
时间:2021-02-04 03:53:35



I am internationalizing an ASP.Net MVC application, but sentences with linked text have given me pause. Take the following as an example:

我正在国际化ASP。Net MVC应用程序,但是带有链接文本的句子让我犹豫。以以下为例:

  • English: "Please login to continue."
  • 中文:“请继续登入。”
  • Português: "Entre por favor para continuar."
  • 葡萄牙语:“中间倾向于延续段。”

Note that since "login" is hyperlinked, I must have the translator denote which corresponding word or phrase should be hyperlinked when the text is localized, e.g. Entre.


I can't be the first to have this problem, so what is the best strategy-solution you have seen or used?


Is there a standard for denoting such things for a translator (and a standard way of using the translated results) ... or have I gone down the wrong path in expecting my content and presentation information to be so tightly coupled (although I can't think of any way to remove the coupling in this case).


Current Implementation:


I am currently using local resource files for Views and an extension method on HtmlHelper to get the localized sting:


<%= Html.Resource("LoginMessage")%>

Update: Please see Keith's answer.


I found it most helpful, but the system auto selected another one.


5 个解决方案



What I'm currently using is he following setup:


I have a global resource file containing my primary texts, named Strings.resx (Strings.NL-nl.resx etc). Next to this I have my global file containing all localizations of my actionlinks. That is: ActionLinks.resx and locals.


Now what I do is, in my Strings.resx I have something like:




Please {0} to continue

请继续{ 0 }

Local language Strings.NL-nl.resx


{0} om verder te gaan


Now the trick is to do something like:


<%= Html.Encode(string.Format(Resources.Strings.ControllernameViewnameKey, 
Html.ActionLink(Resources.ActionLinks.login, "Account", "LogOn")))

If you need more than one variable in your link you can give an array of objects to



The keynaming is my own convention to understand where the maintext is used (what page). Since my maintexts are very specific. Of course keys can be made yourself.


For more information on how I do it you can have a look at my answer on my own question: here




Of course you can use local files instead of global files but I like my strongly typed resources too much for that :).




I think this comes down to 4 choices:


  1. Put a link in your localisation: "Please <a href="#">login</a> to continue"
  2. 在本地化中添加链接:“请登录继续”
  3. Multiple localisations - either:
    1. "Please {0} to continue" and "login", or
    2. “请{0}继续”和“登录”,或
    3. "Please", "login" and " to continue"
    4. “请”、“登入”及“继续”
  4. 多重定位——要么:“请{0}继续”和“登录”,要么“请”、“登录”和“继续”
  5. Markup inside your localisations, for instance:
    1. "Please {0}login{1} to continue"
    2. “请{ 0 } { 1 }继续登录”
    3. "Please {start-login}login{end-login} to continue"
    4. “请{ start-login } { end-login }继续登录”
    5. "Please <a href="{0}">login</a> to continue"
    6. "请登录继续"
  6. 例如:“请{0}登录{1}继续”“请启动登录”{0}“请继续”“请登录继续”
  7. Just don't support it - make the whole sentence a link
  8. 不要支持它——把整个句子变成一个链接

I think there is a major reason to avoid 1 - you mix up localisations and application navigation.


Option 2 ends up with multiple resources for each block of text, but as long as you have good ways of managing all your localisations it shouldn't be an issue. It can be a pain for 3rd-party translators though - you need some way to tell them the context or you get some very weird translations of the individual words.


Option 3 is my preferred solution. You still create issues for your translators though - most will not understand your tokens/HTML/markup in the text. Ours already do some HTML, so 3.3 has worked for us.


Option 4 might be worth considering - do you gain enough in having the link embedded in order to make it worth the extra work and maintenance? It's an important question specific to your application: if the whole sentence is the link (rather than just the active verb - which is link best practice) do you really lose enough to make option 2 or 3 worth the additional effort?


I think this might be why there aren't more standardised ways of doing this as for most projects (maybe 9 times out of 10) option 4 is sufficient, so this only ends up as a problem for some special cases. We have a complex application with around 11,000 pieces of localised text and go for 4 the vast majority of the time, and have only 4 or 5 places where we've had to go with 3.3


Our technical implementation is similar to yours:


<%= Html.Localise("Controller/Action/KeyOfTextOnPage") %>

For links we have a specific helper:


<%= Html.LocaliseLink("Controller/Action/KeyOfTextOnPage", "~/link.aspx") %>
<%= Html.LocaliseAction("Controller/Action/KeyOfTextOnPage", "action", "controller") %>



I'd suggest separating the resource into two values, like this
- 1: Please {0} to continue.
- 2: login

我建议将资源分成两个值,如:1:请{0}继续。- 2:登录

or for Português
- 1: {0} por favor para continuar.
- 2: Entre

或者对于葡萄牙- 1:{0}por,表示对延续的偏好。- 2:之间

And then combine them to build the link and message. {0} is substitued for the link/actionlink/whatever you need.




I'd simply look for custom placeholders that index to the link that you want placed around the text. Eg


"Please #123#login#123# to continue"

If you find #n# in your string, you know that the string that it surrounds should be a link to the url specified by index n in your lookup file (db, or whatever).




I have to agree with other answers - separate in 2.


