
时间:2022-08-01 12:54:00

I am thinking about creating an open source data management web application for various types of data.


A privileged user must be able to


  • add new entity types (for example a 'user' or a 'family')
  • 添加新的实体类型(例如'user'或'family')
  • add new properties to entity types (for example 'gender' to 'user')
  • 向实体类型添加新属性(例如'gender'到'user')
  • remove/modify entities and properties
  • 删除/修改实体和属性

These will be common tasks for the privileged user. He will do this through the web interface of the application. In the end, all data must be searchable and sortable by all types of users of the application. Two questions trouble me:


a) How should the data be stored in the database? Should I dynamically add/remove database tables and/or columns during runtime?


I am no database expert. I am stuck with the imagination that in terms of relational databases, the application has to be able to dynamically add/remove tables (entities) and/or columns (properties) at runtime. And I don't like this idea. Likewise, I am thinking if such dynamic data should be handled in a NoSQL database.


Anyway, I believe that this kind of problem has an intelligent canonical solution, which I just did not find and think of so far. What is the best approach for this kind of dynamic data management?


b) How to implement this in Python using an ORM or NoSQL?


If you recommend using a relational database model, then I would like to use SQLAlchemy. However, I don't see how to dynamically create tables/columns with an ORM at runtime. This is one of the reasons why I hope that there is a much better approach than creating tables and columns during runtime. Is the recommended database model efficiently implementable with SQLAlchemy?


If you recommend using a NoSQL database, which one? I like using Redis -- can you imagine an efficient implementation based on Redis?


Thanks for your suggestions!


Edit in response to some comments:


The idea is that all instances ("rows") of a certain entity ("table") share the same set of properties/attributes ("columns"). However, it will be perfectly valid if certain instances have an empty value for certain properties/attributes.


Basically, users will search the data through a simple form on a website. They query for e.g. all instances of an entity E with property P having a value V higher than T. The result can be sorted by the value of any property.


The datasets won't become too large. Hence, I think even the stupidest approach would still lead to a working system. However, I am an enthusiast and I'd like to apply modern and appropriate technology as well as I'd like to be aware of theoretical bottlenecks. I want to use this project in order to gather experience in designing a "Pythonic", state-of-the-art, scalable, and reliable web application.


I see that the first comments tend to recommending a NoSQL approach. Although I really like Redis, it looks like it would be stupid not to take advantage of the Document/Collection model of Mongo/Couch. I've been looking into mongodb and mongoengine for Python. By doing so, do I take steps into the right direction?


Edit 2 in response to some answers/comments:


From most of your answers, I conclude that the dynamic creation/deletion of tables and columns in the relational picture is not the way to go. This already is valuable information. Also, one opinion is that the whole idea of the dynamic modification of entities and properties could be bad design.


As exactly this dynamic nature should be the main purpose/feature of the application, I don't give up on this. From the theoretical point of view, I accept that performing operations on a dynamic data model must necessarily be slower than performing operations on a static data model. This is totally fine.


Expressed in an abstract way, the application needs to manage


  1. the data layout, i.e. a "dynamic list" of valid entity types and a "dynamic list" of properties for each valid entity type
  2. 数据布局,即有效实体类型的“动态列表”和每个有效实体类型的“动态列表”属性
  3. the data itself
  4. 数据本身

I am looking for an intelligent and efficient way to implement this. From your answers, it looks like NoSQL is the way to go here, which is another important conclusion.


4 个解决方案



So, if you conceptualize your entities as "documents," then this whole problem maps onto a no-sql solution pretty well. As commented, you'll need to have some kind of model layer that sits on top of your document store and performs tasks like validation, and perhaps enforces (or encourages) some kind of schema, because there's no implicit backend requirement that entities in the same collection (parallel to table) share schema.


Allowing privileged users to change your schema concept (as opposed to just adding fields to individual documents - that's easy to support) will pose a little bit of a challenge - you'll have to handle migrating the existing data to match the new schema automatically.


Reading your edits, Mongo supports the kind of searching/ordering you're looking for, and will give you the support for "empty cells" (documents lacking a particular key) that you need.


