
时间:2022-12-16 12:48:39

Which gui development option gives a optimized and faster gui for Blackberry applications? BB tools,J2ME tools,or any other UI toolkit like LWUIT ?

哪个gui开发选项为Blackberry应用程序提供了优化和更快的gui? BB工具,J2ME工具或任何其他UI工具包如LWUIT?

2 个解决方案


The BlackBerry UI classes, without a doubt. You get access to all the BlackBerry specific UI stuff - the BB keycodes, special keys, events, better control over your app's menus, touch screen stuff for the Storm, integration with all the components on the BlackBerry (browser, maps, homescreen icons). Better application life cycle support, including running in the background.

毫无疑问,BlackBerry UI类。您可以访问所有BlackBerry特定的UI内容 - BB键码,特殊键,事件,更好地控制应用程序的菜单,触摸屏的Storm,与BlackBerry上的所有组件集成(浏览器,地图,主屏幕图标) 。更好的应用程序生命周期支持,包括在后台运行。

You may be tempted to use the J2ME classes or LWUIT if you're very interested in porting to another J2ME platform but trust me you'll kick yourself for it later. If portability is a concern, better to separate the more platform-independent parts of your app (business logic, networking) into separate packages and build two UIs. Also if you're like everyone else you'll want to port to iPhone before any other J2ME platforms anyway :)

如果你对移植到另一个J2ME平台非常感兴趣,你可能会想要使用J2ME类或LWUIT但是相信我你以后会为它自己踢它。如果需要考虑可移植性,最好将应用程序中更多与平台无关的部分(业务逻辑,网络)分离到单独的包中,并构建两个UI。此外,如果你像其他人一样,你会想要在任何其他J2ME平台之前移植到iPhone :)

Edit: Remembered I also wrote a blog post about this a while back - lots of the same info, but some more details that might help

编辑:记得我还写了一篇关于这篇文章的博客文章 - 很多相同的信息,但更多的细节可能会有所帮助


I am currently dealing with this issue, i have an app targeted for J2ME using LWUIT and ported LWUIT to blackberry, the peformance is not encouraging, i think seperating business logic is the way to go. Now looking into RIM UI's.

我目前正在处理这个问题,我有一个针对J2ME的应用程序使用LWUIT并将LWUIT移植到黑莓手机,性能并不令人鼓舞,我认为分离业务逻辑是可行的方法。现在看看RIM UI。


The BlackBerry UI classes, without a doubt. You get access to all the BlackBerry specific UI stuff - the BB keycodes, special keys, events, better control over your app's menus, touch screen stuff for the Storm, integration with all the components on the BlackBerry (browser, maps, homescreen icons). Better application life cycle support, including running in the background.

毫无疑问,BlackBerry UI类。您可以访问所有BlackBerry特定的UI内容 - BB键码,特殊键,事件,更好地控制应用程序的菜单,触摸屏的Storm,与BlackBerry上的所有组件集成(浏览器,地图,主屏幕图标) 。更好的应用程序生命周期支持,包括在后台运行。

You may be tempted to use the J2ME classes or LWUIT if you're very interested in porting to another J2ME platform but trust me you'll kick yourself for it later. If portability is a concern, better to separate the more platform-independent parts of your app (business logic, networking) into separate packages and build two UIs. Also if you're like everyone else you'll want to port to iPhone before any other J2ME platforms anyway :)

如果你对移植到另一个J2ME平台非常感兴趣,你可能会想要使用J2ME类或LWUIT但是相信我你以后会为它自己踢它。如果需要考虑可移植性,最好将应用程序中更多与平台无关的部分(业务逻辑,网络)分离到单独的包中,并构建两个UI。此外,如果你像其他人一样,你会想要在任何其他J2ME平台之前移植到iPhone :)

Edit: Remembered I also wrote a blog post about this a while back - lots of the same info, but some more details that might help

编辑:记得我还写了一篇关于这篇文章的博客文章 - 很多相同的信息,但更多的细节可能会有所帮助


I am currently dealing with this issue, i have an app targeted for J2ME using LWUIT and ported LWUIT to blackberry, the peformance is not encouraging, i think seperating business logic is the way to go. Now looking into RIM UI's.

我目前正在处理这个问题,我有一个针对J2ME的应用程序使用LWUIT并将LWUIT移植到黑莓手机,性能并不令人鼓舞,我认为分离业务逻辑是可行的方法。现在看看RIM UI。