That said I would add that don't consider the 2 words separated / unrelated. Stick to a simple convention all around like: LoginMessage & LoginMessageLink, corresponding to the whole text of the sentence & the text of the link.

这就是说,我要补充的是,不要把这两个词分开。遵循一个简单的约定:LoginMessage & LoginMessageLink,对应于整个句子的文本和链接的文本。

That's neutral & if that's what needed for the language the translator can have the whole sentence be the link.


If you find yourself needing to link several times to the same page, then instead have some markers for it. Like:


English: "Please ##login## to continue."
Português: "##Entre## por favor para continuar."



What I'm currently using is he following setup:


I have a global resource file containing my primary texts, named Strings.resx (Strings.NL-nl.resx etc). Next to this I have my global file containing all localizations of my actionlinks. That is: ActionLinks.resx and locals.


Now what I do is, in my Strings.resx I have something like:




Please {0} to continue

请继续{ 0 }

Local language Strings.NL-nl.resx


{0} om verder te gaan


Now the trick is to do something like:


<%= Html.Encode(string.Format(Resources.Strings.ControllernameViewnameKey, 
Html.ActionLink(Resources.ActionLinks.login, "Account", "LogOn")))

If you need more than one variable in your link you can give an array of objects to



The keynaming is my own convention to understand where the maintext is used (what page). Since my maintexts are very specific. Of course keys can be made yourself.


For more information on how I do it you can have a look at my answer on my own question: here




Of course you can use local files instead of global files but I like my strongly typed resources too much for that :).




I think this comes down to 4 choices:


  1. Put a link in your localisation: "Please <a href="#">login</a> to continue"
  2. 在本地化中添加链接:“请登录继续”
  3. Multiple localisations - either:
    1. "Please {0} to continue" and "login", or
    2. “请{0}继续”和“登录”,或
    3. "Please", "login" and " to continue"
    4. “请”、“登入”及“继续”
  4. 多重定位——要么:“请{0}继续”和“登录”,要么“请”、“登录”和“继续”
  5. Markup inside your localisations, for instance:
    1. "Please {0}login{1} to continue"
    2. “请{ 0 } { 1 }继续登录”
    3. "Please {start-login}login{end-login} to continue"
    4. “请{ start-login } { end-login }继续登录”
    5. "Please <a href="{0}">login</a> to continue"
    6. "请登录继续"
  6. 例如:“请{0}登录{1}继续”“请启动登录”{0}“请继续”“请登录继续”
  7. Just don't support it - make the whole sentence a link
  8. 不要支持它——把整个句子变成一个链接

I think there is a major reason to avoid 1 - you mix up localisations and application navigation.


Option 2 ends up with multiple resources for each block of text, but as long as you have good ways of managing all your localisations it shouldn't be an issue. It can be a pain for 3rd-party translators though - you need some way to tell them the context or you get some very weird translations of the individual words.


Option 3 is my preferred solution. You still create issues for your translators though - most will not understand your tokens/HTML/markup in the text. Ours already do some HTML, so 3.3 has worked for us.


Option 4 might be worth considering - do you gain enough in having the link embedded in order to make it worth the extra work and maintenance? It's an important question specific to your application: if the whole sentence is the link (rather than just the active verb - which is link best practice) do you really lose enough to make option 2 or 3 worth the additional effort?


I think this might be why there aren't more standardised ways of doing this as for most projects (maybe 9 times out of 10) option 4 is sufficient, so this only ends up as a problem for some special cases. We have a complex application with around 11,000 pieces of localised text and go for 4 the vast majority of the time, and have only 4 or 5 places where we've had to go with 3.3


Our technical implementation is similar to yours:


<%= Html.Localise("Controller/Action/KeyOfTextOnPage") %>

For links we have a specific helper:


<%= Html.LocaliseLink("Controller/Action/KeyOfTextOnPage", "~/link.aspx") %>
<%= Html.LocaliseAction("Controller/Action/KeyOfTextOnPage", "action", "controller") %>



I'd suggest separating the resource into two values, like this
- 1: Please {0} to continue.
- 2: login

我建议将资源分成两个值,如:1:请{0}继续。- 2:登录

or for Português
- 1: {0} por favor para continuar.
- 2: Entre

或者对于葡萄牙- 1:{0}por,表示对延续的偏好。- 2:之间

And then combine them to build the link and message. {0} is substitued for the link/actionlink/whatever you need.




I'd simply look for custom placeholders that index to the link that you want placed around the text. Eg


"Please #123#login#123# to continue"

If you find #n# in your string, you know that the string that it surrounds should be a link to the url specified by index n in your lookup file (db, or whatever).




I have to agree with other answers - separate in 2.


That said I would add that don't consider the 2 words separated / unrelated. Stick to a simple convention all around like: LoginMessage & LoginMessageLink, corresponding to the whole text of the sentence & the text of the link.

这就是说,我要补充的是,不要把这两个词分开。遵循一个简单的约定:LoginMessage & LoginMessageLink,对应于整个句子的文本和链接的文本。

That's neutral & if that's what needed for the language the translator can have the whole sentence be the link.


If you find yourself needing to link several times to the same page, then instead have some markers for it. Like:


English: "Please ##login## to continue."
Português: "##Entre## por favor para continuar."