
时间:2022-08-04 03:50:29

I know this is sort of a please debug my code question, but I really don't know whats going on here.


I just added the content to this page and now none of the external or internal links will work (eg you click on them and nothing happens). The Mega menu drop down works fine and I can click on links on it, but the links in the text dont work, and neither do any on the sidebars

我刚刚将内容添加到此页面,现在没有任何外部或内部链接可以工作(例如,您单击它们并且没有任何反应)。 Mega菜单下拉工作正常,我可以点击它上面的链接,但文本中的链接不起作用,并且侧边栏上都没有

Here is the page that is causing the problems



here is a similar page that has no issue.



I can click the Back to CourseList button which I Can't on the first.

我可以点击Back to CourseList按钮,我不能在第一个按钮。

This is not just a problem with my machine, I have tried from another machine and an Iphone with same result.


I can't see any javascript errors but I assume it is something to do with the plugin that marks the links as external though that plugin works elsewhere on my site.


Any suggestions?

1 个解决方案



I guess you have some errors in your HTML code (wrong nesting of tags or something or you did not close a tag right). If I want to inspect the "Back to course button" with Firefox I get the following



It seems that the #content-blocks div is empty. Also the source code view of your page underlines me some tags red:

看来#content-blocks div是空的。此外,您网页的源代码视图还为我添加了一些红色标记:


Normally this means that there are some HTML errors. Here the output of the HTML validator: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cookingisfun.ie%2Fcookery-courses%2Fcourse-details%2F101618%2FGuest-Chef-Diana-Kennedy-at-Kerrygold-Ballymaloe-Litfest&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0

通常这意味着存在一些HTML错误。这里是HTML验证器的输出:http://validator.w3.org/check?uri = http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cookingisfun.ie%2Fcookery-courses%2Fcourse-details%2F101618%2FGuest-Chef-Diana-肯尼迪-AT-Kerrygold-Ballymaloe-Litfest&字符集=%28detect +自动%29&DOCTYPE =内嵌&组= 0



I guess you have some errors in your HTML code (wrong nesting of tags or something or you did not close a tag right). If I want to inspect the "Back to course button" with Firefox I get the following



It seems that the #content-blocks div is empty. Also the source code view of your page underlines me some tags red:

看来#content-blocks div是空的。此外,您网页的源代码视图还为我添加了一些红色标记:


Normally this means that there are some HTML errors. Here the output of the HTML validator: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cookingisfun.ie%2Fcookery-courses%2Fcourse-details%2F101618%2FGuest-Chef-Diana-Kennedy-at-Kerrygold-Ballymaloe-Litfest&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0

通常这意味着存在一些HTML错误。这里是HTML验证器的输出:http://validator.w3.org/check?uri = http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cookingisfun.ie%2Fcookery-courses%2Fcourse-details%2F101618%2FGuest-Chef-Diana-肯尼迪-AT-Kerrygold-Ballymaloe-Litfest&字符集=%28detect +自动%29&DOCTYPE =内嵌&组= 0