
时间:2021-08-21 11:52:37

Would it be better to learn C before learning any type of WEB and desktop programming?


I don't know how to program, I want to learn Javascript and my friends suggested to me that I should learn C first.


13 个解决方案



JavaScript may be one of the klunkiest languages ever, but it has one huge advantage over C: You can play with it. (I spent 10+ years coding in C. I had some fun, but I'd never call what I did "playing".)

JavaScript可能是有史以来最笨的语言之一,但它比C有一个巨大的优势:你可以使用它。 (我花了10多年时间用C语言编写。我有一些乐趣,但我从来没有打电话给我所做的“玩”。)

My suggestion: Open up your favorite Web page, save it to disk, open up the JavaScript (or download it, if need be), and play. You'll learn a lot that way.


EDIT: Downvoters: Yes, there is a lot to like about JavaScript. But there's also a lot not to like.



If your intent is to learn Javascript, start with Javascript now. The C language brings you a lot of general knowledge, but for Web programming it's better to start with HTML and Javascript. You need to answer yourself this question: 'how much time I can spend before be able to make money with programming?'

如果您的目的是学习Javascript,请立即开始使用Javascript。 C语言为您带来了许多常识,但对于Web编程,最好从HTML和Javascript开始。你需要自己回答这个问题:“我能花多少时间才能通过编程来赚钱?”


I actually think that JavaScript is one of the best languages to start programming with. Later, when you you really get it and you want to go deeper, C is something great to know. It gives you a much deeper understanding of how computers really work.


JavaScript really lets you get started fast, see immediate results, and ramp up to more complex concepts very fluidly.


The rest of my answer assumes you know practically nothing about programming - web or otherwise. Maybe you know a little html basics.

我的其余部分假设您几乎不了解编程 - 网络或其他方面。也许你知道一些小的HTML基础知识。

Open up a text editor. You can even just start with notepad or something. And put in the following:


            alert("Hello, World!");

Save the file as hello.html and open it in a browser. Poof! You've written a program. Doesn't get easier than that. No need to get into the command line or download or build anything. I remember when I first started being frustrated trying to get PHP running on my machine and wishing it was as simple as getting started with JavaScript.


The next step is just to read and explore. Documentation is freely available all over for learning more. I highly recommend anything from Douglas Crockford and JavaScript:The Definitive Guide.

下一步就是阅读和探索。文档可以免费获取,以便了解更多信息。我强烈推荐Douglas Crockford和JavaScript:The Definitive Guide。

A pretty good basic project would be a calculator program, but there's lots of fun things you can do. When you've gotten your feet wet, and you feel a little more confident, explore some other languages. Ruby is a pretty good step from JavaScript. By that point you'll probably know where to go yourself. You may never take the road to learning C. Even if you learn it, you will likely never really have to use it.

一个非常好的基础项目是计算器程序,但你可以做很多有趣的事情。当你已经湿透了脚,并且感觉自己有点自信时,可以去探索其他一些语言。 Ruby是JavaScript的一个很好的步骤。到那时你可能知道自己要去哪里。你可能永远不会走上学习之路。即使你学习了它,你也可能永远不会真正使用它。


I think it depends on your motives - are you aiming to become a professional programmer? If so, there could be some value in learning C first.

我认为这取决于你的动机 - 你的目标是成为一名专业的程序员吗?如果是这样,首先学习C可能有一些价值。

Most entry-level programming subjects at University are taught in terms of C; it can give you a deeper insight into how software works. Also, K&R is a valuable programming manual in its own right.


If your aim is to create a simple set of DHTML pages, then by all means, jump straight into JavaScript. However, I think C can offer you a lot, if you're serious about programming.



Don't pick a language to start learning.


Pick a project that solves a simple problem, then choose an appropriate language to solve that problem.


If you want to start a simple web application, then learning Javascript instead of C is a fine approach.


If you want to learn to write a desktop app, then Javascript is absolutely the wrong way to go about this.


BTW, if you're learning web applications, then you'll need to learn HTML, & some kind of web application backend language (which won't be C!). Javascript will be the least of your issues in this case too.



No absolutely not. Learn an easy to learn language such as Python or Ruby that come with an interactive interpreter/shell that you can play around in. You wont have to save any files or refresh any browser, just execute right there on the command line. Best way to learn in my opinion.

绝对没有。学习一门易学的语言,比如Python或Ruby,它们带有你可以使用的交互式解释器/ shell。你不必保存任何文件或刷新任何浏览器,只需在命令行执行即可。在我看来,最好的学习方式。


C is a difficult language, especially for a beginner, as it is much "closer to the machine" than many other languages, and has little bearing on the web-development framework/model


now, if you do learn C, everything else will seem easy ;-)


i would start with python or C# or something with more guardrails


good luck!