If I were you (and I happen to be working on a similar, but simpler, product at the moment), I'd stick with Mongo and look into a lightweight web framework like Flask to provide the front-end. You'll be on your own to provide the model, but you won't be fighting against a framework's implicit modeling choices.




The SQL or NoSQL choice is not your problem. You need to read little more about database design in general. As you said, you're not a database expert(and you don't need to be), but you absolutely must study a little more the RDBMS paradigm.


It's a common mistake for amateur enthusiasts to choose a NoSQL solution. Sometimes NoSQL is a good solution, most of the times is not.


Take for example MongoDB, which you mentioned(and is one of the good NoSQL solutions I've tried). Schema-less, right? Err.. not exactly. You see when something is schema-less means no constraints, validation, etc. But your application's models/entities can't stand on thin air! Surely there will be some constraints and validation logic which you will implement on your software layer. So I give you mongokit! I will just quote from the project's description this tiny bit

以MongoDB为例,您提到过它(它是我尝试过的一个很好的NoSQL解决方案)。非模式化,对吧?呃. .不完全是。您可以看到,当某些东西是无模式的时,意味着没有约束、验证等。但是您的应用程序的模型/实体不能空穴来风!当然,您将在软件层上实现一些约束和验证逻辑。所以我给你mongokit!我将引用这个项目的描述

MongoKit brings structured schema and validation layer on top of the great pymongo driver


Hmmm... unstructured became structured.


At least we don't have SQL right? Yeah, we don't. We have a different query language which is of course inferior to SQL. At least you don't need to resort to map/reduce for basic queries(see CouchDB).


Don't get me wrong, NoSQL(and especially MongoDB) has its purpose, but most of the times these technologies are used for the wrong reason.


Also, if you care about serious persistence and data integrity forget about NoSQL solutions. All these technologies are too experimental to keep your serious data. By researching a bit who(except Google/Amazon) uses NoSQL solutions and for what exactly, you will find that almost no one uses it for keeping their important data. They mostly use them for logging, messages and real time data. Basically anything to off-load some burden from their SQL db storage.

此外,如果您关心严重的持久性和数据完整性,那么请忘记NoSQL解决方案。所有这些技术都是实验性的,不能保证你的数据可靠。通过研究一些人(除了谷歌/Amazon)使用NoSQL解决方案,而且确切地说,您会发现几乎没有人使用它来保存重要数据。它们主要用于日志记录、消息和实时数据。基本上,可以从SQL db存储中卸载一些负担。

Redis, in my opinion, is probably the only project who is going to survive the NoSQL explosion unscathed. Maybe because it doesn't advertise itself as NoSQL, but as a key-value store, which is exactly what it is and a pretty damn good one! Also they seem serious about persistence. It is a swiss army knife, but not a good solution to replace entirely your RDBMS.


I am sorry, I said too much :)


So here is my suggestion:


1) Study the RDBMS model a bit.


2) Django is a good framework if most of your project is going to use an RDBMS.

2)如果您的项目大部分使用RDBMS, Django是一个很好的框架。

3) Postgresql rocks! Also keep in mind that version 9.2 will bring native JSON support. You could dump all your 'dynamic' properties in there and you could use a secondary storage/engine to perform queries(map/reduce) on said properties. Have your cake and eat it too!


4) For serious search capabilities consider specialized engines like solr.


EDIT: 6 April 2013


5) django-ext-hstore gives you access to postgresql hstore type. It's similar to a python dictionary and you can perform queries on it, with the limitation that you can't have nested dictionaries as values. Also the value of key can be only of type string.

5) django-ext-hstore允许您访问postgresql hstore类型。它类似于python字典,您可以对它执行查询,但有一个限制,即不能将嵌套字典作为值。键值也只能是字符串类型。

Have fun


Update in response to OP's comment


0) Consider the application 'contains data' and has already been used for a while


I am not sure if you mean that it contains data in a legacy dbms or you are just trying to say that "imagine that the DB is not empty and consider the following points...". In the former case, it seems a migration issue(completely different question), in the latter, well OK.


1) Admin deletes entity "family" and all related data


Why should someone eliminate completely an entity(table)? Either your application has to do with families, houses, etc or it doesn't. Deleting instances(rows) of families is understandable of course.


2) Admin creates entity "house"


Same with #1. If you introduce a brand new entity in your app then most probably it will encapsulate semantics and business logic, for which new code must be written. This happens to all applications as they evolve through time and of course warrants a creation of a new table, or maybe ALTERing an existing one. But this process is not a part of the functionality of your application. i.e. it happens rarely, and is a migration/refactoring issue.

# 1也一样。如果您在应用程序中引入一个全新的实体,那么很可能它将封装语义和业务逻辑,因此必须编写新的代码。随着时间的推移,所有应用程序都会出现这种情况,当然,这就需要创建一个新的表,或者修改一个现有的表。但是这个过程不是应用程序功能的一部分。例如,它很少发生,并且是一个迁移/重构问题。

3) Admin adds properties "floors", "age", ..


Why? Don't we know beforehand that a House has floors? That a User has a gender? Adding and removing, dynamically, this type of attributes is not a feature, but a design flaw. It is part of the analysis/design phase to identify your entities and their respective properties.


4) Privileged user adds some houses.


Yes, he is adding an instance(row) to the existing entity(table) House.


5) User searches for all houses with at least five floors cheaper than 100 $


A perfectly valid query which can be achieved with either SQL or NoSQL solution. In django it would be something along those lines:


House.objects.filter(floors__gte=5, price__lt=100)

provided that House has the attributes floors and price. But if you need to do text-based queries, then neither SQL nor NoSQL will be satisfying enough. Because you don't want to implement faceting or stemming on your own! You will use some of the already discussed solutions(Solr, ElasticSearch, etc).


Some more general notes:


The examples you gave about Houses, Users and their properties, do not warrant any dynamic schema. Maybe you simplified your example just to make your point, but you talk about adding/removing Entities(tables) as if they are rows in a db. Entities are supposed to be a big deal in an application. They define the purpose of your application and its functionality. As such, they can't change every minute.


Also you said:


The idea is that all instances ("rows") of a certain entity ("table") share the same set of properties/attributes ("columns"). However, it will be perfectly valid if certain instances have an empty value for certain properties/attributes.

This seems like a common case where an attribute has null=True.


And as a final note, I would like to suggest to you to try both approaches(SQL and NoSQL), since it doesn't seem like your career depends on this project. It will be a beneficiary experience, as you will understand first-hand, the cons and pros of each approach. Or even how to "blend" these approaches together.




What you're asking about is a common requirement in many systems -- how to extend a core data model to handle user-defined data. That's a popular requirement for packaged software (where it is typically handled one way) and open-source software (where it is handled another way).


The earlier advice to learn more about RDBMS design generally can't hurt. What I will add to that is, don't fall into the trap of re-implementing a relational database in your own application-specific data model! I have seen this done many times, usually in packaged software. Not wanting to expose the core data model (or permission to alter it) to end users, the developer creates a generic data structure and an app interface that allows the end user to define entities, fields etc. but not using the RDBMS facilities. That's usually a mistake because it's hard to be nearly as thorough or bug-free as what a seasoned RDBMS can just do for you, and it can take a lot of time. It's tempting but IMHO not a good idea.


Assuming the data model changes are global (shared by all users once admin has made them), the way I would approach this problem would be to create an app interface to sit between the admin user and the RDBMS, and apply whatever rules you need to apply to the data model changes, but then pass the final changes to the RDBMS. So for example, you may have rules that say entity names need to follow a certain format, new entities are allowed to have foreign keys to existing tables but must always use the DELETE CASCADE rule, fields can only be of certain data types, all fields must have default values etc. You could have a very simple screen asking the user to provide entity name, field names & defaults etc. and then generate the SQL code (inclusive of all your rules) to make these changes to your database.


