've created a new user for MSSQLSERVER which my application can use to access the remote SQL server on that machine (so i do not use the sa user in my application). I have no problems at all accessing it, but i accidentally opened the Event Viewer and I found that each time I log into my application I get tens of messages that say


"Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: An error occurred while evaluating the password. [client: ......]


I first thought that it was an intruder, but then I realized that this message appears once I login to my application.


Why could this message be shown ?


1 个解决方案



It is a state 1 issue, password validation gets done all-right, the problem is it is disabled for that user, in this case your MSSQLSERVER user or sa. Try logging in with sa, and log out to refresh credentials . grant all permissions to new user that you created, and log in with your newly created user. This should solve the problem [make sure that error number is either of 18470 or 18456].




It is a state 1 issue, password validation gets done all-right, the problem is it is disabled for that user, in this case your MSSQLSERVER user or sa. Try logging in with sa, and log out to refresh credentials . grant all permissions to new user that you created, and log in with your newly created user. This should solve the problem [make sure that error number is either of 18470 or 18456].
