
时间:2023-01-15 04:06:52

I am trying to calculate a velocity tensor from a time dependent rotationmatrix RE(t) (Namely the earth rotation at latitude 48.3°). This is achieved by determining the skew symmetric matrix SE(t) = dRE(t)/dt * RE.T. I am obtaining incorrect results when utilizing a float instead of a Sympy expression, as shown in the following example:

我试图从时间相关的旋转矩阵RE(t)(即纬度48.3°的地球自转)计算速度张量。这是通过确定偏斜对称矩阵SE(t)= dRE(t)/ dt * RE.T来实现的。使用float而不是Sympy表达式时,我得到的结果不正确,如下例所示:

from IPython.display import display
import sympy as sy

sy.init_printing()  # LaTeX like pretty printing for IPython

def mk_rotmatrix(alpha, coord_ax="x"):
    """ Rotation matrix around coordinate axis """
    ca, sa = sy.cos(alpha), sy.sin(alpha)
    if coord_ax == "x":
        return sy.Matrix([[1,  0,   0],
                          [0, ca, -sa],
                          [0, sa, +ca]])
    elif coord_ax == 'y':
        return sy.Matrix([[+ca, 0, sa],
                          [0,   1,  0],
                          [-sa, 0, ca]])
    elif coord_ax == 'z':
        return sy.Matrix([[ca, -sa, 0],
                          [sa, +ca, 0],
                          [0,    0, 1]])
        raise ValueError("Parameter coord_ax='" + coord_ax +
                         "' is not in ['x', 'y', 'z']!")

t, lat = sy.symbols("t, lat", real=True)  # time and latitude
omE = 7.292115e-5  # rad/s -- earth rotation rate (15.04107 °/h)
lat_sy = 48.232*sy.pi/180  # latitude in rad
lat_fl = float(lat_sy)  # latitude as float
print("\nlat_sy - lat_fl = {}".format((lat_sy - lat_fl).evalf()))

# earth rotation matrix at latitiude 48.232°:
RE = (mk_rotmatrix(omE*t, "z") * mk_rotmatrix(lat - sy.pi/2, "y"))
# substitute latitude with sympy and float value:
RE_sy, RE_fl = RE.subs(lat, lat_sy), RE.subs(lat, lat_fl)

# Angular velocity in world coordinates as skew symmetric matrix:
SE_sy = sy.simplify(RE_sy.diff(t) * RE_sy.T)
SE_fl = sy.simplify(RE_fl.diff(t) * RE_fl.T)

print("\nAngular velocity with Sympy latitude ({}):".format(lat_sy))
display(SE_sy)  # correct result
print("\nAngular velocity with float latitude ({}):".format(lat_fl))
display(SE_fl)  # incorrect result

The result is:



For the float latitude the result is totally wrong in spite of the difference of only -3e-17 to the Sympy value. It is not clear to me, why this happens. Numerically, this calculation does not seem to be problematic.


My question is, how to work around such deficits. Should I avoid mixing Sympy and float/Numpy data types? They are quite difficult to detect for more complex settings.

我的问题是,如何解决这些缺陷。我应该避免混合Sympy和float / Numpy数据类型吗?对于更复杂的设置,很难检测到它们。

PS: The Sympy version is 0.7.6.


2 个解决方案





It is a bug. If you don't believe it, try this:


In [1]: from sympy import factor, Symbol

In [2]: factor(1e-20*Symbol('t')-7.292115e-5)
Out[2]: -2785579325.00000

Two years ago, the default value for the parameter tol in RealField.__init__ was changed from None to False in commit polys: Disabled automatic reduction to zero in RR and CC.
Later, tol was reverted back to None to fix a simplification issue, in commit Changed tol on Complex and Real field to None.
It seems the developers didn't expect this reversion would bring some other issue.

两年前,RealField .__ init__中参数tol的默认值在commit polys中从None更改为False:在RR和CC中禁用自动减少为零。后来,tol被恢复为None以修复简化问题,在将Complex和Real字段的提交更改为无。似乎开发人员没想到这种回归会带来一些其他问题。

If you modify tol=None at RealField.__init__ in realfield.py, to tol=False, you will get the correct result for SE_fl.

