
时间:2022-09-29 07:37:09

Using Oracle, if a column value can be 'YES' or 'NO' is it possible to constrain a table so that only one row can have a 'YES' value?


I would rather redesign the table structure but this is not possible.


[UDPATE] Sadly, null values are not allowed in this table.


7 个解决方案



Use a function-based index:


create unique index only_one_yes on mytable
(case when col='YES' then 'YES' end);

Oracle only indexes keys that are not completely null, and the CASE expression here ensures that all the 'NO' values are changed to nulls and so not indexed.




This is a kludgy hack, but if the column allows NULLs, then you could use NULL in place of "NO" and use "YES" just as before. Apply a unique key constraint to that column, and you'll never get two "YES" values, but still have many NOs.

这是一个kludgy hack,但如果列允许NULL,那么您可以使用NULL代替“NO”并像以前一样使用“YES”。对该列应用唯一键约束,您将永远不会得到两个“YES”值,但仍然有很多NO。

Update: @Nick Pierpoint: suggested adding a check constraint so that the column values are restricted to just "YES" and NULL. The syntax is all worked out in his answer.

更新:@Nick Pierpoint:建议添加一个检查约束,以便将列值限制为“YES”和NULL。语法在他的回答中得到了解决。



You will want to check a Tom Kyte article with exactly this question being asked and his answer:

您将要查看Tom Kyte的文章,正好询问这个问题和他的答案:


Summary: don't use triggers, don't use autonomous transactions, use two tables.


If you use an Oracle database, then you MUST get to know AskTom and get his books.




It doesn't work on the table definition.


However, if you update the table using a trigger calling a stored procedure, you could make sure that only one row contains "YES".


  1. Set all rows to "NO"
  2. 将所有行设置为“NO”

  3. Set the row you want to YES
  4. 将您想要的行设置为YES



Following on from my comment to a previous answer by yukondude, I'd add a unique index and a check constraint:


create table mytest (
    yesorno varchar2(3 char)

create unique index uk_mytest_yesorno on mytest(yesorno);

alter table mytest add constraint ck_mytest_yesorno check (yesorno is null or yesorno = 'YES');



Does Oracle support something like filtered indices (last week I heard that e.g. MSSQL2008 does)? Maybe you can define a unique key which applies only to rows with the value "Yes" in your column.




I guess I'd use a second table to point to the appropriate row in your current table. That other table could be used to store values of other variables too too.




Use a function-based index:


create unique index only_one_yes on mytable
(case when col='YES' then 'YES' end);

Oracle only indexes keys that are not completely null, and the CASE expression here ensures that all the 'NO' values are changed to nulls and so not indexed.




This is a kludgy hack, but if the column allows NULLs, then you could use NULL in place of "NO" and use "YES" just as before. Apply a unique key constraint to that column, and you'll never get two "YES" values, but still have many NOs.

这是一个kludgy hack,但如果列允许NULL,那么您可以使用NULL代替“NO”并像以前一样使用“YES”。对该列应用唯一键约束,您将永远不会得到两个“YES”值,但仍然有很多NO。

Update: @Nick Pierpoint: suggested adding a check constraint so that the column values are restricted to just "YES" and NULL. The syntax is all worked out in his answer.

更新:@Nick Pierpoint:建议添加一个检查约束,以便将列值限制为“YES”和NULL。语法在他的回答中得到了解决。



You will want to check a Tom Kyte article with exactly this question being asked and his answer:

您将要查看Tom Kyte的文章,正好询问这个问题和他的答案:


Summary: don't use triggers, don't use autonomous transactions, use two tables.


If you use an Oracle database, then you MUST get to know AskTom and get his books.




It doesn't work on the table definition.


However, if you update the table using a trigger calling a stored procedure, you could make sure that only one row contains "YES".


  1. Set all rows to "NO"
  2. 将所有行设置为“NO”

  3. Set the row you want to YES
  4. 将您想要的行设置为YES



Following on from my comment to a previous answer by yukondude, I'd add a unique index and a check constraint:


create table mytest (
    yesorno varchar2(3 char)

create unique index uk_mytest_yesorno on mytest(yesorno);

alter table mytest add constraint ck_mytest_yesorno check (yesorno is null or yesorno = 'YES');



Does Oracle support something like filtered indices (last week I heard that e.g. MSSQL2008 does)? Maybe you can define a unique key which applies only to rows with the value "Yes" in your column.




I guess I'd use a second table to point to the appropriate row in your current table. That other table could be used to store values of other variables too too.
