
时间:2021-10-05 07:55:13

I have an array @test. What's the best way to check if each element of the array is the same string?


I know I can do it with a foreach loop but is there a better way to do this? I checked out the map function but I'm not sure if that's what I need.


6 个解决方案



If the string is known, you can use grep in scalar context:


if (@test == grep { $_ eq $string } @test) {
 # all equal

Otherwise, use a hash:


my %string = map { $_, 1 } @test;
if (keys %string == 1) {
 # all equal

or a shorter version:


if (keys %{{ map {$_, 1} @test }} == 1) {
 # all equal

NOTE: The undefined value behaves like the empty string ("") when used as a string in Perl. Therefore, the checks will return true if the array contains only empty strings and undefs.


Here's a solution that takes this into account:


my $is_equal = 0;
my $string   = $test[0]; # the first element

for my $i (0..$#test) {
    last unless defined $string == defined $test[$i];
    last if defined $test[$i] && $test[$i] ne $string;
    $is_equal = 1 if $i == $#test;



Both methods in the accepted post give you the wrong answer if @test = (undef, ''). That is, they declare an undefined value to be equal to the empty string.

在已接受的post中,如果@test = (undef,”),这两个方法都会给出错误的答案。也就是说,它们声明一个未定义的值等于空字符串。

That might be acceptable. In addition, using grep goes through all elements of the array even if a mismatch is found early on and using the hash more than doubles the memory used by elements of array. Neither of these would be a problem if you have small arrays. And, grep is likely to be fast enough for reasonable list sizes.


However, here is an alternative that 1) returns false for (undef, '') and (undef, 0), 2) does not increase the memory footprint of your program and 3) short-circuits as soon as a mismatch is found:

但是,这里有一种替代方法:1)返回false for (undef,”)和(undef, 0), 2)并不会增加程序的内存占用,3)一旦发现不匹配就会短路:


use strict; use warnings;

# Returns true for an empty array as there exist
# no elements of an empty set that are different
# than each other (see
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuous_truth)

sub all_the_same {
    my ($ref) = @_;
    return 1 unless @$ref;
    my $cmpv = \ $ref->[-1];
    for my $i (0 .. $#$ref - 1)  {
        my $this = \ $ref->[$i];
        return unless defined $$cmpv == defined $$this;
        return if defined $$this
            and ( $$cmpv ne $$this );
    return 1;

However, using List::MoreUtils::first_index is likely to be faster:


use List::MoreUtils qw( first_index );

sub all_the_same {
    my ($ref) = @_;
    my $first = \ $ref->[0];
    return -1 == first_index {
        (defined $$first != defined)
            or (defined and $_ ne $$first)
    } @$ref;



TIMTOWTDI, and I've been reading a lot of Mark Jason Dominus lately.

TIMTOWTDI,我最近读了很多Mark Jason Dominus的作品。

use strict;
use warnings;

sub all_the_same {
    my $ref = shift;
    return 1 unless @$ref;
    my $cmp = $ref->[0];
    my $equal = defined $cmp ?
        sub { defined($_[0]) and $_[0] eq $cmp } :
        sub { not defined $_[0] };
    for my $v (@$ref){
        return 0 unless $equal->($v);
    return 1;

my @tests = (
    [ qw(foo foo foo) ],
    [ '', '', ''],
    [ undef, undef, undef ],
    [ qw(foo foo bar) ],
    [ '', undef ],
    [ undef, '' ]

for my $i (0 .. $#tests){
    print "$i. ", all_the_same($tests[$i]) ? 'equal' : '', "\n";



You can check how many times the element in the array (@test) is repeated by counting it in a hash (%seen). You can check how many keys ($size) are present in the hash (%seen). If more than 1 key is present, you know that the elements in the array are not identical.


sub all_the_same {
    my @test = @_;
    my %seen;
    foreach my $item (@test){
    my $size = keys %seen;
    if ($size == 1){
        return 1;
        return 0;



I use List::Util::first for all similar purposes.


# try #0: $ok = !first { $_ ne $string } @test;
# try #1: $ok = !first { (defined $_ != defined $string) || !/\A\Q$string\E\z/ } @test;

# final solution
use List::Util 'first';
my $str = shift @test;
my $ok = !first { defined $$_ != defined $str || defined $str && $$_ ne $str } map \$_, @test;

I used map \$_, @test here to avoid problems with values that evaluate to false.

我在这里使用map \$_ @test来避免计算值为false的问题。

Note. As cjm noted fairly, using map defeats the advantage of first short-circuiting. So I tip my hat to Sinan with his first_index solution.