Some common rules & how you would address them would be things like:


-- if a field is not null and has a default value, and there are already existing records in the table before that field was added by the admin, update existing records to have the default value while creating the field (multiple steps -- add field allowing null; update all existing records; alter the table to enforce not null w/ default) -- otherwise you wouldn't be able to use a field-level integrity rule)

——如果一个字段不是null,并且具有默认值,并且在admin添加该字段之前,表中已经有记录,那么在创建字段时更新现有记录,使其具有默认值(多个步骤——添加允许null的字段;更新所有现有记录;修改表以强制使用not null w/ default)——否则您将无法使用字段级的完整性规则)

-- new tables must have a distinct naming pattern so you can continue to distinguish your core data model from the user-extended data model, i.e. core and user-defined have different RDBMS owners (dbo. vs. user.) or prefixes (none for core, __ for user-defined) or somesuch.


-- it is OK to add fields to tables that are in the core data model (as long as they tolerate nulls or have a default), and it is OK for admin to delete fields that admin added to core data model tables, but admin cannot delete fields that were defined as part of the core data model.


In other words -- use the power of the RDBMS to define the tables and manage the data, but in order to ensure whatever conventions or rules you need will always be applied, do this by building an app-to-DB admin function, instead of giving the admin user direct DB access.

换句话说,使用RDBMS的功能来定义表和管理数据,但是为了确保您所需要的任何约定或规则总是被应用,通过构建一个appto -DB的管理函数来实现这一点,而不是给admin用户直接的DB访问。

If you really wanted to do this via the DB layer only, you could probably achieve the same by creating a bunch of stored procedures and triggers that would implement the same logic (and who knows, maybe you would do that anyway for your app). That's probably more of a question of how comfortable are your admin users working in the DB tier vs. via an intermediary app.


So to answer your questions directly:


(1) Yes, add tables and columns at run time, but think about the rules you will need to have to ensure your app can work even once user-defined data is added, and choose a way to enforce those rules (via app or via DB / stored procs or whatever) when you process the table & field changes.

(1)是的,在运行时添加表和列,但考虑规则需要确保应用程序能够工作即使添加用户定义的数据,并选择一种方式来执行这些规则(通过应用程序或通过DB /存储效果之类的)当你表和字段的变化过程。

(2) This issue isn't strongly affected by your choice of SQL vs. NoSQL engine. In every case, you have a core data model and an extended data model. If you can design your app to respond to a dynamic data model (e.g. add new fields to screens when fields are added to a DB table or whatever) then your app will respond nicely to changes in both the core and user-defined data model. That's an interesting challenge but not much affected by choice of DB implementation style.


Good luck!




Maybe doesn't matter the persistence engine of your model objects (RDBMS, NoSQL, etc...). The technology you're looking for is an index to search for and find your objects.


I think you need to find your objects using their schema. So, if the schema is defined dynamically and persisted on a database you can build dynamic search forms, etc.. Some kind of reference of the entity and attributes to the real objects is needed.


Give a look to the Entity-Attribute-Model pattern (EAV). This can be implemented over SQLAlchemy to use an RDBMS database as mean to store vertically your schema and data and relate thems.


You're entering in the field of the Semantic Web Programming, maybe you should read at less the first chapter of this book:


Programming The Semantic Web


it tells the whole story of your problem: from rigid schemas to dynamic schemas, implemented first as a key-value store and later improved to a graph persistence over a relational model.


My opinion is that the best implementations of this could be achieved nowadays with graph databases and a very good example of current implementations are Berkeley DBs (some LDAP implementations use Berkeley DBs as a tech implementation to this indexing problem.)

我的观点是,现在最好的实现是通过图形数据库实现的,当前实现的一个很好的例子是Berkeley DBs(一些LDAP实现使用Berkeley DBs作为这个索引问题的技术实现)。

Once in a graph model you could do some kind of "inferences" on the graph, making appear the DB with somekind of "intelligence". An example of this is stated on the book.




So, if you conceptualize your entities as "documents," then this whole problem maps onto a no-sql solution pretty well. As commented, you'll need to have some kind of model layer that sits on top of your document store and performs tasks like validation, and perhaps enforces (or encourages) some kind of schema, because there's no implicit backend requirement that entities in the same collection (parallel to table) share schema.


