Lost connection to MySQL server during query,MySQL设置session,global变量及网络IO与索引

时间:2022-03-23 11:05:37

Navicat导出百万级数据时,报错:2013 - Lost connection to MySQL server during query

Lost connection to MySQL server during query,MySQL设置session,global变量及网络IO与索引


Lost connection to MySQL server during query,MySQL设置session,global变量及网络IO与索引

  1. select @@sql_mode;
  2. SET sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@sql_mode, 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY', ''));
  3. 4194304 -- 2013 - Lost connection to MySQL server during query
  4. select @@max_allowed_packet;
  5. show global variables like 'max_allowed_packet';
  6. -- SET max_allowed_packet = 524288000
  7. SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet = 524288000



Lost connection to MySQL server during query,MySQL设置session,global变量及网络IO与索引


Lost connection to MySQL server during query,MySQL设置session,global变量及网络IO与索引




Lost connection to MySQL server during query,MySQL设置session,global变量及网络IO与索引

Lost connection to MySQL server during query,MySQL设置session,global变量及网络IO与索引



Lost connection to MySQL server during query,MySQL设置session,global变量及网络IO与索引
Lost connection to MySQL server during query,MySQL设置session,global变量及网络IO与索引Lost connection to MySQL server during query,MySQL设置session,global变量及网络IO与索引


  1. SELECT version();
  2. SHOW engines;
  3. SHOW variables like '%storage_engine%';
  4. MySQL设置session,global变量的方法
  5. SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%auto_increment%';
  6. -- SET GLOBAL auto_increment_offset = 1;
  7. -- SET GLOBAL auto_increment_increment = 1;
  8. -- -- 设置或修改系统日志有效期
  9. SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%expire_logs_days%';
  10. -- SET GLOBAL expire_logs_days=8;
  11. SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%max_connections%'
  12. -- SET GLOBAL max_connections = 2648;
  13. 如果要修改全局变量, 必须要显示指定"GLOBAL"或者"@@global.", 同时必须要有SUPER权限
  14. set global wait_timeout=100;
  15. set @@global.wait_timeout=100;
  16. select @@global.wait_timeout
  17. show global variables like 'wait_timeout';
  18. 其中show variables的话就等同于使用show session variables, 查询的是会话session变量, 只有使用show global variables查询的才是全局变量.
  19. 设置会话变量方法: 在命令行里通过SET来设置
  20. set wait_timeout=10;
  21. set session wait_timeout=10;
  22. set @@wait_timeout=10;
  23. set @@session.wait_timeout=10;
  24. 查看设置是否成功:
  25. select @@wait_timeout;
  26. select @@session.wait_timeout;
  27. show variables like 'wait_timeout';
  28. show session variables like 'wait_timeout';
  29. 将会话变量值设置为对应的全局变量值:
  30. set @@session.wait_timeout=@@global.wait_timeout;
  31. SHOW KEYS FROM user_csv_bak;
  32. SHOW INDEX FROM user_csv_bak;