在MS SQL中查询的优先级

时间:2022-05-17 11:32:31

Is there a way to tell MS SQL that a query is not too important and that it can (and should) take its time?

是否有一种方法可以告诉MS SQL查询不太重要,并且它可以(而且应该)慢慢来?

Likewise is there a way to tell MS SQL that it should give higher priority to a query?

同样,是否有一种方法可以告诉MS SQL它应该给查询赋予更高的优先级?

3 个解决方案



Not in versions below SQL 2008. In SQL Server 2008 there's the resource governor. Using that you can assign logins to groups based on properties of the login (login name, application name, etc). The groups can then be assigned to resource pools and limitations or restrictions i.t.o. resources can be applied to those resource pools

不是SQL 2008下面的版本。在SQL Server 2008中有资源调控器。使用它,您可以根据登录的属性(登录名、应用程序名等)为组分配登录。然后可以将组分配给资源池,并将限制或限制i.t.o资源应用于这些资源池



SQL Server does not have any form of resource governor yet. There is a SET option called QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT but it's not quite what you're looking for. And it prevents queries from executing based on the cost rather than controlling resources.

SQL Server还没有任何形式的资源调控器。有一个名为query_总督_cost_limit的SET选项,但它不是您要寻找的。它阻止基于成本而不是控制资源的查询执行。



I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, but I had a situation where a single UI click added 10,000 records to an email queue (lots of data in the body). The email went out over the next several days so it didn't need to be a high priority, in fact it would bog the server every time it happened.


I split the procedure into 10,000 individual calls, ran the process on the UI in a different thread (set to low priority) and set it to sleep for a second after running the procedure. It took a while, but I had very granular control over exactly what it was doing.


btw, this was NOT spam, so don't flame me thinking it was.




Not in versions below SQL 2008. In SQL Server 2008 there's the resource governor. Using that you can assign logins to groups based on properties of the login (login name, application name, etc). The groups can then be assigned to resource pools and limitations or restrictions i.t.o. resources can be applied to those resource pools

不是SQL 2008下面的版本。在SQL Server 2008中有资源调控器。使用它,您可以根据登录的属性(登录名、应用程序名等)为组分配登录。然后可以将组分配给资源池,并将限制或限制i.t.o资源应用于这些资源池



SQL Server does not have any form of resource governor yet. There is a SET option called QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT but it's not quite what you're looking for. And it prevents queries from executing based on the cost rather than controlling resources.

SQL Server还没有任何形式的资源调控器。有一个名为query_总督_cost_limit的SET选项,但它不是您要寻找的。它阻止基于成本而不是控制资源的查询执行。



I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, but I had a situation where a single UI click added 10,000 records to an email queue (lots of data in the body). The email went out over the next several days so it didn't need to be a high priority, in fact it would bog the server every time it happened.


I split the procedure into 10,000 individual calls, ran the process on the UI in a different thread (set to low priority) and set it to sleep for a second after running the procedure. It took a while, but I had very granular control over exactly what it was doing.


btw, this was NOT spam, so don't flame me thinking it was.