Since you don't know how to program, I agree with recommendations here that you start with Python or Ruby, etc. First learn some basic concepts or programming and see if you like it. If you don't like it much, then learn only what you feel you need. If you love to write programs, then continue playing with Python/Ruby but at the very least make yourself familiar with C. Be comfortable enough in C to write moderate programs and definitely good enough to read someone else's C code. There is a lot of C code out there, and more being written all the time.

由于你不知道如何编程,我同意你从Python或Ruby等开始的建议。首先学习一些基本概念或编程,看看你是否喜欢它。如果你不喜欢它,那么只学习你认为你需要的东西。如果你喜欢编写程序,那么继续使用Python / Ruby,但至少要熟悉C语言。在C语言中写得足够舒服以编写适度的程序,并且非常适合阅读其他人的C代码。那里有很多C代码,而且还有更多的代码。


No. Although C contains the raw power and flexibility which surpasses most modern languages, learning C would not give you much of an edge when transitioning to other languages. I worked with C#, ASP.net and javascript before I started programming in C++. Starting with a language like C# or java might be better for a beginner since it saves you the pain of having to worry about most of the core functioanality of your programs (s.a. memory management, data structures etc.) But it would certainly be a great advantage if you could learn C and C++ (even assembly) as you move along.

不会。虽然C包含的原始功能和灵活性超过了大多数现代语言,但学习C在转换到其他语言时不会给你带来太大的优势。在开始用C ++编程之前,我使用过C#,ASP.net和javascript。从像C#或java这样的语言开始对初学者来说可能更好,因为它可以省去你不必担心程序的大部分核心功能(内存管理,数据结构等)的痛苦。但它肯定会很棒如果您可以在移动时学习C和C ++(甚至是汇编),那将是一个优势。


Definitely not.

C is a great language that can be used for a lot of things, but it operates at too-low a level for many of the needs of web and desktop software. When you are writing code, you want to focus on what makes your application unique among other applications in its domain. You don't want to deal with a lot of details that are not directly relevant. There are great (and bad) languages for writing web and desktop applications that will let you accomplish what you need faster. They may not be as elegant, but they'll get you where you want first.


C is important to understand how things work under the surface, but it shouldn't be a first priority.



Not at all.


If you already do HTML, and want to take it to the next level with JavaScript, then just do it. read w3schools, Douglas Crockford essays, lot of sample code. That, should be enough to get you rolling.

如果您已经使用HTML,并希望使用JavaScript将其提升到一个新的水平,那就去做吧。阅读w3schools,Douglas Crockford的文章,大量的示例代码。那应该足以让你滚动。

On the side, but without any hurry, do experiments with PHP, Python and maybe Java or C. maybe you won't use any of them, but it would really make you a better programmer.


If, OTOH, you want to be a real developer, you do have to know C; but you don't have to start there. i'd say start with one or two 'easy' languages (JavaScript, Lua, Python), then C/C++ heavily, then go for other ways, according to your chosen path. the best three paths from there would be (subjectively, in my own opinion, etc):

如果,OTOH,你想成为一名真正的开发者,你必须要知道C;但你不必从那里开始。我会说从一个或两个“简单”语言(JavaScript,Lua,Python)开始,然后是C / C ++,然后根据您选择的路径选择其他方式。那里最好的三条路径(主观地,在我看来,等等):

  1. scripting: Python, Lua, Scheme
    • web: 'deep' JavaScript, Java, PHP, Python
    • web:'deep'JavaScript,Java,PHP,Python

    • hardcore programming: more C++, LISP, Haskell
    • 硬核编程:更多C ++,LISP,Haskell

  2. 脚本:Python,Lua,Scheme web:'深'JavaScript,Java,PHP,Python硬核编程:更多C ++,LISP,Haskell


if you have any intent to create something useful, that is, something more than a hobby, yes learn C first, or even better spend some time learning how modern computer architectures actually work before spending any time telling them what to do.


it can be argued that javascript has little to nothing to do with C but C will force you to learn how things really work and therefore provide invaluable insight into performance, data storage and teach you what actually happens when you call some random library call that may be taking many orders of magnitude more time to execute than it needed to.



Learning C++(the new version of C) first would be best, at least it was for me because it gave me a general understanding of computers, and once I learned C++, all the other languages like Java, PHP, and even javascript was easily learned.

学习C ++(C的新版本)首先是最好的,至少对我来说是因为它给了我对计算机的一般理解,一旦我学习了C ++,所有其他语言,如Java,PHP,甚至javascript都很容易学到了。

If you have no interest on how computers work, and just want to get to the fun designing part, start with HTML/CSS then javascript.

