采用数据库连接池连接到mysql时,因应用中没有关闭ResultSet导致的memory leak问题

时间:2022-09-22 11:49:26
So it seems that even if you close all you statements and resultsets, if you do not close the connection, 
it keeps references to them and the GarbageCollector can't free the resources. 

My solution: after a long search I found this statement from the guys at MySQL: 

伦理片 http://www.dotdy.com/

"A quick test is to add "dontTrackOpenResources=true" to your JDBC URL. 
If the memory leak goes away, some code path in your application isn't closing statements and result sets." 
==>快速测试验证:如果在JDBC的url加上参数【dontTrackOpenResources=true】,memory leak消失的话,则说明应用中某些代码没有关闭statement和resultset。 
==>"When the connection property dontTrackOpenResources=true was used, the result set was closed after a statement.close() was issued." 
When the connection property dontTrackOpenResources=true was used, the result set was closed after a Statement.close() was issued. (Bug #17164058, Bug #69746) 


==>Note:When a Statement object is closed, its current ResultSet object, if one exists, is also closed. 

==>A ResultSet object maintains a cursor pointing to its current row of data. Initially the cursor is positioned before the first row. 
The next method moves the cursor to the next row, and because it returns false when there are no more rows in the ResultSet object, 
it can be used in a while loop to iterate through the result set. 