如果你在Realfield.py中的RealField .__ init__修改tol = None,到tol = False,你将得到SE_fl的正确结果。

[3.3881317890172e-21*sin(0.0001458423*t),                     -7.29211495242194e-5, 0],
[                    7.29211495242194e-5, -3.3881317890172e-21*sin(0.0001458423*t), 0],
[                                      0,                                        0, 0]])

The change of tol can explain why you've got a wrong result, but I don't thint it is the root of the issue.
IMHO, there is a deficiency in the polynomial factorization in SymPy. I'll illustrate this deficiency.
For convenience, let us do some preparation work.
Add the followings to your example.


from sympy import simplify, expand, S
from sympy.polys import factor
from sympy.polys.domains import QQ, RR, RealField
from sympy.polys.factortools import dup_convert
from sympy.polys.polytools import Poly
from sympy.polys.polytools import _symbolic_factor_list, _poly_from_expr
from sympy.polys.polyerrors import PolificationFailed
from sympy.polys import polyoptions as options
from sympy.simplify.fu import TR6

def new_opt():
    args = dict()
    options.allowed_flags(args, [])
    opt = options.build_options((), args)
    return opt

def my_symbolic_factor_list(base):
    opt = new_opt()
        poly, _ = _poly_from_expr(base, opt)
    except PolificationFailed as exc:
        _coeff, _factors = poly.factor_list()
        print(_coeff, _factors)
        return poly

We don't need to study the whole matrices. Let us focus on one element, element at row 1 and column 2. It has already shown the result is incorrect.


In [8]: elm_sy = (RE_sy.diff(t) * RE_sy.T)[1]

In [9]: elm_fl = (RE_fl.diff(t) * RE_fl.T)[1]

In [10]: elm_sy
Out[10]: -7.292115e-5*sin(0.267955555555556*pi)**2*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2 - 7.292115e-5*sin(7.292115e
-5*t)**2*cos(0.267955555555556*pi)**2 - 7.292115e-5*cos(7.292115e-5*t)**2

In [11]: elm_fl
Out[11]: -7.292115e-5*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2 - 7.292115e-5*cos(7.292115e-5*t)**2

In [12]: simplify(elm_sy)
Out[12]: -7.29211500000000e-5

In [13]: simplify(elm_fl)
Out[13]: -2785579325.00000

When we call simplify, in this case, it's almost equivalent to a combination of TR6 and factor.


In [15]: expr_sy = TR6(elm_sy)

In [16]: expr_fl = TR6(elm_fl)

In [17]: expr_fl
Out[17]: 1.35525271560688e-20*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2 - 7.292115e-5

In [18]: factor(expr_fl)
Out[18]: -2785579325.00000

Now, we know wrong results would be produced during the invocation of factor().
Actually, factor is just a wrapper, the major work is done by _symbolic_factor_list.


In [20]: _symbolic_factor_list(expr_fl, opt, 'factor')
Out[20]: (-2785579325.00000, [])

Let us take a look at _symbolic_factor_list. The key part is:


            poly, _ = _poly_from_expr(base, opt)
        except PolificationFailed as exc:
            factors.append((exc.expr, exp))
            func = getattr(poly, method + '_list')

            _coeff, _factors = func()

We use the above my_symbolic_factor_list to simulate this procedure.