Allowing privileged users to change your schema concept (as opposed to just adding fields to individual documents - that's easy to support) will pose a little bit of a challenge - you'll have to handle migrating the existing data to match the new schema automatically.


Reading your edits, Mongo supports the kind of searching/ordering you're looking for, and will give you the support for "empty cells" (documents lacking a particular key) that you need.


If I were you (and I happen to be working on a similar, but simpler, product at the moment), I'd stick with Mongo and look into a lightweight web framework like Flask to provide the front-end. You'll be on your own to provide the model, but you won't be fighting against a framework's implicit modeling choices.




The SQL or NoSQL choice is not your problem. You need to read little more about database design in general. As you said, you're not a database expert(and you don't need to be), but you absolutely must study a little more the RDBMS paradigm.


It's a common mistake for amateur enthusiasts to choose a NoSQL solution. Sometimes NoSQL is a good solution, most of the times is not.


Take for example MongoDB, which you mentioned(and is one of the good NoSQL solutions I've tried). Schema-less, right? Err.. not exactly. You see when something is schema-less means no constraints, validation, etc. But your application's models/entities can't stand on thin air! Surely there will be some constraints and validation logic which you will implement on your software layer. So I give you mongokit! I will just quote from the project's description this tiny bit

以MongoDB为例,您提到过它(它是我尝试过的一个很好的NoSQL解决方案)。非模式化,对吧?呃. .不完全是。您可以看到,当某些东西是无模式的时,意味着没有约束、验证等。但是您的应用程序的模型/实体不能空穴来风!当然,您将在软件层上实现一些约束和验证逻辑。所以我给你mongokit!我将引用这个项目的描述

MongoKit brings structured schema and validation layer on top of the great pymongo driver


Hmmm... unstructured became structured.


At least we don't have SQL right? Yeah, we don't. We have a different query language which is of course inferior to SQL. At least you don't need to resort to map/reduce for basic queries(see CouchDB).


Don't get me wrong, NoSQL(and especially MongoDB) has its purpose, but most of the times these technologies are used for the wrong reason.


Also, if you care about serious persistence and data integrity forget about NoSQL solutions. All these technologies are too experimental to keep your serious data. By researching a bit who(except Google/Amazon) uses NoSQL solutions and for what exactly, you will find that almost no one uses it for keeping their important data. They mostly use them for logging, messages and real time data. Basically anything to off-load some burden from their SQL db storage.

此外,如果您关心严重的持久性和数据完整性,那么请忘记NoSQL解决方案。所有这些技术都是实验性的,不能保证你的数据可靠。通过研究一些人(除了谷歌/Amazon)使用NoSQL解决方案,而且确切地说,您会发现几乎没有人使用它来保存重要数据。它们主要用于日志记录、消息和实时数据。基本上,可以从SQL db存储中卸载一些负担。

Redis, in my opinion, is probably the only project who is going to survive the NoSQL explosion unscathed. Maybe because it doesn't advertise itself as NoSQL, but as a key-value store, which is exactly what it is and a pretty damn good one! Also they seem serious about persistence. It is a swiss army knife, but not a good solution to replace entirely your RDBMS.


I am sorry, I said too much :)


So here is my suggestion:


1) Study the RDBMS model a bit.


2) Django is a good framework if most of your project is going to use an RDBMS.

2)如果您的项目大部分使用RDBMS, Django是一个很好的框架。

3) Postgresql rocks! Also keep in mind that version 9.2 will bring native JSON support. You could dump all your 'dynamic' properties in there and you could use a secondary storage/engine to perform queries(map/reduce) on said properties. Have your cake and eat it too!


4) For serious search capabilities consider specialized engines like solr.


EDIT: 6 April 2013


5) django-ext-hstore gives you access to postgresql hstore type. It's similar to a python dictionary and you can perform queries on it, with the limitation that you can't have nested dictionaries as values. Also the value of key can be only of type string.

5) django-ext-hstore允许您访问postgresql hstore类型。它类似于python字典,您可以对它执行查询,但有一个限制,即不能将嵌套字典作为值。键值也只能是字符串类型。

Have fun


Update in response to OP's comment


0) Consider the application 'contains data' and has already been used for a while


I am not sure if you mean that it contains data in a legacy dbms or you are just trying to say that "imagine that the DB is not empty and consider the following points...". In the former case, it seems a migration issue(completely different question), in the latter, well OK.


1) Admin deletes entity "family" and all related data


Why should someone eliminate completely an entity(table)? Either your application has to do with families, houses, etc or it doesn't. Deleting instances(rows) of families is understandable of course.


2) Admin creates entity "house"


Same with #1. If you introduce a brand new entity in your app then most probably it will encapsulate semantics and business logic, for which new code must be written. This happens to all applications as they evolve through time and of course warrants a creation of a new table, or maybe ALTERing an existing one. But this process is not a part of the functionality of your application. i.e. it happens rarely, and is a migration/refactoring issue.

# 1也一样。如果您在应用程序中引入一个全新的实体,那么很可能它将封装语义和业务逻辑,因此必须编写新的代码。随着时间的推移,所有应用程序都会出现这种情况,当然,这就需要创建一个新的表,或者修改一个现有的表。但是这个过程不是应用程序功能的一部分。例如,它很少发生,并且是一个迁移/重构问题。

3) Admin adds properties "floors", "age", ..


Why? Don't we know beforehand that a House has floors? That a User has a gender? Adding and removing, dynamically, this type of attributes is not a feature, but a design flaw. It is part of the analysis/design phase to identify your entities and their respective properties.


4) Privileged user adds some houses.


Yes, he is adding an instance(row) to the existing entity(table) House.


5) User searches for all houses with at least five floors cheaper than 100 $


A perfectly valid query which can be achieved with either SQL or NoSQL solution. In django it would be something along those lines:


House.objects.filter(floors__gte=5, price__lt=100)

provided that House has the attributes floors and price. But if you need to do text-based queries, then neither SQL nor NoSQL will be satisfying enough. Because you don't want to implement faceting or stemming on your own! You will use some of the already discussed solutions(Solr, ElasticSearch, etc).


Some more general notes:


The examples you gave about Houses, Users and their properties, do not warrant any dynamic schema. Maybe you simplified your example just to make your point, but you talk about adding/removing Entities(tables) as if they are rows in a db. Entities are supposed to be a big deal in an application. They define the purpose of your application and its functionality. As such, they can't change every minute.


Also you said:


The idea is that all instances ("rows") of a certain entity ("table") share the same set of properties/attributes ("columns"). However, it will be perfectly valid if certain instances have an empty value for certain properties/attributes.

This seems like a common case where an attribute has null=True.


And as a final note, I would like to suggest to you to try both approaches(SQL and NoSQL), since it doesn't seem like your career depends on this project. It will be a beneficiary experience, as you will understand first-hand, the cons and pros of each approach. Or even how to "blend" these approaches together.




What you're asking about is a common requirement in many systems -- how to extend a core data model to handle user-defined data. That's a popular requirement for packaged software (where it is typically handled one way) and open-source software (where it is handled another way).


The earlier advice to learn more about RDBMS design generally can't hurt. What I will add to that is, don't fall into the trap of re-implementing a relational database in your own application-specific data model! I have seen this done many times, usually in packaged software. Not wanting to expose the core data model (or permission to alter it) to end users, the developer creates a generic data structure and an app interface that allows the end user to define entities, fields etc. but not using the RDBMS facilities. That's usually a mistake because it's hard to be nearly as thorough or bug-free as what a seasoned RDBMS can just do for you, and it can take a lot of time. It's tempting but IMHO not a good idea.


Assuming the data model changes are global (shared by all users once admin has made them), the way I would approach this problem would be to create an app interface to sit between the admin user and the RDBMS, and apply whatever rules you need to apply to the data model changes, but then pass the final changes to the RDBMS. So for example, you may have rules that say entity names need to follow a certain format, new entities are allowed to have foreign keys to existing tables but must always use the DELETE CASCADE rule, fields can only be of certain data types, all fields must have default values etc. You could have a very simple screen asking the user to provide entity name, field names & defaults etc. and then generate the SQL code (inclusive of all your rules) to make these changes to your database.


