如何将选择的存储过程映射到EF 3.5中的实体?

时间:2022-06-10 02:33:10

Maybe I'm missing something here... we are trying to adopt a framework for data access and have been exploring EF3.5.


Everything we do in our organization is required to be in a stored procedure so the DBA's can have a feeling of control. If I generate my entities from my database schema, I see how to map stored procedures to the update/insert/delete commands of an entity, but there is no mapping for the retrieval of the data.

我们在组织中所做的一切都需要在存储过程中,因此DBA可以有一种控制感。如果我从我的数据库模式生成实体,我会看到如何将存储过程映射到实体的update / insert / delete命令,但是没有用于检索数据的映射。

Is this always internal to the framework, or can we somehow map our retrieval procedures to their respective entities? If it is internal, is it possible to view/modify the generated sql?


Thanks in advance for your help.


1 个解决方案



When creating a model you are able to add a stored procedure to it.
In case these stored procedures are returning collections of Entity types they can be added to the model.
Open the model in designer, right-click on the procedure and select the "Create Function Import" option. Specify the correct return type, and you'll get a method retreiving entities.




When creating a model you are able to add a stored procedure to it.
In case these stored procedures are returning collections of Entity types they can be added to the model.
Open the model in designer, right-click on the procedure and select the "Create Function Import" option. Specify the correct return type, and you'll get a method retreiving entities.