In [22]: expand(expr_sy)
Out[22]: -7.29211500000000e-5

In [23]: my_symbolic_factor_list(expr_sy)
can't construct a polynomial from -7.292115e-5*sin(0.267955555555556*pi)**2*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2 -
7.292115e-5*(-sin(0.267955555555556*pi)**2 + 1)*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2 + 7.292115e-5*sin(7.292115e-5*
t)**2 - 7.292115e-5

In [24]: my_symbolic_factor_list(S(1))
can't construct a polynomial from 1

In [25]: expr_fl
Out[25]: 1.35525271560688e-20*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2 - 7.292115e-5    

In [26]: poly_fl = my_symbolic_factor_list(expr_fl)
Poly(-7.292115e-5, sin(7.292115e-5*t), domain='RR')
(-2785579325.00000, [])

By design, the constant polynomial should execute except PolificationFailed as exc: suite, while the other polynomials should execute else: suite.
expr_sy, which is a number after expand(), and 1 are both constant polynomials, thus PolificationFaileds were thrown.
poly_fl is -7.292115e-5 * sin(7.292115e-5*t) ** 0, namely, -7.292115e-5, a constant polynomial, whereas expr_fl is not. They were supposed to be the same polynomial, just different representation. Now they are not.
This is the deficiency I mentioned.

按照设计,常量多项式应该执行,除了PolificationFailed为exc:suite,而其他多项式应该执行else:suite。 expr_sy,它是expand()之后的数字,1是常量多项式,因此抛出了PolificationFailed。 poly_fl是-7.292115e-5 * sin(7.292115e-5 * t)** 0,即-7.292115e-5,常数多项式,而expr_fl不是。它们应该是相同的多项式,只是不同的表示。现在他们不是。这是我提到的不足之处。

Where is the missing 1.35525271560688e-20*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2?
Let us recall: tol was reverted back to None, which means automatic reduction to zero in RR is enabled again.
1.35525271560688e-20 was reduced to zero. Thus, poly_fl became a constant polynomial.
If tol is False, this won't happen.

遗失的地方1.35525271560688e-20 * sin(7.292115e-5 * t)** 2?让我们回想一下:tol被恢复为None,这意味着RR再次启用自动减少到零。 1.35525271560688e-20减少到零。因此,poly_fl变为常数多项式。如果tol为False,则不会发生这种情况。

In [31]: arg2 = expr_fl.args[1].args[0]

In [32]: arg2
Out[32]: 1.35525271560688e-20

In [33]: RR.from_sympy(arg2)
Out[33]: 0.0

In [34]: R = RealField(tol=False)

In [35]: R.from_sympy(arg2)
Out[35]: 1.35525271560688e-20

Now, we can explain why you've got -2785579325.0. In the else: suite, Poly.factor_list is called.
According to docs:




Returns a list of irreducible factors of f.


poly_fl is supposed to be a non constant polynomial, but it is just a number. Thus, SymPy was tring to use a rational number to approximate poly_fl. The numerator is kept, while the denominator is discarded.


In [42]: poly_fl.factor_list()
Out[42]: (-2785579325.00000, [])

In [43]: dup_convert(poly_fl.coeffs(), RR, QQ)
Out[43]: [-2785579325/38199881995827]

In [44]: Poly([S(1.25)], t, domain='RR').factor_list()
Out[44]: (5.00000000000000, [])

In [45]: dup_convert(Poly([S(1.25)], t, domain='RR').coeffs(), RR, QQ)
Out[45]: [5/4]

In [46]: Poly((RE_fl.diff(t) * RE_fl.T)[3].args[0].args[0], t).factor_list()
Out[46]: (1767051195.00000, [])

I don't think we should blame mixing Sympy and float/Numpy data types. This problem is not caused by those pitfalls SymPy mentioned.
Even a very simple factorization can produce a counterintuitive result.

我不认为我们应该责怪混合Sympy和float / Numpy数据类型。这个问题不是由SymPy提到的那些陷阱造成的。即使是非常简单的因子分解也会产生违反直觉的结果。

In [47]: factor(1e-20*t-1.2345e-5)
Out[47]: -539023891.000000

In [48]: factor(S(1e-20)*t-S(1.2345e-5))
Out[48]: -539023891.000000

So it is a bug. Just let the developers fix it.




I think this might be a bug in Sympy; when I run your script on my system (Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit, Python 2.7, Sympy, I get

我认为这可能是Sympy的一个错误;当我在我的系统上运行你的脚本(Ubuntu 14.04 64位,Python 2.7,Sympy时,我得到了

lat_sy - lat_fl = -2.61291277482447e-17

Angular velocity with Sympy latitude (0.267955555555556*pi):
[          0, -7.292115e-5, 0],
[7.292115e-5,            0, 0],
[          0,            0, 0]])

Angular velocity with float latitude (0.841807204822):
[3.3881317890172e-21*sin(0.0001458423*t),                     -7.29211495242194e-5, 0],
[                    7.29211495242194e-5, -3.3881317890172e-21*sin(0.0001458423*t), 0],
[                                      0,                                        0, 0]])

which looks OK.


I'm not sure what to suggest: you could try an older version of Sympy than 0.7.6, or the latest revision from Github.


[In answer to comment] As to why the diagonals are non-zero, my first comment is that 3e-21/7e-5 is about 4e-17; IEEE754 64-bit ("float") numerical precision is around 2e-16. At 3e-21 rad/s one revolution will take 60 trillion years (about 2e21 s). Don't worry about it.

[回答评论]关于为什么对角线不为零,我的第一个评论是3e-21 / 7e-5约为4e-17; IEEE754 64位(“浮点”)数值精度约为2e-16。在3e-21rad / s时,一次旋转需要60万亿年(约2e21秒)。别担心。

I'm not entirely sure what is happening here, but after adding this to your script


def matrix_product_element(a, b, i, j):
    v = a[3*i:3*i+3]
    w = b[j::3]
    summand_list = [v[k]*w[k]
                    for k in range(3)]

    print('element ({},{})'.format(i, j))
    print('  summand_list: {}'.format(summand_list))
    print('  sum(summand_list): {}'.format(sum(summand_list)))
    print('  sum(summand_list).simplify(): {}'.format(sum(summand_list)))

matrix_product_element(RE_fl.diff(t), RE_fl.T, 0, 0)
matrix_product_element(RE_fl.diff(t), RE_fl.T, 1, 0)
matrix_product_element(RE_fl.diff(t), RE_fl.T, 2, 0)

sumlist=[sy.Float(-4.05652668591092e-5,15), sy.Float(7.292115e-5,15), sy.Float(-3.23558831408908e-5,14)]

I get


element (0,0)
  summand_list: [-4.05652668591092e-5*sin(7.292115e-5*t)*cos(7.292115e-5*t), 7.292115e-5*sin(7.292115e-5*t)*cos(7.292115e-5*t), -3.23558831408908e-5*sin(7.292115e-5*t)*cos(7.292115e-5*t)]
  sum(summand_list): 6.7762635780344e-21*sin(7.292115e-5*t)*cos(7.292115e-5*t)
  sum(summand_list).simplify(): 6.7762635780344e-21*sin(7.292115e-5*t)*cos(7.292115e-5*t)
element (1,0)
  summand_list: [4.05652668591092e-5*cos(7.292115e-5*t)**2, 7.292115e-5*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2, 3.23558831408908e-5*cos(7.292115e-5*t)**2]
  sum(summand_list): 7.292115e-5*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2 + 7.292115e-5*cos(7.292115e-5*t)**2
  sum(summand_list).simplify(): 7.292115e-5*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2 + 7.292115e-5*cos(7.292115e-5*t)**2
element (2,0)
  summand_list: [0, 0, 0]
  sum(summand_list): 0
  sum(summand_list).simplify(): 0
[-4.05652668591092e-5, 7.29211500000000e-5, -3.2355883140891e-5]

The coefficients of the first summation should sum to zero, but don't. I've managed to sort-of fake this effect in the last few lines by recreating the coefficients with lower precision (this was just luck, and probably not that signicant). It's "sort-of" since the third value in the list (-3.2355883140891e-5) doesn't match the coefficient in the summand list (-3.23558831408908e-5), which is given to 15 places.


The Sympy docs discuss these sorts of issue here http://docs.sympy.org/dev/gotchas.html#evaluating-expressions-with-floats-and-rationals , with some suggestions on how to mitigate the problem. Here's a straightforward variation on your code, deferring substitution of floats right to the end:


# encoding:utf-8
from IPython.display import display
import sympy as sy

sy.init_printing()  # LaTeX like pretty printing for IPython

def mk_rotmatrix(alpha, coord_ax="x"):
    """ Rotation matrix around coordinate axis """
    ca, sa = sy.cos(alpha), sy.sin(alpha)
    if coord_ax == "x":
        return sy.Matrix([[1,  0,   0],
                          [0, ca, -sa],
                          [0, sa, +ca]])
    elif coord_ax == 'y':
        return sy.Matrix([[+ca, 0, sa],
                          [0,   1,  0],
                          [-sa, 0, ca]])
    elif coord_ax == 'z':
        return sy.Matrix([[ca, -sa, 0],
                          [sa, +ca, 0],
                          [0,    0, 1]])
        raise ValueError("Parameter coord_ax='" + coord_ax +
                         "' is not in ['x', 'y', 'z']!")

# time [s], latitude [rad], earth rate [rad/s]
t, lat, omE = sy.symbols("t, lat, omE", real=True)

RE = (mk_rotmatrix(omE*t, "z") * mk_rotmatrix(lat - sy.pi/2, "y"))

SE = sy.simplify(RE.diff(t) * RE.T)

display(SE.subs({lat: 48.232*sy.pi/180, omE: 7.292115e-5}))

This gives:


[  0, -omE, 0],
[omE,    0, 0],
[  0,    0, 0]])
[          0, -7.292115e-5, 0],
[7.292115e-5,            0, 0],
[          0,            0, 0]])

I prefer this regardless of numerical advantages, since one may learn something from the form of the symbolic solution.






It is a bug. If you don't believe it, try this:


In [1]: from sympy import factor, Symbol

In [2]: factor(1e-20*Symbol('t')-7.292115e-5)
Out[2]: -2785579325.00000

Two years ago, the default value for the parameter tol in RealField.__init__ was changed from None to False in commit polys: Disabled automatic reduction to zero in RR and CC.
Later, tol was reverted back to None to fix a simplification issue, in commit Changed tol on Complex and Real field to None.
It seems the developers didn't expect this reversion would bring some other issue.

两年前,RealField .__ init__中参数tol的默认值在commit polys中从None更改为False:在RR和CC中禁用自动减少为零。后来,tol被恢复为None以修复简化问题,在将Complex和Real字段的提交更改为无。似乎开发人员没想到这种回归会带来一些其他问题。

If you modify tol=None at RealField.__init__ in realfield.py, to tol=False, you will get the correct result for SE_fl.

如果你在Realfield.py中的RealField .__ init__修改tol = None,到tol = False,你将得到SE_fl的正确结果。

[3.3881317890172e-21*sin(0.0001458423*t),                     -7.29211495242194e-5, 0],
[                    7.29211495242194e-5, -3.3881317890172e-21*sin(0.0001458423*t), 0],
[                                      0,                                        0, 0]])

The change of tol can explain why you've got a wrong result, but I don't thint it is the root of the issue.
IMHO, there is a deficiency in the polynomial factorization in SymPy. I'll illustrate this deficiency.
For convenience, let us do some preparation work.
Add the followings to your example.


from sympy import simplify, expand, S
from sympy.polys import factor
from sympy.polys.domains import QQ, RR, RealField
from sympy.polys.factortools import dup_convert
from sympy.polys.polytools import Poly
from sympy.polys.polytools import _symbolic_factor_list, _poly_from_expr
from sympy.polys.polyerrors import PolificationFailed
from sympy.polys import polyoptions as options
from sympy.simplify.fu import TR6

def new_opt():
    args = dict()
    options.allowed_flags(args, [])
    opt = options.build_options((), args)
    return opt

def my_symbolic_factor_list(base):
    opt = new_opt()
        poly, _ = _poly_from_expr(base, opt)
    except PolificationFailed as exc:
        _coeff, _factors = poly.factor_list()
        print(_coeff, _factors)
        return poly

We don't need to study the whole matrices. Let us focus on one element, element at row 1 and column 2. It has already shown the result is incorrect.