Some common rules & how you would address them would be things like:


-- if a field is not null and has a default value, and there are already existing records in the table before that field was added by the admin, update existing records to have the default value while creating the field (multiple steps -- add field allowing null; update all existing records; alter the table to enforce not null w/ default) -- otherwise you wouldn't be able to use a field-level integrity rule)

——如果一个字段不是null,并且具有默认值,并且在admin添加该字段之前,表中已经有记录,那么在创建字段时更新现有记录,使其具有默认值(多个步骤——添加允许null的字段;更新所有现有记录;修改表以强制使用not null w/ default)——否则您将无法使用字段级的完整性规则)

-- new tables must have a distinct naming pattern so you can continue to distinguish your core data model from the user-extended data model, i.e. core and user-defined have different RDBMS owners (dbo. vs. user.) or prefixes (none for core, __ for user-defined) or somesuch.


-- it is OK to add fields to tables that are in the core data model (as long as they tolerate nulls or have a default), and it is OK for admin to delete fields that admin added to core data model tables, but admin cannot delete fields that were defined as part of the core data model.


In other words -- use the power of the RDBMS to define the tables and manage the data, but in order to ensure whatever conventions or rules you need will always be applied, do this by building an app-to-DB admin function, instead of giving the admin user direct DB access.

换句话说,使用RDBMS的功能来定义表和管理数据,但是为了确保您所需要的任何约定或规则总是被应用,通过构建一个appto -DB的管理函数来实现这一点,而不是给admin用户直接的DB访问。

If you really wanted to do this via the DB layer only, you could probably achieve the same by creating a bunch of stored procedures and triggers that would implement the same logic (and who knows, maybe you would do that anyway for your app). That's probably more of a question of how comfortable are your admin users working in the DB tier vs. via an intermediary app.


So to answer your questions directly:


(1) Yes, add tables and columns at run time, but think about the rules you will need to have to ensure your app can work even once user-defined data is added, and choose a way to enforce those rules (via app or via DB / stored procs or whatever) when you process the table & field changes.

(1)是的,在运行时添加表和列,但考虑规则需要确保应用程序能够工作即使添加用户定义的数据,并选择一种方式来执行这些规则(通过应用程序或通过DB /存储效果之类的)当你表和字段的变化过程。

(2) This issue isn't strongly affected by your choice of SQL vs. NoSQL engine. In every case, you have a core data model and an extended data model. If you can design your app to respond to a dynamic data model (e.g. add new fields to screens when fields are added to a DB table or whatever) then your app will respond nicely to changes in both the core and user-defined data model. That's an interesting challenge but not much affected by choice of DB implementation style.


Good luck!




Maybe doesn't matter the persistence engine of your model objects (RDBMS, NoSQL, etc...). The technology you're looking for is an index to search for and find your objects.


I think you need to find your objects using their schema. So, if the schema is defined dynamically and persisted on a database you can build dynamic search forms, etc.. Some kind of reference of the entity and attributes to the real objects is needed.


Give a look to the Entity-Attribute-Model pattern (EAV). This can be implemented over SQLAlchemy to use an RDBMS database as mean to store vertically your schema and data and relate thems.


You're entering in the field of the Semantic Web Programming, maybe you should read at less the first chapter of this book:


Programming The Semantic Web


it tells the whole story of your problem: from rigid schemas to dynamic schemas, implemented first as a key-value store and later improved to a graph persistence over a relational model.


My opinion is that the best implementations of this could be achieved nowadays with graph databases and a very good example of current implementations are Berkeley DBs (some LDAP implementations use Berkeley DBs as a tech implementation to this indexing problem.)

我的观点是,现在最好的实现是通过图形数据库实现的,当前实现的一个很好的例子是Berkeley DBs(一些LDAP实现使用Berkeley DBs作为这个索引问题的技术实现)。

Once in a graph model you could do some kind of "inferences" on the graph, making appear the DB with somekind of "intelligence". An example of this is stated on the book.
