
时间:2021-10-17 07:53:08

I'm working with some xml columns and I use XQuery to find the first nearest ancestor (B) of a specific child (child E) but this error occurs:


Msg 9335, Level 16, State 1, Line 16 XQuery [query()]: The XQuery syntax 'ancestor' is not supported.

Msg 9335,Level 16,State 1,Line 16 XQuery [query()]:不支持XQuery语法'ancestor'。

The depth level of ancestors and the descendants is not static and I want the result to be "B2" I have tried


    DECLARE @x xml
SET @x = CAST(
    <B name="B1">
            <B id="1" name="B2">
                <D id="1.1" name="D1">
                    <E id="1" />
                    <E id="2" />
</A>' AS xml)

SELECT @x.query('data(//E/ancestor::B[1]/@name)')

Can you help me please?


2 个解决方案



You can try using a different approach to avoid having to call ancestor axis, for example :


SELECT @x.query('data(//B[.//E][not(.//B)]/@name)')

brief explanation regarding the predicates being used :


  • [.//E] : ensure that the target B elements have descendant element(s) E
  • [.//]:确保目标B元素具有后代元素E.

  • [not(.//B)] : ensure that the target B elements don't have descendant element(s) B, in other words the target B element has to be the inner-most B element having descendant E
  • [not(.// B)]:确保目标B元素没有后代元素B,换句话说,目标B元素必须是具有后代E的最内部B元素



DECLARE @h int

DECLARE @x xml
SET @x = CAST(
    <B name="B1">
            <B id="1" name="B2">
                <D id="1.1" name="D1">
                    <E id="1" />
                    <E id="2" />
</A>' AS xml)

EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @h OUTPUT, @x

SELECT eId, bName
FROM OPENXML(@h, '//E', 2)
    eId varchar(5) '@id', 
    bName varchar(5) 'ancestor::B[1]/@name')

EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @h



You can try using a different approach to avoid having to call ancestor axis, for example :


SELECT @x.query('data(//B[.//E][not(.//B)]/@name)')

brief explanation regarding the predicates being used :


  • [.//E] : ensure that the target B elements have descendant element(s) E
  • [.//]:确保目标B元素具有后代元素E.

  • [not(.//B)] : ensure that the target B elements don't have descendant element(s) B, in other words the target B element has to be the inner-most B element having descendant E
  • [not(.// B)]:确保目标B元素没有后代元素B,换句话说,目标B元素必须是具有后代E的最内部B元素



DECLARE @h int

DECLARE @x xml
SET @x = CAST(
    <B name="B1">
            <B id="1" name="B2">
                <D id="1.1" name="D1">
                    <E id="1" />
                    <E id="2" />
</A>' AS xml)

EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @h OUTPUT, @x

SELECT eId, bName
FROM OPENXML(@h, '//E', 2)
    eId varchar(5) '@id', 
    bName varchar(5) 'ancestor::B[1]/@name')

EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @h