通过mysql和Entity Framework中的关系访问表的问题

时间:2021-09-09 02:13:46

I am using C# and the Entity Framework to access a MySQL database. I am grabbing the results of a stored procedure, and trying to turn them into a list of objects, However whenever it comes to the part what references a table through a one to many relationship, it fails with the error

我正在使用C#和Entity Framework来访问MySQL数据库。我抓住存储过程的结果,并尝试将它们转换为对象列表。但是,无论何时通过一对多关系引用表的部分,它都会因错误而失败

There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first.

The code I am using is here:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Objects;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CarHireCommon.DataObjects;

namespace CarHireServer
    public class DatabaseHandler
        protected static DatabaseHandler instance;
        protected carhireEntities1 Entities;
        public static DatabaseHandler GetInstance()
            if (instance == null)
                instance = new DatabaseHandler();
            return instance;

    public DatabaseHandler()
        Entities = new carhireEntities1();

        public List<AvailableAssets> GetAvailableAssets(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            ObjectResult<asset> res = Entities.GetAvailableAssets(startDate, endDate);

            List<AvailableAssets> list = new List<AvailableAssets>();
            foreach(var assetRes in res)
                AvailableAssets asset=new AvailableAssets();
                asset.id = assetRes.id;
                asset.Comment = assetRes.comments;
                asset.Make = assetRes.make;
                asset.Model = assetRes.model;
                asset.Fuel = assetRes.fuel;
                asset.LongTerm = assetRes.longterm;
                // This is the line that errors:
                asset.Category = assetRes.category.categoryname;

            return list;

I have allready told it which table the Stored Procedure returns, and the other variables access correctly.


I have also tried doing it the long way with:


var cat = from b in Entities.categories where b.id == assetRes.category_id select b;
asset.Category = cat.FirstOrDefault<category>().categoryname;

However the thing still exceptions with the exact same error.


1 个解决方案



I found C# Entity Framework: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first which will probably help you exactly with this question.

我找到了C#Entity Framework:已经有一个与此Connection相关联的开放DataReader,必须首先关闭它,这可能会帮助您完全解决这个问题。




I found C# Entity Framework: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first which will probably help you exactly with this question.

我找到了C#Entity Framework:已经有一个与此Connection相关联的开放DataReader,必须首先关闭它,这可能会帮助您完全解决这个问题。