如果您对计算机的工作方式不感兴趣,并且只想进入有趣的设计部分,请先使用HTML / CSS然后使用javascript。

hope that helped!




JavaScript may be one of the klunkiest languages ever, but it has one huge advantage over C: You can play with it. (I spent 10+ years coding in C. I had some fun, but I'd never call what I did "playing".)

JavaScript可能是有史以来最笨的语言之一,但它比C有一个巨大的优势:你可以使用它。 (我花了10多年时间用C语言编写。我有一些乐趣,但我从来没有打电话给我所做的“玩”。)

My suggestion: Open up your favorite Web page, save it to disk, open up the JavaScript (or download it, if need be), and play. You'll learn a lot that way.


EDIT: Downvoters: Yes, there is a lot to like about JavaScript. But there's also a lot not to like.



If your intent is to learn Javascript, start with Javascript now. The C language brings you a lot of general knowledge, but for Web programming it's better to start with HTML and Javascript. You need to answer yourself this question: 'how much time I can spend before be able to make money with programming?'

如果您的目的是学习Javascript,请立即开始使用Javascript。 C语言为您带来了许多常识,但对于Web编程,最好从HTML和Javascript开始。你需要自己回答这个问题:“我能花多少时间才能通过编程来赚钱?”


I actually think that JavaScript is one of the best languages to start programming with. Later, when you you really get it and you want to go deeper, C is something great to know. It gives you a much deeper understanding of how computers really work.


JavaScript really lets you get started fast, see immediate results, and ramp up to more complex concepts very fluidly.


The rest of my answer assumes you know practically nothing about programming - web or otherwise. Maybe you know a little html basics.

我的其余部分假设您几乎不了解编程 - 网络或其他方面。也许你知道一些小的HTML基础知识。

Open up a text editor. You can even just start with notepad or something. And put in the following:


            alert("Hello, World!");

Save the file as hello.html and open it in a browser. Poof! You've written a program. Doesn't get easier than that. No need to get into the command line or download or build anything. I remember when I first started being frustrated trying to get PHP running on my machine and wishing it was as simple as getting started with JavaScript.


The next step is just to read and explore. Documentation is freely available all over for learning more. I highly recommend anything from Douglas Crockford and JavaScript:The Definitive Guide.

下一步就是阅读和探索。文档可以免费获取,以便了解更多信息。我强烈推荐Douglas Crockford和JavaScript:The Definitive Guide。

A pretty good basic project would be a calculator program, but there's lots of fun things you can do. When you've gotten your feet wet, and you feel a little more confident, explore some other languages. Ruby is a pretty good step from JavaScript. By that point you'll probably know where to go yourself. You may never take the road to learning C. Even if you learn it, you will likely never really have to use it.

一个非常好的基础项目是计算器程序,但你可以做很多有趣的事情。当你已经湿透了脚,并且感觉自己有点自信时,可以去探索其他一些语言。 Ruby是JavaScript的一个很好的步骤。到那时你可能知道自己要去哪里。你可能永远不会走上学习之路。即使你学习了它,你也可能永远不会真正使用它。


I think it depends on your motives - are you aiming to become a professional programmer? If so, there could be some value in learning C first.

我认为这取决于你的动机 - 你的目标是成为一名专业的程序员吗?如果是这样,首先学习C可能有一些价值。

Most entry-level programming subjects at University are taught in terms of C; it can give you a deeper insight into how software works. Also, K&R is a valuable programming manual in its own right.


If your aim is to create a simple set of DHTML pages, then by all means, jump straight into JavaScript. However, I think C can offer you a lot, if you're serious about programming.



Don't pick a language to start learning.


Pick a project that solves a simple problem, then choose an appropriate language to solve that problem.


If you want to start a simple web application, then learning Javascript instead of C is a fine approach.


If you want to learn to write a desktop app, then Javascript is absolutely the wrong way to go about this.


BTW, if you're learning web applications, then you'll need to learn HTML, & some kind of web application backend language (which won't be C!). Javascript will be the least of your issues in this case too.



No absolutely not. Learn an easy to learn language such as Python or Ruby that come with an interactive interpreter/shell that you can play around in. You wont have to save any files or refresh any browser, just execute right there on the command line. Best way to learn in my opinion.

绝对没有。学习一门易学的语言,比如Python或Ruby,它们带有你可以使用的交互式解释器/ shell。你不必保存任何文件或刷新任何浏览器,只需在命令行执行即可。在我看来,最好的学习方式。


C is a difficult language, especially for a beginner, as it is much "closer to the machine" than many other languages, and has little bearing on the web-development framework/model


now, if you do learn C, everything else will seem easy ;-)


i would start with python or C# or something with more guardrails


good luck!