In [8]: elm_sy = (RE_sy.diff(t) * RE_sy.T)[1]

In [9]: elm_fl = (RE_fl.diff(t) * RE_fl.T)[1]

In [10]: elm_sy
Out[10]: -7.292115e-5*sin(0.267955555555556*pi)**2*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2 - 7.292115e-5*sin(7.292115e
-5*t)**2*cos(0.267955555555556*pi)**2 - 7.292115e-5*cos(7.292115e-5*t)**2

In [11]: elm_fl
Out[11]: -7.292115e-5*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2 - 7.292115e-5*cos(7.292115e-5*t)**2

In [12]: simplify(elm_sy)
Out[12]: -7.29211500000000e-5

In [13]: simplify(elm_fl)
Out[13]: -2785579325.00000

When we call simplify, in this case, it's almost equivalent to a combination of TR6 and factor.


In [15]: expr_sy = TR6(elm_sy)

In [16]: expr_fl = TR6(elm_fl)

In [17]: expr_fl
Out[17]: 1.35525271560688e-20*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2 - 7.292115e-5

In [18]: factor(expr_fl)
Out[18]: -2785579325.00000

Now, we know wrong results would be produced during the invocation of factor().
Actually, factor is just a wrapper, the major work is done by _symbolic_factor_list.


In [20]: _symbolic_factor_list(expr_fl, opt, 'factor')
Out[20]: (-2785579325.00000, [])

Let us take a look at _symbolic_factor_list. The key part is:


            poly, _ = _poly_from_expr(base, opt)
        except PolificationFailed as exc:
            factors.append((exc.expr, exp))
            func = getattr(poly, method + '_list')

            _coeff, _factors = func()

We use the above my_symbolic_factor_list to simulate this procedure.


In [22]: expand(expr_sy)
Out[22]: -7.29211500000000e-5

In [23]: my_symbolic_factor_list(expr_sy)
can't construct a polynomial from -7.292115e-5*sin(0.267955555555556*pi)**2*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2 -
7.292115e-5*(-sin(0.267955555555556*pi)**2 + 1)*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2 + 7.292115e-5*sin(7.292115e-5*
t)**2 - 7.292115e-5

In [24]: my_symbolic_factor_list(S(1))
can't construct a polynomial from 1

In [25]: expr_fl
Out[25]: 1.35525271560688e-20*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2 - 7.292115e-5    

In [26]: poly_fl = my_symbolic_factor_list(expr_fl)
Poly(-7.292115e-5, sin(7.292115e-5*t), domain='RR')
(-2785579325.00000, [])

By design, the constant polynomial should execute except PolificationFailed as exc: suite, while the other polynomials should execute else: suite.
expr_sy, which is a number after expand(), and 1 are both constant polynomials, thus PolificationFaileds were thrown.
poly_fl is -7.292115e-5 * sin(7.292115e-5*t) ** 0, namely, -7.292115e-5, a constant polynomial, whereas expr_fl is not. They were supposed to be the same polynomial, just different representation. Now they are not.
This is the deficiency I mentioned.

按照设计,常量多项式应该执行,除了PolificationFailed为exc:suite,而其他多项式应该执行else:suite。 expr_sy,它是expand()之后的数字,1是常量多项式,因此抛出了PolificationFailed。 poly_fl是-7.292115e-5 * sin(7.292115e-5 * t)** 0,即-7.292115e-5,常数多项式,而expr_fl不是。它们应该是相同的多项式,只是不同的表示。现在他们不是。这是我提到的不足之处。

Where is the missing 1.35525271560688e-20*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2?
Let us recall: tol was reverted back to None, which means automatic reduction to zero in RR is enabled again.
1.35525271560688e-20 was reduced to zero. Thus, poly_fl became a constant polynomial.
If tol is False, this won't happen.

