
时间:2021-04-21 04:25:29

I'm building an API in Node and looking to store the API key/access token in Redis.


How best can I generate a unique API key/access token to store in Redis as the key and an email address as the value?


Does Redis have an inbuilt function for generating unique ids with certain length and character set or how best should I tackle this?


Thank you!

3 个解决方案



The INCR command of Redis allows you to increment a counter and so generate unique numeric IDs. As far as I know, there is not other built-in feature in redis to generate a unique ID.


If you need a more complex ID, you will have to generate it in node, like said Brendan in the comments. You could combine redis INCR to generate numeric values and then provide it to a library like hashids.

如果您需要更复杂的ID,则必须在节点中生成它,就像评论中的Brendan所说的那样。您可以将redis INCR组合起来生成数值,然后将其提供给像hashids这样的库。



Like Darryl West said, you should definitely generate the tokens in node. However, if you don't want to take a dependency on uuid then you can always use node's built-in crypto to create random bytes and convert to a string.

就像Darryl West所说,你应该在节点中生成令牌。但是,如果您不想依赖于uuid,那么您始终可以使用node的内置加密来创建随机字节并转换为字符串。

var crypto = require('crypto')

function generateToken() {
  return crypto.randomBytes(48).toString('base64');

See crypto.randomBytes(size[, callback]) for more info.

有关详细信息,请参阅crypto.randomBytes(size [,callback])。



A good solution for unique Ids in redis, especially with multiple redis instances is to use a combination of a domain name and uuid (see Brendan's response). So, for an application that inserts new users with a domain name of 'User' you would create an id like this:


var uuid = require('node-uuid');

var createUniqueId = function() {
    return 'User:' + uuid.v4();

Other examples of this approach are described here for leveldb but applicable to redis.




The INCR command of Redis allows you to increment a counter and so generate unique numeric IDs. As far as I know, there is not other built-in feature in redis to generate a unique ID.


If you need a more complex ID, you will have to generate it in node, like said Brendan in the comments. You could combine redis INCR to generate numeric values and then provide it to a library like hashids.

如果您需要更复杂的ID,则必须在节点中生成它,就像评论中的Brendan所说的那样。您可以将redis INCR组合起来生成数值,然后将其提供给像hashids这样的库。



Like Darryl West said, you should definitely generate the tokens in node. However, if you don't want to take a dependency on uuid then you can always use node's built-in crypto to create random bytes and convert to a string.

就像Darryl West所说,你应该在节点中生成令牌。但是,如果您不想依赖于uuid,那么您始终可以使用node的内置加密来创建随机字节并转换为字符串。

var crypto = require('crypto')

function generateToken() {
  return crypto.randomBytes(48).toString('base64');

See crypto.randomBytes(size[, callback]) for more info.

有关详细信息,请参阅crypto.randomBytes(size [,callback])。



A good solution for unique Ids in redis, especially with multiple redis instances is to use a combination of a domain name and uuid (see Brendan's response). So, for an application that inserts new users with a domain name of 'User' you would create an id like this:


var uuid = require('node-uuid');

var createUniqueId = function() {
    return 'User:' + uuid.v4();

Other examples of this approach are described here for leveldb but applicable to redis.
