如何在DropDownList中使用实体对象导航属性在我强类型的ASP.NET MVC上创建和编辑视图?

时间:2021-09-09 02:13:58

I've got an Entity Data Model with Product and Family types. Each Product has one Family.


I'm using this model with an ASP.NET MVC web site. I want Family DropDownLists on the Create and Edit Views of my Product controller.

我在ASP.NET MVC网站上使用此模型。我想在我的产品控制器的创建和编辑视图上使用Family DropDownLists。

How Do I Use Entity Object Navigation Properties in a DropDownList on my Strongly Typed ASP.NET MVC Create and Edit Views?

如何在我的强类型ASP.NET MVC创建和编辑视图的DropDownList中使用实体对象导航属性?

The following code fails...




// POST: /Product/Create

public ActionResult Create(Product p)
    return RedirectToAction("Index");

Create View:


    <label for="Family">Family:</label>
    <%= Html.DropDownList("Family", new SelectList((IEnumerable)ViewData["Families"], "Id", "Name"))%>
    <%= Html.ValidationMessage("Family", "*")%>

Can I do this without using a FormCollection? I would rather keep it a strongly-typed Product.


3 个解决方案



At present state you can't use foreign keys to make your binding. You have to manualy update a relation between a product and a family. for that you should add a familyid parameter to your "post" action. And assign product.family to families.Where(f=>f.id = famylyId)

目前,您无法使用外键进行绑定。您必须手动更新产品与家庭之间的关系。为此,您应该在“post”操作中添加familyid参数。并将product.family分配给families.Where(f => f.id = famylyId)



Right, so you'll be needing something other than your entity object to get the referential lists back. I see you fetching a select list from the ViewData collection bag but don't see it going in. As long as you have it going in either the ViewData or a ViewModel object, you'll be fine.


To the part about your foreign key... as alex stated the current rev of EF doesn't support direct exposure of the foreign keys as simple properties. I believe this is set to change in 2.0 but in the meantime do a search for faking foreign key properties (SO won't allow me to post links yet). It works for me.




Assuming that Product has a Families property (or is a Linq entity with a Foreing Key constraint)

假设Product具有Families属性(或者是具有Foreing Key约束的Linq实体)

<%= Html.DropDownList("Family", new SelectList(model.Families, "Id", "Name"))%>



At present state you can't use foreign keys to make your binding. You have to manualy update a relation between a product and a family. for that you should add a familyid parameter to your "post" action. And assign product.family to families.Where(f=>f.id = famylyId)

目前,您无法使用外键进行绑定。您必须手动更新产品与家庭之间的关系。为此,您应该在“post”操作中添加familyid参数。并将product.family分配给families.Where(f => f.id = famylyId)



Right, so you'll be needing something other than your entity object to get the referential lists back. I see you fetching a select list from the ViewData collection bag but don't see it going in. As long as you have it going in either the ViewData or a ViewModel object, you'll be fine.


To the part about your foreign key... as alex stated the current rev of EF doesn't support direct exposure of the foreign keys as simple properties. I believe this is set to change in 2.0 but in the meantime do a search for faking foreign key properties (SO won't allow me to post links yet). It works for me.




Assuming that Product has a Families property (or is a Linq entity with a Foreing Key constraint)

假设Product具有Families属性(或者是具有Foreing Key约束的Linq实体)

<%= Html.DropDownList("Family", new SelectList(model.Families, "Id", "Name"))%>