遗失的地方1.35525271560688e-20 * sin(7.292115e-5 * t)** 2?让我们回想一下:tol被恢复为None,这意味着RR再次启用自动减少到零。 1.35525271560688e-20减少到零。因此,poly_fl变为常数多项式。如果tol为False,则不会发生这种情况。

In [31]: arg2 = expr_fl.args[1].args[0]

In [32]: arg2
Out[32]: 1.35525271560688e-20

In [33]: RR.from_sympy(arg2)
Out[33]: 0.0

In [34]: R = RealField(tol=False)

In [35]: R.from_sympy(arg2)
Out[35]: 1.35525271560688e-20

Now, we can explain why you've got -2785579325.0. In the else: suite, Poly.factor_list is called.
According to docs:




Returns a list of irreducible factors of f.


poly_fl is supposed to be a non constant polynomial, but it is just a number. Thus, SymPy was tring to use a rational number to approximate poly_fl. The numerator is kept, while the denominator is discarded.


In [42]: poly_fl.factor_list()
Out[42]: (-2785579325.00000, [])

In [43]: dup_convert(poly_fl.coeffs(), RR, QQ)
Out[43]: [-2785579325/38199881995827]

In [44]: Poly([S(1.25)], t, domain='RR').factor_list()
Out[44]: (5.00000000000000, [])

In [45]: dup_convert(Poly([S(1.25)], t, domain='RR').coeffs(), RR, QQ)
Out[45]: [5/4]

In [46]: Poly((RE_fl.diff(t) * RE_fl.T)[3].args[0].args[0], t).factor_list()
Out[46]: (1767051195.00000, [])

I don't think we should blame mixing Sympy and float/Numpy data types. This problem is not caused by those pitfalls SymPy mentioned.
Even a very simple factorization can produce a counterintuitive result.

我不认为我们应该责怪混合Sympy和float / Numpy数据类型。这个问题不是由SymPy提到的那些陷阱造成的。即使是非常简单的因子分解也会产生违反直觉的结果。

In [47]: factor(1e-20*t-1.2345e-5)
Out[47]: -539023891.000000

In [48]: factor(S(1e-20)*t-S(1.2345e-5))
Out[48]: -539023891.000000

So it is a bug. Just let the developers fix it.




I think this might be a bug in Sympy; when I run your script on my system (Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit, Python 2.7, Sympy, I get

我认为这可能是Sympy的一个错误;当我在我的系统上运行你的脚本(Ubuntu 14.04 64位,Python 2.7,Sympy时,我得到了

lat_sy - lat_fl = -2.61291277482447e-17

Angular velocity with Sympy latitude (0.267955555555556*pi):
[          0, -7.292115e-5, 0],
[7.292115e-5,            0, 0],
[          0,            0, 0]])

Angular velocity with float latitude (0.841807204822):
[3.3881317890172e-21*sin(0.0001458423*t),                     -7.29211495242194e-5, 0],
[                    7.29211495242194e-5, -3.3881317890172e-21*sin(0.0001458423*t), 0],
[                                      0,                                        0, 0]])

which looks OK.


I'm not sure what to suggest: you could try an older version of Sympy than 0.7.6, or the latest revision from Github.


[In answer to comment] As to why the diagonals are non-zero, my first comment is that 3e-21/7e-5 is about 4e-17; IEEE754 64-bit ("float") numerical precision is around 2e-16. At 3e-21 rad/s one revolution will take 60 trillion years (about 2e21 s). Don't worry about it.

[回答评论]关于为什么对角线不为零,我的第一个评论是3e-21 / 7e-5约为4e-17; IEEE754 64位(“浮点”)数值精度约为2e-16。在3e-21rad / s时,一次旋转需要60万亿年(约2e21秒)。别担心。

I'm not entirely sure what is happening here, but after adding this to your script


def matrix_product_element(a, b, i, j):
    v = a[3*i:3*i+3]
    w = b[j::3]
    summand_list = [v[k]*w[k]
                    for k in range(3)]

    print('element ({},{})'.format(i, j))
    print('  summand_list: {}'.format(summand_list))
    print('  sum(summand_list): {}'.format(sum(summand_list)))
    print('  sum(summand_list).simplify(): {}'.format(sum(summand_list)))

matrix_product_element(RE_fl.diff(t), RE_fl.T, 0, 0)
matrix_product_element(RE_fl.diff(t), RE_fl.T, 1, 0)
matrix_product_element(RE_fl.diff(t), RE_fl.T, 2, 0)

sumlist=[sy.Float(-4.05652668591092e-5,15), sy.Float(7.292115e-5,15), sy.Float(-3.23558831408908e-5,14)]

I get


element (0,0)
  summand_list: [-4.05652668591092e-5*sin(7.292115e-5*t)*cos(7.292115e-5*t), 7.292115e-5*sin(7.292115e-5*t)*cos(7.292115e-5*t), -3.23558831408908e-5*sin(7.292115e-5*t)*cos(7.292115e-5*t)]
  sum(summand_list): 6.7762635780344e-21*sin(7.292115e-5*t)*cos(7.292115e-5*t)
  sum(summand_list).simplify(): 6.7762635780344e-21*sin(7.292115e-5*t)*cos(7.292115e-5*t)
element (1,0)
  summand_list: [4.05652668591092e-5*cos(7.292115e-5*t)**2, 7.292115e-5*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2, 3.23558831408908e-5*cos(7.292115e-5*t)**2]
  sum(summand_list): 7.292115e-5*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2 + 7.292115e-5*cos(7.292115e-5*t)**2
  sum(summand_list).simplify(): 7.292115e-5*sin(7.292115e-5*t)**2 + 7.292115e-5*cos(7.292115e-5*t)**2
element (2,0)
  summand_list: [0, 0, 0]
  sum(summand_list): 0
  sum(summand_list).simplify(): 0
[-4.05652668591092e-5, 7.29211500000000e-5, -3.2355883140891e-5]

The coefficients of the first summation should sum to zero, but don't. I've managed to sort-of fake this effect in the last few lines by recreating the coefficients with lower precision (this was just luck, and probably not that signicant). It's "sort-of" since the third value in the list (-3.2355883140891e-5) doesn't match the coefficient in the summand list (-3.23558831408908e-5), which is given to 15 places.


The Sympy docs discuss these sorts of issue here http://docs.sympy.org/dev/gotchas.html#evaluating-expressions-with-floats-and-rationals , with some suggestions on how to mitigate the problem. Here's a straightforward variation on your code, deferring substitution of floats right to the end:


# encoding:utf-8
from IPython.display import display
import sympy as sy

sy.init_printing()  # LaTeX like pretty printing for IPython

def mk_rotmatrix(alpha, coord_ax="x"):
    """ Rotation matrix around coordinate axis """
    ca, sa = sy.cos(alpha), sy.sin(alpha)
    if coord_ax == "x":
        return sy.Matrix([[1,  0,   0],
                          [0, ca, -sa],
                          [0, sa, +ca]])
    elif coord_ax == 'y':
        return sy.Matrix([[+ca, 0, sa],
                          [0,   1,  0],
                          [-sa, 0, ca]])
    elif coord_ax == 'z':
        return sy.Matrix([[ca, -sa, 0],
                          [sa, +ca, 0],
                          [0,    0, 1]])
        raise ValueError("Parameter coord_ax='" + coord_ax +
                         "' is not in ['x', 'y', 'z']!")

# time [s], latitude [rad], earth rate [rad/s]
t, lat, omE = sy.symbols("t, lat, omE", real=True)

RE = (mk_rotmatrix(omE*t, "z") * mk_rotmatrix(lat - sy.pi/2, "y"))

SE = sy.simplify(RE.diff(t) * RE.T)

display(SE.subs({lat: 48.232*sy.pi/180, omE: 7.292115e-5}))

This gives:


[  0, -omE, 0],
[omE,    0, 0],
[  0,    0, 0]])
[          0, -7.292115e-5, 0],
[7.292115e-5,            0, 0],
[          0,            0, 0]])

I prefer this regardless of numerical advantages, since one may learn something from the form of the symbolic solution.