I think, we can use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq)

我想,我们可以用List: MoreUtils qw(uniq)

my @uniq_array = uniq @array;
my $array_length = @uniq_array;
$array_length == 1 ? return 1 : return 0;



If the string is known, you can use grep in scalar context:


if (@test == grep { $_ eq $string } @test) {
 # all equal

Otherwise, use a hash:


my %string = map { $_, 1 } @test;
if (keys %string == 1) {
 # all equal

or a shorter version:


if (keys %{{ map {$_, 1} @test }} == 1) {
 # all equal

NOTE: The undefined value behaves like the empty string ("") when used as a string in Perl. Therefore, the checks will return true if the array contains only empty strings and undefs.


Here's a solution that takes this into account:


my $is_equal = 0;
my $string   = $test[0]; # the first element

for my $i (0..$#test) {
    last unless defined $string == defined $test[$i];
    last if defined $test[$i] && $test[$i] ne $string;
    $is_equal = 1 if $i == $#test;



Both methods in the accepted post give you the wrong answer if @test = (undef, ''). That is, they declare an undefined value to be equal to the empty string.

在已接受的post中,如果@test = (undef,”),这两个方法都会给出错误的答案。也就是说,它们声明一个未定义的值等于空字符串。

That might be acceptable. In addition, using grep goes through all elements of the array even if a mismatch is found early on and using the hash more than doubles the memory used by elements of array. Neither of these would be a problem if you have small arrays. And, grep is likely to be fast enough for reasonable list sizes.


However, here is an alternative that 1) returns false for (undef, '') and (undef, 0), 2) does not increase the memory footprint of your program and 3) short-circuits as soon as a mismatch is found:

但是,这里有一种替代方法:1)返回false for (undef,”)和(undef, 0), 2)并不会增加程序的内存占用,3)一旦发现不匹配就会短路:


use strict; use warnings;

# Returns true for an empty array as there exist
# no elements of an empty set that are different
# than each other (see
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuous_truth)

sub all_the_same {
    my ($ref) = @_;
    return 1 unless @$ref;
    my $cmpv = \ $ref->[-1];
    for my $i (0 .. $#$ref - 1)  {
        my $this = \ $ref->[$i];
        return unless defined $$cmpv == defined $$this;
        return if defined $$this
            and ( $$cmpv ne $$this );
    return 1;

However, using List::MoreUtils::first_index is likely to be faster:


use List::MoreUtils qw( first_index );

sub all_the_same {
    my ($ref) = @_;
    my $first = \ $ref->[0];
    return -1 == first_index {
        (defined $$first != defined)
            or (defined and $_ ne $$first)
    } @$ref;



TIMTOWTDI, and I've been reading a lot of Mark Jason Dominus lately.

TIMTOWTDI,我最近读了很多Mark Jason Dominus的作品。

use strict;
use warnings;

sub all_the_same {
    my $ref = shift;
    return 1 unless @$ref;
    my $cmp = $ref->[0];
    my $equal = defined $cmp ?
        sub { defined($_[0]) and $_[0] eq $cmp } :
        sub { not defined $_[0] };
    for my $v (@$ref){
        return 0 unless $equal->($v);
    return 1;

my @tests = (
    [ qw(foo foo foo) ],
    [ '', '', ''],
    [ undef, undef, undef ],
    [ qw(foo foo bar) ],
    [ '', undef ],
    [ undef, '' ]

for my $i (0 .. $#tests){
    print "$i. ", all_the_same($tests[$i]) ? 'equal' : '', "\n";



You can check how many times the element in the array (@test) is repeated by counting it in a hash (%seen). You can check how many keys ($size) are present in the hash (%seen). If more than 1 key is present, you know that the elements in the array are not identical.


sub all_the_same {
    my @test = @_;
    my %seen;
    foreach my $item (@test){
    my $size = keys %seen;
    if ($size == 1){
        return 1;
        return 0;



I use List::Util::first for all similar purposes.


# try #0: $ok = !first { $_ ne $string } @test;
# try #1: $ok = !first { (defined $_ != defined $string) || !/\A\Q$string\E\z/ } @test;

# final solution
use List::Util 'first';
my $str = shift @test;
my $ok = !first { defined $$_ != defined $str || defined $str && $$_ ne $str } map \$_, @test;

I used map \$_, @test here to avoid problems with values that evaluate to false.

我在这里使用map \$_ @test来避免计算值为false的问题。

Note. As cjm noted fairly, using map defeats the advantage of first short-circuiting. So I tip my hat to Sinan with his first_index solution.




I think, we can use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq)

我想,我们可以用List: MoreUtils qw(uniq)

my @uniq_array = uniq @array;
my $array_length = @uniq_array;
$array_length == 1 ? return 1 : return 0;