Sql Server:创建一个包含多个外键的表

时间:2021-06-03 11:29:31

I have to create a set of tables in SQL Server.

我必须在SQL Server中创建一组表。

Those are:

BusCity: Traveling Cities
BusType: AC/Non AC
BusInformation: Information about Name, Traveling City, Bus Fare,etc (Add by the Admin)
BookingDetails: Storing Booking details after customer booked the travel.
BookedStatus: Availability of Bus.

BusCity:旅游城市巴士类型:AC /非AC巴士信息:有关姓名,旅游城市,公共汽车票价等的信息(由管理员添加)预订详细信息:在客户预订旅行后存储预订详细信息。 BookedStatus:总线的可用性。

I have a problem in creating these tables.


Following is my DDL code:


Create Table Customer  
CustomerId int primary key identity(100,1),  
CustomerName varchar(100) not null,  
CustomerEmail varchar(100) not null,  
CustomerPassword varchar(50) not null,  
CustomerPhone int not null,  

Create Table BusCity  
BusCityId varchar(10) primary key,  
BusCityName varchar(100) not null unique  

Create Table BusType  
BusTypeId int identity(10,1) primary key,  
BusTypes varchar(100) not null unique  

Create Table BusInformation  
BusInformationId varchar(10) primary key,  
BusName varchar(100) not null unique,  
BusNumOfSeats int not null,  
BusFromCity varchar(10) not null,  
BusToCity varchar(10) not null,  
BusTravelPrice int not null,  
BusTypeId int,  
constraint Fk_BusInfo_BusType Foreign key(BusTypeId) references BusType(BusTypeId), 
constraint Fk_BusInfo_BusFromCity Foreign key(BusFromCity) references BusCity(BusCityId),  
constraint Fk_BusInfo_BusToCity Foreign key(BusToCity) references BusCity(BusCityId)  

Create Table BookingDetails  
BookingDetailsId int identity(2000,1) primary key,  
CustomerId int,  
BusInformationId varchar(10),  
BookingDateofTravel Date,  
BookingFromCity varchar(10) not null,  
BookingToCity varchar(10) not null,  
BookingNumOfSeats int not null,  
BookingTravelPrice int not null,  
constraint Fk_BookingDetails_BusInformation Foreign key(BusInformationId)references BusInformation(BusInformationId),  
constraint Fk_BookingDetails_Customer Foreign key(CustomerId)references Customer(CustomerId),  
constraint Fk_BusDetails_BusFromCity Foreign key(BookingFromCity) references BusCity(BusCityId),  
constraint Fk_BusDetails_BusToCity Foreign key(BookingToCity) references BusCity(BusCityId)  

Create Table BookedStatus
BookedStatusId int identity(3000,1) primary key,  
AvailableSeats int not null,  
BookedDate Date,  
IsAvailable bit,  
BusInformationId varchar(10),  
constraint Fk_BookedStatus_BusInfo Foreign key(BusInformationId)references BusInformation(BusInformationId)   

My issue is,
1.whether I mapped the table relationship properly between the tables.
2.Included multiple foreign key columns in a table(BusInformation, BookingDetails).

我的问题是,1。我是否在表之间正确映射表关系。 2.在表中包含多个外键列(BusInformation,BookingDetails)。

Please help me on the same.


Online Bus Ticket Booking


This project has two user roles - First is Admin and second are Customers. The project allows customers to book their travel tickets online.

该项目有两个用户角色 - 第一个是Admin,第二个是Customers。该项目允许客户在线预订旅行机票。


Administrator user of the website can add city information, bus information, bus routes (From City to To City), Bus details(bus information/Bus ticket price per city to city details), No of Seats per bus, Available seats per bus on booking date, Bus Available and Booked status.



Customers can search available buses for booking tickets by Bus Name/ Traveling City From and To / Date of traveling with one way or return and by price.


  • There needs to be a search feature that will list all available buses and bus details.


  • For search and details, customers don't need to be logged in. Any user can search and check for available bus and their routes.


  • But for booking, Customer needs to be logged in, Customer can register to the web application for booking tickets .


  • After a customer is logged in, he or she can book a Bus Ticket by entering number of seats they need, date of travel, and From City
    and To City.


  • No need for payment details for now.


  • Customer can register and book tickets. Admin can view all booked information.


1 个解决方案



I'm not sure you've given enough info to answer 1) - we don't know enough about the inter dependencies between your data from the statements given to comment on all the possible relationships

我不确定你是否给出了足够的信息来回答1) - 我们对于所有可能关系的评论中的数据之间的相互依赖关系不够了解

Foreign keys can be created when the column is specified in the create table:

在create table中指定列时,可以创建外键:

  StatusID int not null REFERENCES StatusesTable(StatusIDColumnInStatusesTable)

Or they can be added after with an ALTER (this is the way SQL Management Studio does it)

或者可以在使用ALTER后添加它们(这是SQL Management Studio执行此操作的方式)

ADD CONSTRAINT SomeConstraintName FOREIGN KEY (StatusID)  
REFERENCES StatusesTable (StatusIDColumnToReference) ;  

Ultimately, if you want a perfect set of scripts, you can always design your tables visually, including relationships, in SQLServer management studio, and then ask it to script them and take a look at the results. If your query is in relation to an academic exercise, maybe don't hand in the scripts that SSMS made, as it'll be obvious they were machine prepped, - but you can use them as a base to check what you're doing


If it's not an academic exercise, I generally think that designing these things visually in SSMS is a better and guided way to do it. You can always script them as above if you're putting them into a database migration or other mechanism that sets up a new db from scratch programmatically




I'm not sure you've given enough info to answer 1) - we don't know enough about the inter dependencies between your data from the statements given to comment on all the possible relationships

我不确定你是否给出了足够的信息来回答1) - 我们对于所有可能关系的评论中的数据之间的相互依赖关系不够了解

Foreign keys can be created when the column is specified in the create table:

在create table中指定列时,可以创建外键:

  StatusID int not null REFERENCES StatusesTable(StatusIDColumnInStatusesTable)

Or they can be added after with an ALTER (this is the way SQL Management Studio does it)

或者可以在使用ALTER后添加它们(这是SQL Management Studio执行此操作的方式)

ADD CONSTRAINT SomeConstraintName FOREIGN KEY (StatusID)  
REFERENCES StatusesTable (StatusIDColumnToReference) ;  

Ultimately, if you want a perfect set of scripts, you can always design your tables visually, including relationships, in SQLServer management studio, and then ask it to script them and take a look at the results. If your query is in relation to an academic exercise, maybe don't hand in the scripts that SSMS made, as it'll be obvious they were machine prepped, - but you can use them as a base to check what you're doing


If it's not an academic exercise, I generally think that designing these things visually in SSMS is a better and guided way to do it. You can always script them as above if you're putting them into a database migration or other mechanism that sets up a new db from scratch programmatically
