
时间:2022-12-05 10:04:55

I am generating XML file using xml.etree.ElementTree in Python.


There is one tag in which I have to add multiple values by iterating through a for loop.


Currently only single value is getting added to that tag. This tag will display the information of all the software installed on the system which I am getting using import wmi.

目前,只有单个值被添加到该标记。此标记将显示我使用import wmi获得的系统上安装的所有软件的信息。

The script look as follows:


    ##Here starts populating elements inside xml file
    top = Element('my_practice_document')
    comment = Comment('details')
    child = SubElement(top, 'my_information')
    childs = SubElement(child,'my_name')
    childs.text = str(options.my_name)
    child = SubElement(top, 'sys_info')

    #Following section is for retrieving list of software installed on the system
    import wmi
    w = wmi.WMI()
    for p in w.Win32_Product():
        if (p.Version is not None) and (p.Caption is not None):
            print p.Caption + " version "+ p.Version      
           child.text =  p.Caption + " version "+ p.Version 

So, in the above script you can have a look in the section where list of software installed on system is retrieved.


The tag sys_info should have all details of software installed and the xml should look as follows:


    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
      <sys_info>microsoft office version 123</sys_info>
      <sys_info>skype version 12.0.30723</sys_info>

So, please suggest how can I have sys_info tag consisting of all the details of system software installed??


1 个解决方案



Just try to move the logic for creating new <sys_info> elements into the for loop body :

只是尝试将用于创建新 元素的逻辑移动到for循环体中:

import wmi
w = wmi.WMI()
for p in w.Win32_Product():
    if (p.Version is not None) and (p.Caption is not None):
        child = SubElement(top, 'sys_info') 
        child.text =  p.Caption + " version "+ p.Version 



Just try to move the logic for creating new <sys_info> elements into the for loop body :

只是尝试将用于创建新 元素的逻辑移动到for循环体中:

import wmi
w = wmi.WMI()
for p in w.Win32_Product():
    if (p.Version is not None) and (p.Caption is not None):
        child = SubElement(top, 'sys_info') 
        child.text =  p.Caption + " version "+ p.Version