如何将CRRedist2008_x86.msi添加到Visual Studio部署项目?

时间:2022-03-20 09:17:08

I need to add CRRedist2008_x86.msi to my deployment project as it is a requirement for my app. However, I want it to run automatically. I don't want it to be just added as a file and then the user has to click on it for it to run after my app installs. Can someone guide my on how to do this? It seems like it should be very easy but for some reason I am missing something.


1 个解决方案


What you need to do is set it up as a "merge module" in your deployment project. Instead of the .msi, find the.msm file that should be available on the CR website. Then in your deployement project, right click the Project and select Add->Merge Module. Browse for the file and you are set.

您需要做的是将其设置为部署项目中的“合并模块”。而不是.msi,找到CR网站上应该可用的.msm文件。然后在deployement项目中,右键单击Project并选择Add-> Merge Module。浏览该文件,然后进行设置。

When the installer runs, it will automatically unpack the crystal reports related items and install them for you. You may also need a key file, depending on the licensing of the application involved.



What you need to do is set it up as a "merge module" in your deployment project. Instead of the .msi, find the.msm file that should be available on the CR website. Then in your deployement project, right click the Project and select Add->Merge Module. Browse for the file and you are set.

您需要做的是将其设置为部署项目中的“合并模块”。而不是.msi,找到CR网站上应该可用的.msm文件。然后在deployement项目中,右键单击Project并选择Add-> Merge Module。浏览该文件,然后进行设置。

When the installer runs, it will automatically unpack the crystal reports related items and install them for you. You may also need a key file, depending on the licensing of the application involved.