Since you don't know how to program, I agree with recommendations here that you start with Python or Ruby, etc. First learn some basic concepts or programming and see if you like it. If you don't like it much, then learn only what you feel you need. If you love to write programs, then continue playing with Python/Ruby but at the very least make yourself familiar with C. Be comfortable enough in C to write moderate programs and definitely good enough to read someone else's C code. There is a lot of C code out there, and more being written all the time.

由于你不知道如何编程,我同意你从Python或Ruby等开始的建议。首先学习一些基本概念或编程,看看你是否喜欢它。如果你不喜欢它,那么只学习你认为你需要的东西。如果你喜欢编写程序,那么继续使用Python / Ruby,但至少要熟悉C语言。在C语言中写得足够舒服以编写适度的程序,并且非常适合阅读其他人的C代码。那里有很多C代码,而且还有更多的代码。


No. Although C contains the raw power and flexibility which surpasses most modern languages, learning C would not give you much of an edge when transitioning to other languages. I worked with C#, ASP.net and javascript before I started programming in C++. Starting with a language like C# or java might be better for a beginner since it saves you the pain of having to worry about most of the core functioanality of your programs (s.a. memory management, data structures etc.) But it would certainly be a great advantage if you could learn C and C++ (even assembly) as you move along.

不会。虽然C包含的原始功能和灵活性超过了大多数现代语言,但学习C在转换到其他语言时不会给你带来太大的优势。在开始用C ++编程之前,我使用过C#,ASP.net和javascript。从像C#或java这样的语言开始对初学者来说可能更好,因为它可以省去你不必担心程序的大部分核心功能(内存管理,数据结构等)的痛苦。但它肯定会很棒如果您可以在移动时学习C和C ++(甚至是汇编),那将是一个优势。


Definitely not.

C is a great language that can be used for a lot of things, but it operates at too-low a level for many of the needs of web and desktop software. When you are writing code, you want to focus on what makes your application unique among other applications in its domain. You don't want to deal with a lot of details that are not directly relevant. There are great (and bad) languages for writing web and desktop applications that will let you accomplish what you need faster. They may not be as elegant, but they'll get you where you want first.


C is important to understand how things work under the surface, but it shouldn't be a first priority.



Not at all.


If you already do HTML, and want to take it to the next level with JavaScript, then just do it. read w3schools, Douglas Crockford essays, lot of sample code. That, should be enough to get you rolling.

如果您已经使用HTML,并希望使用JavaScript将其提升到一个新的水平,那就去做吧。阅读w3schools,Douglas Crockford的文章,大量的示例代码。那应该足以让你滚动。

On the side, but without any hurry, do experiments with PHP, Python and maybe Java or C. maybe you won't use any of them, but it would really make you a better programmer.


If, OTOH, you want to be a real developer, you do have to know C; but you don't have to start there. i'd say start with one or two 'easy' languages (JavaScript, Lua, Python), then C/C++ heavily, then go for other ways, according to your chosen path. the best three paths from there would be (subjectively, in my own opinion, etc):

如果,OTOH,你想成为一名真正的开发者,你必须要知道C;但你不必从那里开始。我会说从一个或两个“简单”语言(JavaScript,Lua,Python)开始,然后是C / C ++,然后根据您选择的路径选择其他方式。那里最好的三条路径(主观地,在我看来,等等):

  1. scripting: Python, Lua, Scheme
    • web: 'deep' JavaScript, Java, PHP, Python
    • web:'deep'JavaScript,Java,PHP,Python

    • hardcore programming: more C++, LISP, Haskell
    • 硬核编程:更多C ++,LISP,Haskell

  2. 脚本:Python,Lua,Scheme web:'深'JavaScript,Java,PHP,Python硬核编程:更多C ++,LISP,Haskell


if you have any intent to create something useful, that is, something more than a hobby, yes learn C first, or even better spend some time learning how modern computer architectures actually work before spending any time telling them what to do.


it can be argued that javascript has little to nothing to do with C but C will force you to learn how things really work and therefore provide invaluable insight into performance, data storage and teach you what actually happens when you call some random library call that may be taking many orders of magnitude more time to execute than it needed to.



Learning C++(the new version of C) first would be best, at least it was for me because it gave me a general understanding of computers, and once I learned C++, all the other languages like Java, PHP, and even javascript was easily learned.

学习C ++(C的新版本)首先是最好的,至少对我来说是因为它给了我对计算机的一般理解,一旦我学习了C ++,所有其他语言,如Java,PHP,甚至javascript都很容易学到了。

If you have no interest on how computers work, and just want to get to the fun designing part, start with HTML/CSS then javascript.

如果您对计算机的工作方式不感兴趣,并且只想进入有趣的设计部分,请先使用HTML / CSS然后使用javascript。

hope that helped!
